
Monday, August 3, 2015

Zentangle® Negative Space and an Inchie

Hello everyone! I really had fun with this week's Diva Challenge presented to us by guest hostess, Sandy Hunter CZT. She challenged us to leave some negative space. I almost always do that, so I thought I would make mine more of a ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) by beginning with something a bit more "real" as my "string"! I used Fife (with interior auras), Hurry, and Meer.
Square One's focus tangle for this week was Circuital to which I added Mooka and Jetties.
And, for Every Inchie Monday the prompt was "window". Do think before you click on "buy" so you don't throw money out the window!

Thanks for stopping by and I truly enjoy reading your comments!


  1. Well, Jean, how much more different could they be? I love the "landscape" for the Diva Challenge. Is it me, or does that Cirquital look a bit upset, with its hands over its face and Mooka patting it on the shoulder? Fair enough, maybe it is just me.

    1. LOL, Margaret. I'll bet you are so much fun with cloud watching! I really love your imaginative descriptions :)

    2. Margaret, that is exactly what Jean's tile looks like! You are so clever! Jean, I love your tiles this week - all of them! Now, to remember that window thing as I surf...

  2. lovely use of negative space! and I think Margaret might be right...cirquital might be a little bit of a drama queen ;-)

  3. Had to scroll back up to check your Cirquital/Mooka tile...she's right, you know! Love the negative space one - can I pinch it for a tangle of my own? I've often tangled the iconic outline of the castle in our town, which is up on a hill, but never using the negative space approach. It will look fantastic - thank you for the inspiration.
    Money out the window? Well, it does happen but trust you to turn the concept into an Inchie!

    1. Sure, Annie. Remember, I am a teacher so a bit of "borrowing" of ideas is what I'm here for. Just make sure you let me know and show me what you've done. My students, when I taught K-8th graders, used to say "I can do better that that!" when they looked at my samples. Yes, they could and I was always proud :)

  4. Great Landscape, very cleverly done. The shading around the negative space is great.

  5. What a great idea to use those buildings!
    Love them both!

    1. Thanks. I was looking for something different and I guess I found it!

  6. Love the tiles & I really had to smile at your window inchie because I'm sure we've all done some wasting at some time!


    1. Here's what really makes me crazy, Sally, is when I buy something I've already purchased! I do it way too often LOL!

  7. I love the first design with silhouettes of buildings

  8. Sandy Hunter's challenge has made me realize that I'm as unaccustomed to looking at negative space as I am to leaving it. It took me a few seconds to see the building outlines in your first tile, but now I can't unsee them. Perspective is everything. Interesting work as usual. I don't usually do the Square One challenge, but I can see why the others think there might be a bit of hysteria going on in your Square One tile. It's as if your tangle could assume the fetal position. ;-)

    1. It's kind of like those eye twister paintings of the vase and profile. They can be difficult for some eyes to flip back and forth like that. All of these comments made me look up anthropomorphism where I found this article as to why we give human characteristics to inanimate objects. Our pool cleaner even has a name, has bad days, chases us in the pool, and is cute. Hummm, read the article. It says a lot about some of us LOL!

  9. :)))) smiling really big! Love looking at these!

  10. I think Margaret is right too! Lol! And I do like the landscape too..

  11. love the tangle designs they are very artsy! I do also love the inchie, what a great take on the theme

  12. Cleeeeeeever inchie. Wot a lateral thinker you are!

    1. Good thing, Zoe, or I would never gotten into the Master's program in college back in the day. They had two different types of testing you could do to get accepted. There is no way I could have done the test where you have to remember your math and chemistry and such, but the second test you could take was to be able to think sideways. There were brilliant people who had taken the test 4 and 5 times and just couldn't pass, but it was right up my ally HAHA!

  13. Awesome Diva Challenge! I love the white space that you left. It turned out great. Cirquital is a fun one once you get used to it. Yours is done really well. And the money out the window- too true for us artists and needing supplies! Sarah.

    1. Yes, Sarah, I usually avoid Cirquital, but it is okay if you set your mind to it. And, yes, doing Zentangle is very inexpensive. IF we could just stop there LOL!

  14. I like your diva tile - a very creative idea for that theme!
    And a good idea for the window inchie - in germany we also say "don't throw money out the window" ;-)

    1. Thanks, Sandra. Yes, we must hold tight to our money :)

  15. Wonderful artwork and such a terrific idea for the inchie-very different

    Love Chrissie xx

  16. Jean, I love your landscape!! :) Your city is so pretty!! Wonderful negative space!! I agree your Square One has a lot of (cool) drama going on!! :) :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

  17. One other thing - cool story about lateral thinking and testing!!

    1. I always wonder, Diane, if anyone actually reads the comments. I think I take more time responding to everyone's wonderfully thoughtful comments than I do in writing the blog itself HAHA! Thanks for letting me know that you do read it all :)

  18. Wonderful pieces this week! Especially I like your Diva-challenge- tile with its white silhouette!

  19. All such great pieces! The skyline "string" is so effective and the shading is just right. I'm really loving the "Cirquital" pieces I've been seeing here and there. I've been lax in my Square One participation and not a fan of that particular pattern, but yours inspires me. I'm giggling over all of the comments. Yes, I read them all;-)

    1. Thanks for plowing through all of my babbling, Michele :) I love the Square One push to do tangles I might otherwise ignore. If they're not part of my memory, I just ignore them. Cirquital was one of those unloved and ignored tangles. No wonder it's crying HAHA!

  20. Like your city in the Challenge tile. My reading of he challenge is that this is what we were suppose to attempt. I admire your being able to be consistent with all the challenges. The last couple of weeks I have only been able to get to one.

    1. Well, Donald, I'll bet you are consistent with going to work and doing your job each day. And, this is now my job, since I have retired. Luckily, I LOVE my job LOL!

  21. Great city landscape for the Diva challenge!

  22. Fabulous idea for your inchie. great tangles as well.
