
Monday, May 30, 2016

Zentangle® Skye, Bales, and an Inchie

Skye, by CZT Margaret Bremner, is the tangle chosen by I Am the Diva this week. I have been seeing several beautiful compositions recently using this tangle but hadn't gotten around to trying it. What a fun tangle. It does require a bit of concentration though, so be ready to devote some time to it the first few times around. I added some Fife and Betweed.
Jean Chaney
Facebook's Square One's focus tangle of the week is Bales. An old favorite! I added Verve, another favorite of mine.
Humm, now that I post them both I can see some similarities. Must be getting into a rut LOL!

Every Inchie Monday's prompt word is Robot. I'm showing my age when I admit to watching Lost in Space with Will Robinson Dr. Smith.

Thank you for stopping by. I truly love reading all your comments!


  1. Nice! I like the addition of dark crescents in the loops.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. It must be fun to see others use your clever tangle!

  2. I like your silly stringy Skye! and I had to laugh at the "Dr. Smith Dr. Smith, Danger, Danger" Robot.

    1. I don't think I have ever been accused of being graceful, Lorna LOL! Yes, Danger, Danger, was a favorite!

  3. I like how you did your Skye and added the B'tweed and Fife in there. I'm still practicing Skye in my sketchbook. I think I may be getting it now. We'll see what happens.

    Oh! I see the similarities in your 2 top tiles now. Not sure that's a rut though - they are both very pretty. And I like your robot. What fun!

    1. Oh, I had to practice it a few myself, Melena. But, it does get easier each time :) Maybe, being spring, I was just in a flowery mood :)

  4. looks very like the robot from lost in space - eespecially the arms. I never watched the original presentations but have seen it in repeats

    1. My oldest son loved to watch the repeats. We had a family friend named Will and my son, who was only three, called him Will Robinson. We all thought that was funny at the time.

  5. I can see the similarities in your tiles as well as the differences. Sometimes the similarities have something to do with where our heads are at when we draw.

    1. Flowers and brains, hummm, I wonder what that means Miss L? I am always fascinated with how people think so I will have to spend some time pondering your comment.

    2. I think I'm using some Australianisms in my comments. Sorry. When I talk about where your head is at, I mean what your thoughts and feelings are, what your mood is like. These things must influence our art, especially when we get into the Zen of our drawing and let the pen flow. I could also be completely over-analysing something as simple as you liking Bales and Verve! Thanks for being a regular visitor to my blog :)

    3. Oh, don't be sorry at all. I'm the one who didn't respond clearly. I knew exactly what you were saying Miss L, and I meant I would have to think about where I was in my own mind at the time I was gravitating to creating flowers and brains. I was a psychology minor when I got my master's degree in collage, and so I guess I am one who tends "over-analysis" all the time. You probably would have guess it though already HaHa!

  6. love the tangles and the robot is awesome. I used t watch lost in space as reruns when I was a kid. I did not like that robot! But yours is nice

    1. I never liked that show, but my son did. So, I guess it was what came to mind for this challenge, Freebird. Thanks for the kind comment :)

  7. Two cheerful typical "Jean Chaney tiles", I do like them, nice contrasts, nice shadows

    1. Another comment that will have me thinking, Ria. Typical. Well, I know that I can recognize some tanglers tiles by their style. I wonder if they realize that? I really wish I could see my work through someone else's eyes.

  8. Love both tiles! The One with Skye has a happy feeling and Verve makes a beautiful Bales-eye :-)

  9. Both your tiles are lovely and your robot is cute !

  10. Congratulations for conquering Skye. I love the look of this tangle, but I found it quite challenging.

    1. I'll admit, Suzanne, it wasn't easy for me either :)

  11. Always seeing your artwork and your inchies. All are brilliant today

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Chrissie, I so appreciate that you always stop by to say hi!

  12. Your diva tile is very nice and I like the combination of Skye with Fife and Betweed.
    Your inchie is funny :-)

    1. Sometimes I really have to think of what might go into spaces and sometimes, when I don't feel like thinking I just force tangles to go into spaces. But usually, Sandra, I just open my books of tangles and pick something that is on the page LOL!

  13. I recognized Robbie the robot immediately! He is awesome! "Danger, Will Robinson!"

    1. Some of the shows we used to watch were quite silly, Cathy, but at least they weren't quite as violent as today's shows.

  14. You did a great job with Skye Jean and I like the Betweed at the top! You are right, it definitely needs concentration when drawing it! :O)

    1. LOL, Patty. You'd thing, with all our training, that theses tangles would be easy for CZT's! Not necessarily true. Some of them really have a muscle memory factor to them and need practice to become easy and smooth.

  15. I like what you did with Skye, Jean, with the individual knots. At first glance, that tile looks very Picasso-esque to me. Love the robot. I couldn't do after I saw you did. Gotta keep things weird and wonderful, right? Cheryl

    1. Thanks, Cheryl. Yes, weird is a good word. Always looking for something interesting for these inchies :)

  16. Such lovely work here;-) I especially love that Diva piece. The composition is fantastic!

  17. Nice work. I agree that Skye can be challenging. I think it is one that the more you do, the easier the lines flow. I also remember the robot from Lost in Space. Compared to what they do now, really was pretty campy. But we did not know better back then.

    1. It reminds me of Mooka in the way I had to learn how to do it comfortably. I sat for days and days just doing Mooka over and over on scrap paper until I didn't have to think of it at all. Some of my favorite shows were such drivel, Donald. Like Father Knows Best and Ozzie and Harriet!

  18. I had to concentrate too and still didn't quite get it right. I like the way you have got it to flow into the rest of the tile, a very nice composition. As for Lost in Space, there's nothing wrong with those old shows, they kept us entertained for ours.

    1. I was thinking that there aren't too many of those kind of shows anymore that just let you laugh and forget about everything. They certainly didn't tax the brain and made us laugh. We need more of that in these troubled times, Magrats.

  19. I found your skye at the second look. It isn't the dominating element in your tile. Makes it more interesting!

    1. I actually was trying for that effect, so I appreciate that you noticed and pointed it out, Splash :)

  20. Brilliant robot, sorry this is so late.
