
Monday, January 13, 2014

Zentangle® BIG Style, Inchie, Challenge and a Dare

I thought I would start this week with the Diva's Challenge this week, to use one word for the year. I know my word ZENTANGLE! Surprise HAHA!! I decided to do this on a big posterboard so I could take it with me on demos and such.

While I was out, buying posterboard, I thought it might be fun to work on black too. So, I added some of the things that happen once you know Zentangle, like Zendalas, and ZIAs.

Next came the Zendala Dare with a template that just screamed Bunzo to me. I LOVE Bunzo.

Then, came this week's Inchie with Amulet as the word for this week. Add a little of my Copics, some glitter glue, some bling, a variation of Verve and a little stone in the center. Here's to good luck to everyone!

So as not to overwhelm anyone, if you're not already, I have added to my Art Journaling page (click on the tab above if interested) with this week's Journal 52 challenge. Somewhere, a simple place.
See you all next week :)


  1. Ha! I love that "Zentangle" is your word! Hope you have a tangle-filled 2014 :)

    1. Everyone else had such motivational words. But, I had to be truthful HAHA! Thanks, Kailey.

  2. Love your word and the idea of making it a poster board for classes. Thanks for sharing. NancyD

    1. Thank you, Nancy. Tomorrow, I am going to go to my granddaughter's school to give a demo/class on Zentangle. I will bring my poster to share.

  3. How Fun is that! Nice piece too!

    1. Thanks, Kate. I'm not sure what "fun" you are referring to, but I always have fun :) Life is so much better that way. (It did take me a long time to figure that out though LOL)

    2. I meant that having Zentangle for a word is fun! and also the great work on all of your pieces this week! I wouldn't have thought about using it for a word... a neat choice!

    3. Ah, yes, even the word by itself can make me smile. As I think it probably does for most of us "tanglers."

  4. I LOVE your inchie! It's awesome!

    1. Thank you, Jenn. It's a new art form for me and I am enjoying the challenge of working small.

  5. I really wish I had the steady eye/hand ability to make zentangles. But I just dont have the patience. lol I love yours, so cool and artisitc. Not sure what a Zia is but where I work a Zia is the name of a supervisor lol great job.

    1. My friend was recently on a long train trip and she found that her Zentangles were very wobbly with unexpected departures from where she thought she was going. Zentangle is so great because the outcome is not what is important, it is the journey. Don't give up on Zentangle, try it for what it was meant to be, a relaxing and medatative art form with no expected outcome and no mistakes. A ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) on the other hand DOES have a plan and expected results. It would be something like drawing a picture first and then adding tangles to the picture, or using large paper or paints. That's fun too.

  6. Jean, I think that your word, says it all!!! Very clever and yet quite meaningful!! :0) And it is soooooo nice to see you Inching!!! Beautiful work on everything!!! :0) Share Humanity

    1. Annette, I am loving these Inchies and especially seeing what people come up with. Fascinating. And, I am meeting even more talented artists along the way. Thanks for your comment!

  7. Great inchie amulet & I caught up with your journal52 as well! Hope I can keep going with that one as its my first foray into journaling :-)


    1. That's great, Sally. What I like about art journaling is that anything goes. You can just scribble on a page, paste on pictures, paint, glue, rip, well, just have fun. Don't think of letting that "inner critic" stop you. Your art journal is for you, so who cares? Just enjoy it. Kristal Norton has a great, free, video series on getting started with art journaling. I highly recommend it.

  8. Jean, these are beautiful!! You have beautiful lettering style. I love those colours you used on the black.

    1. Ah, Zoe, I should have fessed right up front that I used wooden letters to trace. VERY un-Zentangle to trace. Sigh. If I had written the letters myself, you wouldn't even know what it says HAHA! The black was a lot of fun. I used Sharpies in Silver metalic for the bold lines and then used Pentel Slicci pens for the finer lines. Thanks for the kind words!

  9. All are so very beautiful Jean, I LOVE the letters you used on the boards.
    Your zendala is lovely, but most of all a LOVE the amulet!

    1. Thank you, Annemarie. Read my response to Zoe above about the lettering. I have a big box full of different sized letters to "cheat" on lettering :) The amulet was fun. You should jump into doing the Inchies with us. They are quick and easy little works of art that set your brain a thinking!

  10. Nice! I really like how you worked your word into the tile and the poster board is a nice sampler for a class.

    1. Thanks, Susan. It's nice to get something useful out of Zentangle once in a while. That's why I like bookmarkers and such too.

  11. Fabulous zentangles, and a lovely inchie.

    1. Thank you, Wendy. I appreciate your nice comments and for taking the time to stop by and look!

  12. What a brilliant idea! And really beautifully done too....if Zentangle is your word, then write it big, I say (and in white and red and glittery colours too!) I think you're going to have a great year.

    1. Thank you, Annie. With Zentangle and all my new cyber buddies, how could it be anything but a good year!

  13. WOW!!!! really admire your Zentangle skills!!! Mine always looks a bit of a mess if I am honest! Your inchie looks fabulous x

    1. Ahh, Karen, you sound like me. Why are we always thinking our work is not as good as someone elses? I do the same thing. So, it is especially nice to read positive comments. Thank you so much for those positive pushes forward. You know, "style" includes freer flowing works. Zentangle needs not be perfect. Love YOUR style and embrace it!

  14. I love your inchie, it's fabulous.
    Xxx Hazel

    1. Thanks, Hazel. Inchies are new to me and I think they are so much fun!

  15. Great word choice and a beautiful piece. I love Bunzo, too. Thanks for sharing your work. I am new to Zentangle, since just before Thanksgiving, so I'm learning a lot from the work of others. I'm off to check out your Art Journaling.

    My word is CREATE. This is the third year I've done the one word thing. I've loved it in the past and look forward to whatever this year brings. Especially now that tangling will be a part of it.

    Best wishes for a wonderful new year for you and yours.

    1. Robin, I know you will have a good year if Create is your prompt. Enjoy every minute!

  16. Wonderful your posterboards! Tangling XXL... great idea! Also I like your zendala with your beautiful Bunzo and your very lovely inchie!

    1. I taught a class today when the posterboards really came in handy for pointing out things. Thanks, and I enjoy seeing all of your wonderful work as well!

  17. You have been a busy girl.. Love all your posts this week, the Dare, Zendala and Inchie. Great choice of a word. Seem so appropriate as it's the one thing that is a draw for me, as I know it is for it, that occupies my mind and allows me to express my creativity. Keep up the beautiful art!

    1. Yes, Ronnie, busy, but busy is good. Thank you. I am enjoying Zentangle so much and I love sharing it. Some of my friends are probably getting tired of hearing me gush, so this blog allows me to do so for people who are truly interested in it too.

  18. How can you go wrong with Zentangle as your word! I hope you have a very creative year! Love your posters!

    1. Thank you, Sue. I think, as a group, we are all very creative! I sure enjoy seeing what everyone else is doing.

  19. Wow Jean so much work in all your tangles, your word for the year was well chosen! I like the coloured tangles on a black background x

    1. Thank you. I loved working on such a big "canvas" in the black.

  20. Zentangle was a great word to use and you made a great ZIA. The black tile is very nice as well.

    1. Thank you, Chrissie. ZIA's are always fun to do too. I really never know where I am headed with them either so I am always surprised with the results. I just don't like to plan things much HAHA!

  21. All your work is wonderful this week. But I especially like your piece for the Diva's Challenge. Zentangle is the word I was considering, too; but I'm still not sure. Looks like I won't have time to do it for this week, anyway.
