
Monday, January 4, 2016

Zentangle® Umble, Auraknot, Diva Dance, and an Inchie

I hope everyone had a happy and safe New Year's eve! I'm glad though that everything is back to normal and we are ready to get moving on another year. The Diva is back with challenge #249 which is to use a duotangle of Auraknot and Diva Dance. I started the Auraknot and then began to "dance" the lines. When it was complete, it looked a bit empty so I gave the whole thing an aura and added more dancing around the tile. I also added a directional shadow.
Square One's focus tangle on Facebook this week was Umble. This is the one I turned in:

But I actually did this one first. It didn't look too Umbly to me though.

And, a new year for Every Inchie Monday. If you don't do these little gems yet, this is a good time to join us. This week's prompt word is Galaxy. What fun to go to Google and look up Galaxy. I found some unusual ones and selected one called NGC 474. The halo seems to be caused by collisions with other galaxies.I did a background using Color Bursts on white cardstock and then just used my square punch to select my favorite part to work on. I added some white gel pen, white paint pen, and white charcoal. Anything liquid does reactivate the Color Bursts though.

I'm also doing an art journaling group this year called Journal 52. Our first prompt was, word of the year. If you are a crafter/artist using lots of "stuff", you may enjoy my post about my word!

Thanks for stopping by. I love your comments. Happy New Year to all you!


  1. Oh, I like your aura around Auraknot. What a nice idea!

    1. Auras are very useful for separating things sometimes. Thank you!

  2. I really like the "square one" and that's quite a cool looking Galaxy to explore! Happy new year to you & lets get back to normality:-)


    1. Thanks, Sally. Yes, back to normal. I spent the morning de-Christmasing the house. It feels good to be able to move through the living room again!

  3. Brilliant little galaxy. I love the colores and white which looks like glitter or silver.

    1. Thanks, Trillian. I found a link to "odd" galaxies. Some of them are really interesting.

  4. Great tiles! The first two have so much 3D-effect, well done!

    1. Thank you, Ilse. I'm learning a lot from Eni Oken!

  5. I love your tangle Umble, the 2nd one you did, it looks so amazing! I also love the galaxy that you made. just beautiful

    1. Thank you, Freebird. I love playing with the Color Bursts. This gave me another opportunity to play.

  6. Happy New Year, Jean! Love what you're up to already--you sure are speedy! I like the Umble best--it shows great depth, really draws you in, doesn't it? I'm not going to ask about the Color Burst stuff as I'll just have to add it to my shopping list--like you I'd like to USE what I already have!! Have a brilliant day, Cheryl

    1. I am enjoying a style of shading by Eni Okin right now. It is more realistic than the normal Zentangle shading. It's different and another fun thing to do. It actually becomes a ZIA though when you make shading "difficult". It takes a LOT more time. Oh, I do understand, Cheryl, about the Color Burst. I am also an enabler, so stay away LOL!

  7. lovely work - you galaxy is beautiful - Happy New Year!

  8. All are beautiful, Jean. Happy New Year to you!!!!

  9. Super tangling, Jean - particularly love Umble!! Happy New Year to you. Axxx

    1. Thank you, Annie. I never use Umble because it, for me anyway, seems to take up too much space. I see it more as a string where you could add other tangles into the stripes maybe. Happy New Year!

  10. Beautiful work! Happy New Year!

  11. brilliant! I really had to look twice to see the fusion ( i hope it is the right word) of auraknot and diva dance! beautiful idea!

    1. What a wonderful word to select to represent the melding of two tangles, Simone! I like it!

  12. All are beautiful! Especially I like your combination of Auraknot with Diva Dance ... wonderful depth!
    I wish you a happy and creative new year!

    1. Thank you, Annette. I hope you have a fantastic year as well!

  13. Love them! The inchie is so lovely! :)

  14. I like the second one with "umble" the most. Umble is not so easy to do in a right way but I like your drawing very mutch.
    I wish you a happy new year with lots of Zentangle pleasure

    1. Thank you, Ria. I actually preferred the second tile myself but wasn't sure there was enough Umble for anyone to really tell that's what it was LOL!

  15. Wow. You are off to a very productive start for 2016. Your galaxy is very evocative. Is it really only an inch square? I also really like your un-Umbly Umble. Your shadowing technique on the Diva's duotangle really does lend great dimension. I think one of my New Year's resolutions should be to improve my shadowing technique. It really makes a difference when one looks at a well shadowed piece. Happy New Year.

    1. Yup, just one tiny inch. These are so much fun to do though. How much can you mess up one inch of paper anyway? I have always loved shading Zentangle tiles. However, keep in mind that this type of shading is almost like doing a ZIA. Shading in regular Zentangle fashion should not take enormous amounts of time. These did LOL!

  16. Beautiful work Jean! I love that inchie. BTW-you are one of the random names I drew for one of my 5 ATC's. Check out "The Gift of Zentangle" post on my blog for my email and send me your snail mail address and I'll pop the ATC in the mail. Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you, Michele. I will pop right over. How exciting! Happy New Year!

  17. Your artwork never ceases to amaze me and your inchies are real

    Love Chrissie cx

    1. You are so sweet, Chrissie. I did get both of your messages. I do moderation on this blog because I get spam and don't want my readers to have to read that junk too. I, myself, find that "prove you're not a robot" annoying, so I chose to protect my friends this way instead. I know that I always wonder myself when I leave a messaged on an owner moderated blog :)

  18. Happy New Year, Jean! I stopped by for the Diva Challenge, and got so much more! Everything is lovely, as usual!

    1. Happy New Year, Jeffifer. Thank you for stopping by. I hope I didn't post too much. I find that when people post a ton of things I can't remember what the first one was to make a comment LOL! Usually, I limit myself to three images though.

  19. Happy New Year! Great work going on there!

    1. Thank you very much, Charlotte! Happy New Year to you as well :)

  20. Jean, Happy New Year to you!! This is a wonderful duotangle - it is lovely!! I love your Square Ones!! Very cool!! :) :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

  21. Avery piece is artistic and elegant and beautiful.Great work.

  22. I'm loving your Umble...and that gallexy!?! Take me away!! It looks so welcoming and inviting! Awesome!

    1. I am intrigued by the thought of how many galaxies are out there and just how far "without end" goes anyway. This was a fun one to do, Sheila! Thanks!

  23. Your Umble really drew me, it's one I haven't tried yet and yours is really pretty :)

    1. Thank you, Quinn. I don't use it much myself. Actually, I'm not sure I ever used it before this challenge. It's not one of those tangles that "speak" to me. Not yet anyway. I find that my favorites change all the time :)

  24. Happy New Year, Jean! I love both your Auraknot tile and the Umble tile (good dimension)!

  25. All of your tiles are beautiful. I love the way you softened the straight lines of Auroknot with that ruffle of Diva Dance. B-e-a-utiful. I plan to check out Every Inchie Monday. Thanks for your inspiration.

    1. I did feel that the lines of the Auraknot were too abrupt. Good way to put it. Thank you, and I hope to see you over at Every Inchie Monday :)

  26. Well you have got the new year off to a good and busy start :-) your Auraknot is great and seems to float on the diva dance.

    1. Thanks, YT, this is going to be another awesome year!

  27. All nice, but since I'm looking at this post because of the Diva challenge I'll comment on that one only. I love that you have stepped it up and made the "bumps" in Diva Dance irregular and in some cases pointy! Original take on that particular tangle! Nicely done.

    1. Thanks, Sue. I always try to "mess" with tangles. Sometimes I come up with things that are down right ugly, but I do it anyway since that is what I enjoy about Zentangle.
