
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Zendala Dare #42

I finally got up my nerve to try a Zendala Dare from Erin at The Bright Owl. Here is my first ever:


  1. You've done a beautiful job on your first Zendala. Your line work is wonderful. Hope you'll join in every week!

  2. Thanks, Ronnie. I loved yours as well. Your work is just outstanding! I think I will have to follow you on flickr.

  3. If this is your first one, I do hope we will see more of your work around here. Your linework is great, and the result is stunning!

  4. I van not see that this your first! Beautiful paterns used and à gourgous zendala you made. Compliments.

    1. Thank you so much, Carmela. I hope to do more of these in the future.

  5. Welcome, and thank you for sharing with us. This is a beautiful Zendala - amazing linework, 'specially love the rounded "petal" part that you've made look like an exotic lily; with an art deco background. Lovely. (I also want to say that I LOVE your blog header picture and title " A journey down Tangle Street, learning as we go" - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!)

    1. Maybe I should just post and let you describe my work! An exotic lily, wow! Thanks :)

  6. Welcome to the zany world of zendalas. Is always nice to have new postings. Everyone's are unique. This dates me but when I first looked at it and saw the one at the 9 o'clock position, it reminded me of Woody Woodpecker.

  7. Great to see you here, Jean! Your zendala is really beautiful.

  8. Welcome Jean - so glad you joined the Dare! how fun!! You've done a beautiful tile and your linework is so clean and perfectly drawn - hope to see you around some more :)

  9. Very elegant. Graceful use of the line patterns (paradox?)

  10. Really lovely work! I agree that it looks like lilies. There's an asymmetric symmetry (can't think of how else to describe it) that gives this zendala a very sophisticated look. Can't wait to see more from you.
