
Monday, November 25, 2013

Dare #81, Diva Challenge Well & Pean-nuckle, and a TOW

The Zendala Dare for this week really appealed to me in its plain state. There was something about the shape that I found compelling. However, I did have more difficulty than usual selecting tangles to place into it especially after I saw some of the completed Zendals of others. I finally ignored those beauties and just went off on my own. And, I like it:

On to the Diva Challenge. This week, she once more pulled out some that I do find a challenge: Pea-nuckle and Well.

And, finally, the TOW, Tangle of the Week, from my Yahoo Group was to use Cadox by Margaret Bremner. This was a really fun one to do on one of my painted ATCs:

Monday, November 18, 2013


Quib is the tangle that was taught when I went for my CZT, Certified Zentangle Teacher, (11) training this summer. I found it interesting in that it was a lot like Hollibaugh but with twists, turns, and a beginning and ending place. So many things could be done with this tangle. The Diva challenged us to use this tangle for week #145.

I did peek at a few that were done before me. Obviously, I didn't let those influence me. Other people do such beautiful tiles. I always feel like a misplaced paperdoll when I look at mine next to theirs. (Those of you who are older will remember playing with paperdolls. Sometimes you had a beautiful and delicate adult figure but you also played with a larger sized baby paper doll at the same time. They were almost comical next to each other.)

I did several of these in ATC size and I am going to show them all anyway :) Your opinions are always appreciated.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Diva Challenge #144

The Diva Challenge this week was inspired from a video from Samantha Taylor, and Sakura America. You will find a link on the bottom right hand side of my blog. It's a cute, and short, video that was very motivating. I have some of the Sakura gel pens. They are ooooo shiny and fun to work with. I especially like the clear one that just makes things look wet. We were to include an insect in our tile. Normally, I gravitate to butterflies but I also love little ladybugs. When I was little, I actually saw a florescent pink one. I decided to do this one red because I'm sure no one would believe me anyway :)

I used a grey gel pen for the shading and a green colored pencil for the background. The shape came from a wooden ladybug piece that I had from Michael's. I used the tangles Finery and Hurry.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Dare and Some Jewelry Ideas

I actually finished the Zendala Dare early (for me) this week. I don't have much else to share as I am working furiously (mindfully though) on my ATCs for the CZT swap. I have decided to do TWO decks (yes, crazy)! I will post ALL of them when I have finished. So, here is the Dare from The Bright Owl. I used Ixorus and Fracas with some black pearls:
I am doing a class on using Zentangle on jewelry pieces this upcoming Friday at Hobby Lobby. Check the Workshops and Classes page for more information. (Forgive the glare, they aren't actually scratched like they look.)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Dare, A Challenge, and the Tangle of the Week

I am running a bit behind this week. We were gone for a few days for a friend's wedding. I'm up and running again and have completed the Challenge, Dare, and TOW.

The Diva challenged us to do a tangle called Cruze, by Caren Mlot. This is a fun tangle which I did on a water colored ATC. Trying to kill two birds with one stone, this ATC will go with my deck of cards CZT (Certified Zentangle Teacher) swap.
The Zendala Dare #79 for the week was to do something to thank the founders of Zentangle, Rick and Maria, by doing something that makes us think of them. I am ever so grateful for having Zentangle in my life and I count my CZT training as a highlight of my life as well. I always think of Maria when I attempt Mooka (you must watch this video if you have never seen Maria do Mooka). I say attempt, because once you watch this, you will know why LOL! Then, Paradox is just Rick to me. Probably because his name is on it :)
And, finally, the TOW from my Yahoo group was to use Zinbolic by Patty Meijer. I also used some Antidots and a variant of Crescent Moon: