
Monday, July 22, 2013

A Dare, A Challenge a TOW, and Journaling Play

Another fun filled week of dares, challenges, contests, and play. I finally jumped in on the Diva Challenge. They always look like so much fun, but time wasn't on my side. Hopefully, it is from this point forward.

The two pencil challenge took me back to my art teacher days when I would have my students draw this way sometimes just for fun. It was fun to do it again:

Challenge From: I Am the Diva

And, every week I have been doing the Dare from Erin at The Bright Owl. I added Annee to this one in its "normal" usage:

I have been "trying" to win some of the new Tangle card packs from Sandy Steen Bartholomew. I have entered this one, based on her tangle "Annee" on her Facebook page. If you want to see a lot of great ones, take a peek.

I worked VERY hard trying how to do this in the round. It was difficult for my little brain, but I finally got it. I did this one too but added Fife so I could add it to my Yahoo Group TOW (tangle of the week).

For the "play" part, there is one last one, but you will have to look on my Art Journal Alleyway on the top tabs on this blog to see it.

Thanks for stopping by :) 


  1. They are all so very beautiful Jean! I think the Dare is my favorite, I keep looking at it!

  2. Thank you, Annemarie. It was interesting for me to try to put Annee in several items.

  3. Beautiful work on everything!

  4. very beautiful work, love your Zendala

  5. You've been busy. Very nice work. Good luck on Sandy's contest!

    1. I really would love those cards so I thought I should try to do something really different with Sandy's tangle. Boy, did I have a time trying to bend the straight Annee. The tangle does it easily, my mind didn't HAHA! Thanks for the good luck!

  6. All are so wonderful! Especially I love your zendala. The composition is well-balanced. Great shading! Very nicely done!

    1. Thank you, Lonett. I think it is one of my favorites. I tend to overstuff my zendalas and I think I left this one a little less cluttered.

  7. Lovely Zendala !
    I did Annee in the centre of my Zendala, I love this tangle and will use is much more in the future.

    1. I looked at your too. I love what you did with it. Thanks for designing such a great zendala for us to work with.

  8. Nice work. I really like your Zendala this week!

    Be creative and catch some Happy!

    Jacque Solomon

    1. Thank you. Did you know that Mariet, comment above, did the design for this zendala? Check hers out too. It's beautiful.

  9. lovely very nice I really like the Tangle Annee you have done nice work

  10. Wow! I am so impressed with what you did with the template this week!

    1. Thanks, Jane. I MUST remember the KISS principle. I ALWAYS seem to overdo and, for once, I didn't :)

  11. Nice nice work on all of them!
