
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dare # 75, Alice Gets Lost in Wonderland

In week's Zentangle class, my students worked on tangling gardens. Do check out their work on the "Workshop" tab above. I did one of my own by "borrowing" an Internet coloring book picture of Alice and the Cheshire cat and pasting them where I needed them to be in the completed piece on a word document. Then I printed the page out on watercolor paper. Next, I added my tangled garden using pen, ink and Copics.

I thought the pink Mooka looked kind of like the flamingo's used for the croquet game, and Diva Dance worked perfectly for the tree's texture.
The Zendala Dare this week, from Erin and The Bright Owl, was a pretty one. I enjoyed working on it. She also had given us a new tangle to play with called Solow. Do check that out as well.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Weekly Challenge #137, a TOW, and Some Organic Tangles

Laura, the Diva, has given us an interesting challenge this week. Knightsbridge and Tipple. Two very easy tangles, so what to do to make them interesting. Here's mine:
I was playing with my Twinkle H2O watercolors again. I just love the look of them. You can't really see the beautiful colors here, trust me, they are. My Yahoo Group had a TOW using Opus:
And, finally, some organic tangles just to please my friend Amy. Check out her NEW tangle blog and leave her a welcoming comment. New bloggers need a lot of encouragement :) (And, she does beautiful work besides!)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Zendala Dare #74 and a Bunny

Not much to share today. I have been very hard at work doing samples for my Zentangle classes. I have such wonderful students and I want to give them all that I have. So, I can't yet post my garden tangles or my steampunk tangles, but I will after the classes are over :)
The Zendala Dare from Erin at the Bright Owl kind of reminded me of skate boards, having had 4 boys HAHA. I used some tangles that I have never used before like Iron Gate, Coral Seeds, and Foliole. Not my best, but I will share anyway:
And, from the Ornate Animals group on Facebook, I did a bunny using Copics:
Check out my Workshop page and see some of my great students' work too.
Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Diva Challenge #136, New Facebook Group for Tanglers

The Diva asked for color this week. Color she got:

I used Copics, my black Micron, and a purple Sharpie.
Tangles = Henna Drum, Squid

There is a new group on Facebook for people who like to use templates to add their tangles.  Ornate Animal Illustrations. I have done two so far. One in black and white and the second one has color added. Can you tell I am taking an online class from Strathmore with the background? They have free classes. Right now, I'm taking the one with Jane LaFazio and Joanne Sharpe and they both recommend a background border:

ane LaFazio and Joanne Sharpe
Artful Card-Making Techniques
Start date: September 3, 2013
Instructors: Jane LaFazio and Joanne Sharpe - See more at:

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Zendala Dare #73, Diva Challenge #135, and Water Color Play

I got a new set of watercolors this week. The set is from Jack Richeson and has 22 pans of luscious colors. I picked up at AZ Art Supply since I now get a teacher discount. WooHoo! So, lots of playing with those. on these:

This was for the Diva Challenge, Well, a new tangle from Rick and Maria.

These two were just for fun.  Remember fun?
Mooka, Jetties, Zander

The Zendala Dare from Erin at The Bright Owl probably wasn't supposed to turn into pumpkins, but I couldn't help it. That's what mine wanted to be. I LOVE Halloween :) A little Nipa and Printemps.
And finally, (well not really, there's lots more but you don't have to see everything HAHA), my Yahoo Group TOW (Tangle of the Week) was to do Riki Tiki. I used my Chaz and added some Tipple.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dare # 72 and Quib, the New Zentangle

Well, Erin at the Bright Owl really handed us a difficult assignment this week. We tanglers tend to use very fine pens, meaning thin point, for our most delicate work. Occasionally, we might use a pen with a thicker point to do large fill-in areas. This week, we were to choose our "fatty" pen and do absolutely everything with that one pen. All I could find in my studio (that could be a page and a half on its own LOL) was a .6mm = pretty chunky. It does make you think of what kind of patterns would work on the template. I chose Bales, Betweed, and Mysteria:
I also belong to a group of great tanglers who meet once a month to push each other to grow in our art. We did some flower tangles and then worked on the new tangle, Quid:

Mine is the full color one.

Mine is the top right one. I have some excellent roll models in my group. They all do such beautiful work.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Zentangle Two Class Photos, Diva Challenge #134, Tangled Tanegram

My Zentangle Two class did some mighty nice tangling. The classes learned all about tangle enhancers, learned more about what a ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) is, about color, shading, and they worked white on black. Missed taking my early class photos :(

The Diva's Weekly Challenge, #134, Beams by Traci F was so much fun that I think I went off the deep end with it. Not sure if I kept any of the original pattern to it. I LOVE everything that Traci F does, so I was so happy for her that the Diva selected her tangle for us to play with.

 And, finally, a tangram just because:

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend Fun

I hope all of you who celebrate Labor Day are have a good day relaxing and doing a little tangling too. I have been. I did the Erin's Dare for The Bright Owl and had fun trying to make the hearts and flowers not look like hearts and flowers:

For some reason, I feel the need to fight the obvious. But that's my problem, I suppose :)

I really needed to play with my H2O Twinkle paints, so I splashed on a round coaster (information on them is on my Facebook page, then tangled with a Sharpie permanent marker when I found the absorbent nature of the coaster wasn't the best thing for my good pens:

 When I was at Joann's last week poking around (you never know what you may find that you didn't know you needed) I came across a package of paper flowers in the children's craft section. They are about 4"x6" and were less than two dollars for 18 of them. They have a backing that peels off so you can stick them onto something later if you like. The paper is slick, so I found I had to be careful of smearing as I worked. After it was dry, it didn't smear any longer. These were first done with the twinkle paints too:   

 A little odd, but something different to try anyway.