
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Zentangle® and an Inchie (Edited to add the Dive Challenge too)

Well, that was scary. I was going to post my Inchie for Every Inchie Monday and my computer told me that my folder, with this whole year's pictures was "unavailable." I searched all over for it and finally went online to see what that message meant and it said that I will experience a hard drive crash very soon. AAKKK!!!! So, I restarted my computer. Still no folder. Then, I don't know why, I decided to look in my trash and THERE IT WAS!!! I don't know how it got there and, usually, I am quite tidy and empty my trash regularly. Phew!

Inchie for today is "Plum" and to be sure, after the past hour I AM plum tuckered out :)
And, if you are missing seeing a Zentangle tile (the Diva hasn't had a chance to post for this week yet), here's one with Twing, Hibred and Printemps.

Edited to add the Diva Challenge that showed up after I had posted. I couldn't get past the new skirt that I always got for the start of each school year. It was always plaid. I had to do a ZIA (this kind of looks like boxer shorts though HAHA!) this time.
UMT of MacDee by Anneke VAn Dam


  1. Terrific idea for the inchie and wonderful zentangle

    Love Chrissie x

  2. i like your inchie, good outside the box thinking. Lovely tile.

  3. Great idea for the inchie. Anything related to computer issues plum tuckers me out too - absolute panic. Your MacDee plaid is lovely. I'm thinking kilt myself - something for my Scottish heritage. I think we'll see a lot of ZIAs this week.

    1. I think you are right, Kia. Lots of ZIA's, but we'll see.

  4. I really love your tile with twing. It's my new favorite since this week! And your tile for the Diva's challenge really made me laugh out loud! It's great!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Anoeska, and for leaving such a nice comment :)

  5. Like the "kilt"! The design is approaching my ancestry "Stewart".

    1. Ah, yes, kilts. But wouldn't it need a pin on the front to be a kilt? Maybe not. It was fun to do this way though.

  6. Jean, Glad you hit the digital dumpster before losing all your precious work. I like your plum idea. And I'm so glad I never had to wear plaid for school on purpose. My high school self would rather die.

    1. Oh, yes, can you imagine. As a matter of fact, I'm going back to make sure I wasn't in a dumping mood and that there's not more good stuff in there. Dumpster diving I will go LOL!

  7. Yours is great... I have gotten all involved in a huge 12 x 12 paper... but might be finished some time this year... LOL.. .Love yours... I should have made it simple this time... what is wrong with me??? I really like how yours is... Love, Light and Peace...Bonnie

    1. Okay, Bonnie, next time do a 4X4 and then put it on the scanner and copy paste until it is the right size :)

  8. Clever inchie :) Love the kilt and the other tile is beautiful too!

    1. Thank you, Zoe. I have been doing more quilling too and having so much fun with it.

  9. Hey, you must have gone to the same school I did! Beautiful plaid skirt. I posted about back to school plaid, too. I bet most of us of the more "mature" persuasion have the same association.

    1. I like that, mature. HAHA, don't think that's a word that anyone has ever used to describe me before. But yes, plaid skirts and saddle shoes :)

  10. Fun MacDee...I also have been thinking about those skirts. Oy!

    1. Well, Devin, the real ones used to be cute. Especially when you are nine :)

  11. I've never heard that expression before but be sure it's going right in my "inbox" ready to use. I can only imagine your worry and relief at losing and finding your folder. Love your skirt - I remember having a kilt and the fashion was to hitch it up as high as you could - and we were only 7! Outrageous!!!!

    1. Oh, yes, Lisette. I remember rolling up my skirts in high school too. Silly we were :)

  12. I love the boxer shorts err the skirt ;) I really love the inchie, what a great take on the theme. I sure feel that way every night after work lol. also glad you got all your pics back. Please get a jump drive and dump them all on it. Have a great one

    1. I'm glad you like the boxers HAHA! I do have a jump drive, I just forget to use it!

  13. Fantastic i was thinking along that but now will play a different tune

    1. Simon, that's why I never look at anyone's work before I do my own. That way I won't be influenced to either do something or NOT to do something. Go ahead and make that skirt!

  14. Lovely macdee boxer. Wonder how it looks on you (ha ha). Inchie is funny too as Always.

    1. Well, I guess I'll just have to post a picture of me wearing them LOL!

  15. Jean, I absolutely love your MacDee skirt/kilt! Suddenly I remembered all the ones I had.... ;-)

    1. Thanks, Anneke. I really just couldn't get that image out of my head, so I just had to go with it.

  16. What a fun take you've given us on MacDee, it's purrrfect. Glad your computer issue got solved. I love my computer when it works but when things go wonky it can suck the life out of me.

    1. Thanks, Daniele. It can be scary sometimes when the old computer gets a hiccup!

  17. I love that you made it into a kilt! What a fun tile. Your inchies are always fun to see!

    1. Thank you, Kate. I at least try to make my inchies funny if I can think of something. It covers up for my lack of drawing skills HAHA!

  18. Great Job on the MacDee skirt, Jean. Love the folds. Your Inchie is awesome. I'd like to put that on my wallpaper if that is ok. It so aptly describes my perpetual state of existence. Love the first tile, also. Your work is so fun.

    1. Thank you, David. HAHA, of course you can use my "plum tuckered out"! I think most of us feel that way a lot of the time. We creative types never stop working or thinking. I dream all night about my artwork too!

  19. Well done on finding the folder! Have to say that 'plum tuckered out' was a completely new one on me. Might start to use that occasionally, and watch the look of confusion on people's faces haha. Love your swinging kilt. Linda x

    1. I wonder if that is a regional saying? I'm originally from New Jersey, so it's possible. You're not the first one to say they never heard it before. Thanks for the kind words :)

  20. Nice challenge piece. Was an interesting way to do the challenge. I thought of the skirts/jumpers that the girls who went to parochial school use to wear but did not think of trying to replicate it.

    1. Thanks, Donald. I just couldn't help myself. I didn't even go to parochial school, it was just a piece of new clothing each year that signaled "school", which I loved!

  21. Great your MacDee kilt! Great your inchie, too! I like this idea! Happily you got you folder back!

    1. Thank you, Lonetta. Yes, I still have all my inchies, so I could have just taken photos of them all again, but it sure is nice that I don't have to.

  22. Beautiful work on all of your pieces!!! Oh the 'plum tuckered out' steals the cake!!! I love that!! Yes, it was amazing I got my challenges done this week. Thats what those late nights are for, and I really only spent 1/2 hr on both. The creative juices were flowing!Have a great weekend!! :0)Share Humanity

    1. It's funny how we often come up with our best things when we really don't have time to over-think what we are going to do. Thank you Annette :)

  23. Love these tiles, Jean - glad you had chance to do the Diva's challenge - it made me giggle! Axxx

    1. I'm glad I made you giggle, Annie, instead of rolling your eyes! I wasn't sure how this would be viewed HAHA!
