
Monday, May 4, 2015

Zentangle® some Star Wars, and Can a Leopard Change His Spots?

The Diva Challenge, #216 was a UMT (Use my Tangle), by Bunny Wright called Brella. This was a fun tangle and it uses a grid. Why R2D2 you may ask? Well, because it is "May the 4th, be with you always", of course :) I love that my four boys and Laura's two share this same love. Star Wars came out in 1977. My two older boys were 9 and 5. I can still remember how we sat in awe as that ship came toward us! I did buy my oldest son a copy of the very first Star Wars comic book and carefully wrapped it up so that he could save it and pass it on to his grandchildren so they could be independently wealthy. Does anyone know where it is now? LOL
I used Brella, Bertweed, Hibred, Crescent Moon, and one lonely Printemps.

Facebook's, Square One, asked us to use Tripoli. I added Crescent Moon, Betweed, Paradox, Tipple, and Hollibaugh.
Every Inchie Monday had a prompt word of "leopard". Well, maybe a leopard can't change his spots, but I don't think I really believe that a person can't change who they are. A lot of the negative things we attribute to people has been created from fear. Take that away and I do believe that a leopard might just be able to change his spots.


  1. What a terrific robot! If he can serve drinks , cook, and do dishes, he can come live at my place :-) I agree with you that people can change the way they are - it takes a lot of work and, as you say, stepping away from the known to the fear of the unknown. A worthy goal...maybe one spot at a time.

    1. If he can do all those things, NO, you can't have him! He's MINE! I think many of us need to work on our spots as much as we can. Trying is half the battle!

  2. What a great idea for your inchies. As usual your tangles are brilliant.

  3. great artwork this week as usual. Love the leopard and his spots.

  4. Love R2D2, and I adore what you said about a persons spots, very sage words

    1. Thank you, Freebird. I do try to look for the good.

  5. Hey, you're slipping! You came in at number 7 in the Diva's challenge this week :-). I love your R2D2! So cute! Your Tripoli for Square One reminds me of a water wheel. Rollin', Rollin', Rollin' On The River... Love it!

    1. Yes, Antonine, those doctor's appointments are interfering with my Internet life! Thank you; I was thinking it looked like an amusement park!

  6. Great tiles, as always, this week. I love your interpretation of Tripoli, and the Diva's challenge is no slouch, either.

  7. You are zengorgeous! I know why R2D2 - he is mega cute, that's why. Clever inchie!

  8. Lovely challenges all. I love your R2D2, and it looks like you slipped a little Hollibaugh in there also. I, too, like to think people can change.

    1. Oh, you are right, JL! I missed adding it to my list. I hate to think that I can never improve upon myself :)

  9. Love your R2D2 Tile, Jean. Beautifully drawn patterns. Love how you worked the patterns in your square one tile into one another. Beautiful shading on both of them. Terrific Inchie and wonderful post.

    1. Hi David! So happy to see you here. I enjoy radiating a tangle rather than using strings most of the time. I think it is more organic and makes me less stressed (therefore more Zen)! Thank you :)

  10. I love the little robot, Jean!!! I also love the next tile, it's so beautiful and has great design. Your comment on my blog (about the lady with jewelry) made me smile!!!

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. Well, I'm glad it made you smile. You never know when you make a comment that seems like a compliment to you but might be an insult to someone else. But, you are a special and wonderful person that way anyway!

  11. I don't like Star Wars (sorry!) but your tile for the diva-challenge is really great!
    Funny idea for the inchie this week ;-)

    1. Star Wars isn't for everyone, I suppose. Thank you for your kind comments though. It's always nice to see you here :)

  12. LOL! You R2D2 is really cool!

    1. Thanks, Suzy. At least he was easy to draw. Just a basic cylinder LOL!

  13. Love your R2D2. It is so clever of you to do that! And Tripoli is on the top of my "mac and cheese" tangles. Thanks for sharing your tiles with us.

    1. Thank you, Maureen. It's funny how we all have different favorites. I avoid Tripoli if I can because I prefer to just splash across a tile without a lot of thought :)

  14. I laughed at r2d2 & enjoyed the tangled work, spots.....can possibly be changed!


    1. Thanks, Sally. Glad to have made you chuckle!

  15. Your robot is so cool! Love your other artwork too

  16. Three lovely tiles but my favourite is R2D2 :)

  17. Love your tiles today! And I think that the fear really does paralyze people from change. So if that is faced then many things will automatically be different.

    1. Thank you, Lynell. It does give us something to think about.

  18. I love your R2D2! He is so much fun (R2 was a boy, right?) Anyway, your interpretation of R2 is wonderful. And your Tripoli tile has inspired me to check out Square One to see about expanding my repertiore. Very nice work!

    1. I think, R2D2 would be a terrible name for a girl. Maybe R2 D2dette? Oh, do join us over at Square One. It's good to be nudged into different tangles!

  19. I love the R2D2! What goegeous work...I'm intrigued with Zentangle!

    1. One of these days, I WILL teach you to tangle!

  20. Un robot qui appartient à l'univers de Star Wars sans doute ! Il est drôle bien habillé avec 'Brella' mais il a l'air bien malade.
    A robot that belongs to the universe of Star Wars probably! It's funny dressed with 'Brella' but it looks very looks sick.

  21. Your Brella is so CUTE, Jean!! Lot of fun :) :) :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

  22. Wonderful artwork! Amazing R2D2!

  23. Jean, your R2D2 is great. I can almost hear Princess Leia saying, "Obi Wan-Kanobi, you're our only hope," before the hologram fizzles. Great art and philosophy for life here. Have a brilliant day! c

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! I remember those Star Wars years so well. Of course, now I can't remember what day it is LOL!
