
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Challenge of 8s Parte Dos, C-Bun, and a Card

The Diva challenged us to use a tangle by CZT Jane Eileen called 8s Parte Dos. I have attempted to do this tangle a few times before but really have some brain connection problems with some tangles. This was one of them for me. So, I had put it aside. Along comes the challenge and I had to try it again. I am too embarrassed to let you know how many pages and pages of my notebook are filled with my attempts to understand the ins and outs of this tangle. But, with determination, I finally actually not only got it, but understand it. It is really a great tangle and has a lot of design possibilities. If you haven't tried it, do so.

A new tangle was posted on Tangle Patterns called C-Bun. I happen to love cinnamon buns, so I had to try it.

And, finally, my tangling group leader of the month brought in some great tags that slide into a holder for us to make some cards. I, sadly, have a friend in need of some cheering up, so I made the card for him. The tag slides into the holder and the pattern is repeated on the inside and out with room for the hidden message inside the holder. Then it goes on a backing, on to a card with a personal message inside and off to the mailbox hoping to bring at least a little smile.

With them put together:


  1. You did it! Congrats! Remind me next time I see you, and I can show you another trick for it. I taught it in a class, and with verbal instruction to accompany the stepouts, it is a piece of cake!

    1. Thanks. I need a new notebook HAHA! I think I have it down now with a chant of "in, out, in, out" but I would be happy for any other trick you might share. Piece of cake sounds good to me. By the way, the cake you served was yummy!

    2. I want in on that cake! This tangle is making mush out of my brain!!! Love the bird cards BTW -- absolutely perfect!

    3. Thanks Amy. We will work on that tangle one of these days...with cake!

  2. I agree, Jean. This tangle was a true challenge. I like what you came up with and glad you eventually found you liked the tangle. Your other art posts are great. I especially love the card you did for your friend. So cute!

    1. Thanks, Ronnie. I was glad I pushed myself to understand the steps.

  3. Wonderful job, way to stick with it and create such lovely tiles.

    1. I appreciate your comments, Daniele. Thanks for stopping by :)

  4. Power to you for keeping at it! It was definitely a tough challenge.

    I love that little bird card--adorable!

    1. Thanks Karen. I have been thinking about it and the name of the game we were playing was "challenge". Therefore, it shouldn't have been easy really. I'm glad for the push though.

  5. Beautifully done! I can understand what you say, as I threw almost a whole notebook trying to tangle 8s!! :-) You did a great job with your tile!

    1. HAHA Cecilia! Me too. But we all learned something. For some people, grids are easy and others are more comfortable with the organic shapes. This seemed to be a challenge for most, but now that I "get" it, I'm finding myself playing with it more and more. I even went back to the ones that I "messed" up and did something with them. We have to remember the "no mistakes" part of Zentangle :)

  6. Yes, this week it is a real challenge! I think you did very well with this tile. Your card is gorgeous!! Great idea!

    1. Than ks, Lonetta. I hope the card got to my friend. Haven't heard anything. I was worried when I put it into the mail as it is a bit heavier and I should have taped up the envelope too.

  7. Nice touch to use Keeko as a background. This was definitely a challenge.

    1. Yes, it was a challenge for a lot of us. But, I can see that so many were able to come up with lovely tiles from it, so it was definitely worth a second look at this tangle.

  8. It was hard work but ..... you mastered it!!!

    1. Well, master may be pushing it, Annemarie LOL! I am getting more comfortable though. I'm not a fan of grid tangles though. Just a bit restrictive sometimes. I know there are ways to make them flow better and I will just have to work on that aspect of Zentangle.
