
Monday, July 8, 2013

But It's a Dry Heat

This week's Dare from Erin at The Bright Owl was to do a Zendala using tangles that start with letters either in the word Hot or Heat. Well, living in the Phoenix area of AZ where it was 118 degrees last week, that was a fun one to do. I settled on Hollibaugh, Efilys, Arc Flower and Tidings:

 I also had some fun with some Celtic Knots that were freehand stye a la Patrick Gallagher.

I used Copics and Sharpie pens.

Then, I pulled out some tiles that I had drizzled some rubber cement on. After it dried, I watercolored the sections. After that dried, I rubbed off the rubber cement and tangled.

Footprints, Dyon, Hurry, Diva Dance, Sez, Rain,  Flux

Still trying to do different tangles.

Snail, Cubine, Facets, Stricles

As you can see, I was still in the Celtic Knot mode a bit.

If you've never tried this, it makes for a fun string.

And finally, a few ATC that I did as a trade for my Yahoo Group done in the style of In the style of Karin Kuhlmann. If you have not seen her work, do look it up. 

She does beautiful digital work. I haven't even come close to representing her, but I enjoyed trying.

Aqua Markers, colored pencils, Sharpie pens.


  1. I enjoyed looking at all your beautiful artwork. You have been very creative!

  2. Your zendala is great, I like Hollibaugh going under the squares. I especially like the last two ones you showed.

    1. Thanks for noticing the Hollibaugh going under the squares, Annemarie. I wondered if anyone would. You really do take the time to decompose the works you look at. I wish I could be more aware. Maybe when I have worked with this longer and have more command of the different tangles I will. I hope.

  3. It´s a beautiful zendala. I love the tangles you chose. The composition is well-balanced between dark and light!
    Also your other artwork is absolutely wonderful. I love the way of coloring so much!! Very creative! Great job!

    1. Lonetta, thank you for your kind words AND for joining my site. I hope to see you visit often. I looked at your site and enjoyed your work. I loved your purple flowers too!

  4. Wow! You have been very busy girl! All your art is beautiful, and your zendala is gorgeous. Very well balanced with great use of lights and darks.
