
Monday, November 24, 2014

Zentangle® Mooka in a Box, a Zendala and an Inchie

Well, it's Monday morning, and the first thing I do is head over to I am the Diva to see what this week's challenge is (#195). Visiting CZT, Sandy Hunter, came up with a doosy. At least I think so. She asked us to take something that is usually in a grid and take it out of the grid, or take something without a grid and put it in one. I'm not really fond of grid based tangles most of the time. I find them better for borders and backgrounds. I often take grid based tangles and yank them out of their confinement any way. My favorite tangle is Paradox, but I think that taking it out of the box still looks like it is in a box, so that wouldn't do. My second favorite is Mooka. Put Mooka in a box? Horrors!!!! But that's what I did. I went for a tan tile this time and I also added some perfs and rounding for a bit of interest. Thanks for the push, Sandy!
For Square one, the tangle this week was Assunta, to which I added some Arukas. (Don't know this one? Find a CZT and take a class to learn how to do it!)
I have an In the Round class coming up, so I was playing with Zendalas this week too.
XYP, Betweed, Paradox
To get started, I used the little plastic toy, Ravensburger Mini Mandala Make, that I ordered through Sue Jacob's site. Read about it here. If you do decide to order one, do it through her site so she gets a few pennies on the sale. I'm fairly proficient with a compass, so I probably won't use it much, but it was something different and fun. I got one for my granddaughter for Christmas also.

And, finally, this week over at Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was X-Axis. So, I made the blue and red cross and guess what jumped in? Paradox, of course!
Thanks for stopping by. I wish all of you, who celebrate it, a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for all my friends, including all my readers, who make getting up each morning a joy.


  1. Great work this week Jean. Mooka looks really interesting in a different way in a grid. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    1. Isn't it odd to see it this way, Kate? I just got back from the store where I bought all the fun turkey day stuff, especially lots of cream to whip for those pies! YUM!

  2. All fantastic. Great idea for inchie

    Love Chrissie x

  3. What an excellent idea for x-axis! Do you know, I had the same idea of putting Mooka in a grid. I love that colour on the Mooka grid.

    1. Thanks, Zoe. Next week, I promise some quilling!

  4. I love that tan tile with mooka in a grid. Very nice play on white and shade. And the zendala is quite awesome! Beautiful work!

    1. Thank you, Nat. I find the tan tiles so delicate that you must be careful working on them, but they are so pretty when completed.

  5. Just beautiful! I fell down the rabbit hole looking at your sites! Wow! Thanks for all the inspiration!

    1. Yeah! I'm glad you took the time to look at everything, Julia. I'm always available to answer questions too :)

  6. Creative tiles and all are very nice :)

  7. What a fun collection of tiles. :) I came here from I am the diva's challenge and was treated to so much more.

    1. HAHA, Lori. I sometimes go overboard. I don't even post everything that I do, lucky readers LOL! Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. Very nice round piece & I love the inchie


  9. using paradox in your x axis is brilliant. I like your inside the box tangle - I'm looking forward to playing this week.

    1. Well, Kia, as a tangler, it's hard to look at a thing like that and NOT jump into doing a Zentangle piece! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  10. It's a tough challenge this week. Terrific response. And I love the Zendala and the inchie. Paradox is a great tangle, lots of dimension.

    1. Thanks, Megan. I guess I do just love Paradox and am always seeing someplace to add it, even in circles LOL!

  11. Four wonderful Tiles, Jean. Love your mooka in a Grid. The four-square rotation makes for a very nice Mooka magic within your grid pattern. Terrific idea to make different sizes within the Grid. Love your Zendalla, and your Inchie is priceless. Beautiful work.

    1. Thanks, David. Once I had done an odd number of squares for the grid, something just didn't look right so I decided to square out a couple more squares. A tile's just not done until it says so, I guess!

  12. Your Mooka tile is so cute! I think all your work is lovely and everything looks so fun. Your zendala is amazing!

    [Not sure why Blogger does not allow me to post using my Wordpress ID today, so I am pasting my challenge url here for your convenience: _ ]

    1. Hesedetang, I hope blogger starts behaving for you. Thanks so much for the kind words!

  13. so much beautiful work! I love them all great job!

  14. I like your Mooka variation a lot! I also prefer non-grid patterns (is this correct english??? sorry, if not ;-)), but it was fascinating to see, how you can change the patterns and how they look in a grid, I think.
    Your mandala is also wonderful - I really want to try a Mandala-Maker soon ! :-)
    Many greetings from germany, Sandra :-)

    1. Your English is wonderful, Sandra. I appreciate you coming all the way here to Arizona just to leave me some nice words :)

  15. Wonderful pieces again! I like your Mooka in a Box ... so great idea! Lovely zendala and inchie, too!

  16. I found the Diva's challenge this week to be quite challenging---I guess that's the point. It looks like you figured it out and produced an interesting tile by boxing Mooka.

    1. Yes, Suzanne, it was a challenge. I couldn't imagine putting Mooka in a box, but it opened up my thinking about grid work.

  17. Hi Jean, great tiles, I love your mooka in a box on a tan tile. it looks to me like a sewing pattern for an apron. Your square one is great. And the Zendala is awesome. My daughter has some mini mandalamakers too, and I tried them. It is funny to make your own template, but I didn't post it yet.

    1. Thanks, Diana. If I turned it on its side, it would be like an apron :)

  18. This Mooka is great in the box! The Zendala is gorgeous. I'll see if I can buy this Mandala maker her in the Netherlands.

  19. They're all great Jean, love that boxed mooka!

  20. Hi Jean - they are all lovely - and cool to see the boxed in mooka!!

    ~ Diane Clancy

  21. Nice work on all your tiles. I have not gotten around to doing Assunta. Not sure I will get to it this week.

    1. Thank you, Donald. It sure is a busy week with Thanksgiving, but it will even get more busy as Christmas approaches :)

  22. "horrors!" hahaha...I enjoyed reading your thoughts on the challenge, gave me a smile and giggle for the day. I'm not an experienced artist or tangle aficionado but it's been a lot of fun seeing how people assess and create for these challenges. Love the color of the tile and mooka turned out quite stately in it's grid boxes. YAY!

    1. I'm always happy when I've put a smile on someone's face. I really think it's one of my goals in life :) Part of the joy of Zentangle is that one need NOT be an artist to find out that they actually are an artist.

  23. Your tiles look lovely! Good work tackling the Mooka - it's a hard one to box up :)

  24. Really extra super work this week Jean! I love your Mooka in a grid - wow, that was some challenge! I particularly love your Zendala - very beautiful. Axxx

    1. Thank you, Annie. I thought this was a fun challenge.

  25. Mooka is marvelous. I like the zendala and inchie also.
