
Monday, November 10, 2014

Zentangle® Challenges and an Inchie

This week, over at I am the Diva, the guest CZT for the week is Holly Atwater from ha! designs. She has selected a trio of tangles for us to include in our tile this week. They are, Trio (Hanny Waldburger), Huggins, and Xyp. I will be interested to see how others combined this grouping of tangles. I decided to "play" with Trio and then do the other two straight up.
For Square One on Facebook, the tangle of the week is Swarm. I added Scarabou, and Mooka to this one.
And, for this week's Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was "Wheat." As you know by now, if you are a regular follower, I have a hard time going directly for a representation of the word and have the need to look for something interesting.

Now, I am not a beer drinker so I couldn't tell you much about this. I even looked it up but the recipes for beer used words like "hops" and "mash" and such that mean nothing to me. All I can tell you is that more wheat is included in a wheat beer and I thought this looked like a mug of something sudsy!

If you missed my post this weekend, I did a short recap of my presentation, Mindfulness Through Zentangle, at the AZ Art Teachers' Convention. Click HERE if you'd like to read about it.

Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments!


  1. I love the way your inchies are always outside the box - I didn't know there was such a thing as wheat beer - great work. I like what you have done with trio in your diva tangle.

    1. Kia, even when I was in school, I always did my work outside of the box. My shortcomings were often set aside as the teacher was left baffled by my creative approaches. It served me well HAHA! Thanks!

  2. Amazing zentagles and a great idea for the inchie

    Love Chrissie x

  3. Great tiles Jean! I really like what you did with Trio. And your Square One focus tile is also great. I haven't made mine yet... I will.

    1. Always a rebel, I guess. Thanks Anoeska, I am waiting to see yours too. I'll bet it will be fabulous!

    2. Hi Jean, Thanks for your comment on my blog. I am Akseona on Instagram, that must make it easier to find me I guess!

    3. Found you and am following! Thanks :)

  4. Oh my, your tiles are gorgeous! Love the beer!! LOL!! :D

  5. Just responding to the comment you left on my blog - so, go ahead, quill the next inchie :)

    1. I already have a couple done ahead (can you say "over achiever?). But I will try to remember for the next pretty one. I need to add more to my cards too!

  6. Jean!!! I knew I could count on you to visit me and leave such a warm, kind message! Thank you!

    I LOVE what you did for the challenge... Trio is so much fun to draw and I adore your take on it! GORGEOUS ART... as always!

    Your square one entry and inchie are wonderful as well!

    Thanks again, Jean!

    1. It's nice that you know me that well, and I meant every word! Thanks for the kind words :)

  7. Two beautiful tiles and the inchie is lovely and funny :)

  8. Three wonderful challenge responses, Jean. Very clean Diva Challenge. I too, love what you did with Trio. Your Inchie is delightful.

    1. Thanks, David. I guess I should really do the tangles the way they were designed one of these days :)

  9. All your pieces are lovely. You do such beautiful work.

  10. Your Trio is amazing. Really nice work!

  11. Gorgeous work as always :) I really like your inchie! It is too cute!

  12. love all of the work you did, great job

  13. I also tried the tritangle challenge by Holly Atwater, substituting for the Diva this week. I am very impressed with the 3 dimensionality of your tile. These were all new tangles for me, so I was quite conservative. Yours is whimsical and lovely.

    1. Oh, Suzanne, yours were fantastic, but thank you for the compliment.

  14. Love how you have 'unzipped' Xyp - I toyed with this idea but didn't put it into practice. Swarm is great too - and your foamy beer is brilliant! Axxx

    1. You caught it exactly. Good word for it, Annie, "unzipped". I didn't plan to do that, just had extra space and decided to let it wander a bit. Thanks so much!

  15. Your tile is beautiful, Jean, the Trio great!

  16. I like everything you did. The two tiles are very pretty and I like the dots added to Huggins, almost steampunkish. The wheat beer inchie is very outside the box.

    1. I do love Steampunk. I should have really gone with that idea and used the tan tiles. Thanks, JL :)

  17. Very pretty challenge tiles, Jean!

  18. *LOL* liquid wheat, that is very clever.
    Your tangles are beautiful as every week.

    1. Thank you, Trillian. I will have to taste some of that liquid wheat one of these days!

  19. Great work this week. I like your THX-tile the moment I saw it it reminded me of a beach, with a trio shell. Don't know why, but that popped up into my mind!

    1. Interesting, but now that you say it, I can see it too. Thanks :)

  20. Haha, I just read Tilllian's message, Liquid wheat... Tooo funny!! Myself can't stand the taste of beer. (thank goodness, no worries of a beer belly here,hahah) Anyway, beautiful tiles and fantastic Inchie!!! I'm gonna have to look at your post about your class. I hope it went well. you are too awesome!!! Have a fantastic week!! ;0) Share Humanity

    1. I'll never have a beer belly either. But, how about an ice cream belly? Oh, I already have it! Thanks for your cheerful comments, Annette :)

  21. Great outside the box inchie, and fab zentangles as always.

  22. Aha, wonderful art to be gazed at with an apricot wheat beer in my hand!


    1. Really? I am going to have to find some of that beer and give it a try.

  23. Great tiles this week Jean, as always! I love your sudsy wheat inchie! Mmmm sounds good!

    1. Thanks, Kate. When I was a child, I was in charge of pouring beer for my aunt and uncle because I knew just how to pour it to get just the right amount of foam. What a thing to teach a 5 year old, huh?

  24. Love your tiles and inchie. The diva challenge one reminds me of a steampunk santa's can tell I have Christmas on the brain. Merry tangling!

    1. I hear you, Lynell. I am looking forward to the Christmas season so much this year. Maybe because I have been making so many Christmas cards for all the challenges I participate in? Thanks for stopping by and leaving such a nice comment!

  25. I love the little steampunk look of the Huggins - so cute! I may just come up from Goodyear and take some classes from you. I really love your work, and know I could learn a lot!

    1. I just looked up on mapquest and you are less than 30 minutes away from where I teach. I would so enjoy working with you. You have a very nice style and we would have a lot of fun. Just let me know :)

  26. Great tiles. I like what you did with Trio. Like the Steam Punk style of your Huggins.

  27. Jean, I'm really impressed with the rivets on the Higgins pattern. Like your liquid wheat, a creative take on the challenge and you made it your own. I was much more literal for my inchies, but wait til next week!
    Perhaps I should visit with you and Antonine; I'm not that far, just in the opposite direction! Have a brilliant day! c

    1. Thanks, I hope you will join us on Friday the 12th at 12:30 for a Zendalla class :)

  28. Jean, I really like the way you were so creative with these tangles!! I was plodding a lot of the time and it is fun to see how you made it your own!!

    ~ Diane Clancy
