
Monday, July 28, 2014

Zentangle®, A Challenge, The W Word, and an Inchie

So, did you ever have one of those days? I did the Dive Challenge "wrong" (Did I say the W word? We all know there are no mistakes in Zentangle!!!) and was not pleased with myself as I was using one of my Renaissance tiles and I don't have a lot of those. So, I started over. Then, I spilled a whole cup of coffee across my desk. Fortunately, my Zentangle tile was in the scanner but I ruined several cards that I was in the process of making. Sigh. Only paper, yes?

So, the challenge this week was to do a duotangle using just our initials. My initials are J and C, and I wanted to do a tangle that would slide into another tangle. I chose Jonqal by Zentangle and Cockles 'n Mussels by Margaret Bremner ( a variation of 'nZepple) My finished tile:

I hate to waste a tile, and I have learned not to give up on a "mistake" but to embrace it and move on. So, I went back to the first one and finished it adding some of my fun new gel pens.
And, finally, my Inchie for Every Inchie Monday was the word "orange". I seldom go for the obvious but I really wanted to play with my new quilling tools. I know it doesn't look too much like an orange (the paper is orange but shows up red, and I am having a bit of a glue issue), but you do have an imagination don't you?


  1. What an adorable quilled orange - those segments must be tiny and you must be so patient.

    1. Thank you, Lisette. You made me smile because on my TangleStreetJournals blog, one of the words I chose as important to me was "patience"! I am working on it :)

  2. Is anyone else getting tons of comments from "Anonymous"? Where they made a really nice comment but add their non-relevant website information? I have been deleting them as I am not comfortable posting something from anyone who refuses to identify themselves.

    1. Thanks for the heads up Jean. I have not had any Anonymous comments as of yet. I'll be deleting them if I do, as well.

    2. Maybe it is posted by someone that has not got a blog? It would be nice if that's the case if that person writes his (or her) name under the comment.

    3. I am getting them daily. All with a very nice compliment and then a request for everyone to go to their website. The website changes each time. I think it is spam and I don't want any of my friends dragged over to something that is advertising. If it weren't attached to advertising, I would post an anonymous though.

  3. Applause!!! Your quilling debut!!! Brilliant! We all have glue issues. Try slightly moist kids' toothbrush or cottonbud. Gently rub on the offensive glue bits.A bit of orange texta (or whatever colour your quilling happens to be).
    Gorgeous inchie!

    1. Thank you, Zoe. I have been playing all afternoon and just finished a witch hat but I have no witch to put it on :)

  4. Congrats on your patience - the result is some nice tiles. I love the quilled oranges. Quilling so small must be quite a challenge and they are adorable.

    1. Thank you, Kia. It is tiny work but I think it is worth the effort.

  5. Bonnie left me a very nice comment. Being on my iPad, my finger accidentally deleted i. I don't know how to get it back, si I am doing a copy/paste from my email notification.

    Bonnie McLain has left a new comment on your post "Zentangle®, A Challenge, The W Word, and an Inchie...":

    Very nice Jean... love it... So sorry thought to hear about your cards... not fun to have that happen... but you will most likely be able to salvage them... hopefully anyway... Love this tangle and yes quilling is a challenge all unto its self... 100%... Love it though... Love, Light and peace...Bonnie

    1. Thank you, Bonnie, and I really would never delete your comments on purpose!

  6. Great Tiles, Jean. I'm glad you finished the second one. Your Inchie is so creative. I don't know what process you used to create your oranges, but it looks very tricky. Good job all around.

    1. Thanks, David. The orange is quilled. It is just rolling thin strips of paper up. It's not hard, just time consuming. I'm enjoying learning something new.

  7. I like both tiles, Jean. Maybe the second one as my fav. The inchie is fun too.

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. I think I like the "mistake" tile better too :)

  8. Nice work Jean. I am sorry to hear about your cards. perhaps you can still use them and tangle the coffee stains....
    And aplause for your patie-inchie.

    1. Thanks a lot, Diana. I did keep the tags that were soaked. They'll just need an ironing HAHA!

  9. So much awesome work this week! i do love the inchie, very cute,

  10. Love the tangles! Sorry about your rough start, but you ended up with so me gorgeous work! I like the tangling you did with the gel pens, too. Very nice :)

    1. Thanks, Kailey. I think I am odd sometimes because I look at things like that (after the first flurry of evil thoughts and words LOL) as a great way to put things into perspective. I was actually surprised at how well the gel pens worked on the Renaissance tiles.

  11. "You have an imagination, don't you?" I am LOL-ing! You are hilarious. That's the attitude! So great.
    Thanks for sharing both of your tiles because I think they are both lovely.

    1. I know no better way to go through life than to have an active imagination and a positive attitude, Jennifer. Thanks for the nice comment :)

  12. Well, you have felt like you were having 'issues' but what has 'issued' from these 'issues' is a set of lovely tiles!! Looks like a blood orange to me and they are delicious! Axxx

    1. You're funny, Annie. Thank you. I have never eaten a blood orange. Never even seen one. I must be missing something!

  13. Love how the shells have escaped on your first tile. Makes me think of summer at the seaside. Great idea to do some more quilling on an orange :) Linda x

    1. Thanks, Linda. I love to have pieces of tangles escape :)

  14. Lovely tangle for the Challenge ... I really like the color :)

  15. Both tiles are lovely! Especially I like the first one. Wonderful combination of the two tangles ... I love it! Lovely inchie, too! Like Annie ... I see blood oranges... they are really delicious!

    1. Thanks so much, Lonetta. I MUST go find those oranges!

  16. Doesn't look like you were having "issues"! Looks like happy accidents! :)

  17. Hi Jean, I did get your email, sorry I haven't yet responded. It's been a busy household! Anyway, if I were you I wouldn't open those emails. I use to get those too. and they did always give nice comments but then always referred togo to another blog. Not worth the worry!!!! I love your tangle and your Inchie!! Your quilling is unbelievably good! I would've never tried to do something so small and so challenging so early. Anyway, I will look into the small nib glue bottles. I know I have a catalog with them in it. I just gotta find it! you did an awesome job!!! Have a great week! :0) Share Humanity

    1. I remember having very little time when I had young ones around. They always came first, as they should. I have figured out the glue issue so don't even worry about that glue bottle. I am having so much fun and I really like the smaller quilled items. Thank you so much for your encouragement!

  18. I like both of your samples of the duo tangle challenge, but honestly, the second one, that you went back to, is absolutely charming! It would be fun to be tiny, and walking around on that landscape :)

    1. You made me smile, Heidi, as I didn't know anyone else thought like that. I often think, wouldn't it be nice to have hundreds of tiny tiny people come in and clean my house. They would find every speck of (I don't even know what word to put here, food, dirt, dust, dog spit???) "stuff that doesn't belong in a clean house"! My tile (above, not in my house HAHA) looks clean enough though :)

  19. Your challenge piece reminds me of a stairway leading down to the shell covered beach.

    1. Jonqual does have a stairway look to it, I agree Donald. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  20. Jean, your oranges are so cute! And so tiny, a masterpiece of scale. And such a different art form from illustration. Your tangles weave in and out of each other with such ease. Inspirational, really.

    1. Thank you, "C"! I am loving the quilling along with my Zentangle, Copics, cards, coloring, artjournaling...... There's always something new to learn.

  21. "... I have learned not to give up on a "mistake" but to embrace it and move on ...". Hear, hear. Some of the best inventions started as mistakes (the towel, 3M post-it, etc.). For me, this is an essential part of "going with the flow".
    Both are lovely tiles.

    Thank you also for your warm and kind words, wishes and hugs. Heartwarming

    1. Nice to hear from you, Omer. Yes, if we were afraid to make mistakes, we would learn nothing. Thank you, truly, for stopping by and leaving a comment.In this huge mess of a world it is good to know that we still can reach out to each other, and with this wonderful tool, the Internet, look how far we can reach.

  22. All your tiles are lovely, Jean!! And I like to use everything too. I have gotten tons of "nice" comments that were really spam - I learned to delete them over the years. :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

    1. Thank you, Diane. I was really surprised to learn that someone would put so much effort into dragging people to their site. Amazing!
