
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Zentangle Two Class Photos, Diva Challenge #134, Tangled Tanegram

My Zentangle Two class did some mighty nice tangling. The classes learned all about tangle enhancers, learned more about what a ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) is, about color, shading, and they worked white on black. Missed taking my early class photos :(

The Diva's Weekly Challenge, #134, Beams by Traci F was so much fun that I think I went off the deep end with it. Not sure if I kept any of the original pattern to it. I LOVE everything that Traci F does, so I was so happy for her that the Diva selected her tangle for us to play with.

 And, finally, a tangram just because:


  1. Lovely tiles! Great variations of Beamz!

  2. Thank you Lonetta. It is a very versatile tangle, I think, and fun to do.

  3. You can see you had fun doing Beamz!!! Grear tile
