
Monday, July 25, 2016

Zentangle® in Circles, Echoism, and an Inchie

The Diva is back and this week's challenge is to use circles. Sorry I missed last week; however, I am one of those unlucky people who get car sick. The previous week we were on vacation (see previous post if interested.) But, I am back with my new black sketch book and playing with tangles, pens, and colored pencils. This is for I am the Diva and for Facebook's Tangle Pattern Club. They call it Nymph from Melissa M Barlow and I call it filled 'nzepple from Zentangle. Either way, it was fun to do using a Signo gold pen and Slicci pens. I also outlined using a Pigna Sensi and a Fabriano cool gray pen.
Here's another on my new black paper done with a white gel pen and filled with Prismacolors in metallic.
Carpet Daisy with Cadent
Square One, Facebook, focus tangle is Echoism to which I added Between, partial Verve, Tipple, and Fescu.
And, finally, the prompt word for Every Inchie Monday is "underground". I looked up and found some very interesting information about our local Phoenix underground world. It seems that the old hotels downtown were built way before the time of air conditioning. I can't even imagine! Anyway, after these grand hotels were built, underground tunnels were added to bring cooler air from the earth up to the hotels using fans. Of course, then better use was found and speakeasies and gambling hideouts were born.
Thanks for stopping by. I have missed you and look forward to reading your comments again this week!


  1. Great idea to combine for the Facebook and Diva challenges! I love the work on that black paper. I have to get a journal with black paper. You have inspired!

    1. Yes, Cathy, I'm a slow learner.....LOL! I had one before this one too, just couldn't find it and had to buy a new one. I really like this one though and it has motivated me as well.

  2. Wonderful artwork and a fantastic post about your inchie

    I too suffer from travel sickness unless I take a tablet an hour before we is awful
    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Thanks, and yes, Chrissie, the Diva said so many did not participate last week. I guess there are a lot of us who wouldn't risk getting ill over a challenge :)

  3. Allof them are beautiful and great colors. I hope you feel better now.

    1. Thanks, Carmela. I wasn't sick at all, just didn't participate in doing tangles in a moving car because it would have made me sick to do so :)

  4. Fasinating information regarding the underground world of Phoenix. It was of course your response to La Diva's challenge that brought me here today, love the results you get using black tiles. XOXO

    1. I didn't know all that stuff either. Amazing what one doesn't even know about one's own environment! Thanks for your sweet comments, Zoe!

  5. Fabulous tangles and inchie, I'm the worlds best traveller, but I can sympathise with you. The story behind your niche is very interesting.

    1. Thank you, Wendy. I can fortunately knit, but no reading or drawing.

  6. I'm glad you are back Jean, you have made beautiful black drawings, I especially love the second one, very nice colors in both of them and also your interpretation of Echoism is elegant. Thanks for the information about Phoenix. It is interesting. I can't imagine such things because I have never seen it.

    1. It's good to be back, Ria. I truly miss everyone. I always wonder if things I have only read about are real or not. Like, maybe the world really is flat :)

  7. Love all 3 of your tiles, especially the colors on the black tiles! Really nicely done! 👍🤗

    1. Thanks, Patty. I've never really liked working on the black with white, but I'm finding that I do like working on black with color.

  8. always look forward to your take on our inchie subjects - good research and drawing

    1. Thanks, Kia. I always strive to keep people interested in what is posted, so I appreciate your comment!

  9. Love your work with Nymph in that first tile...and the colors glowing on black!

  10. I love what you did for the Diva Challenge Jean. Those circles are great. Nymph is very interesting. It does look like a tangellation of "Nzeppel. I know what you mean about white on the black. I like using colors on it too. And your Echoism is wonderful. I love how you filled it in. I'm always learning something new here. :-) I never knew that about Phoenix either. What a great piece of history. Thanks for looking that up. We all learned a little bit from that one.

    And last week's challenge? I was very busy and driving around a lot, but I'm the one doing the driving. I don't think I could tangle in a moving vehicle. Need to keep my eyes straight ahead on the road. If I don't I get a bad headache - not worth it.

    1. I agree, Melena, that is is really a bit too much like 'Nzeppel to be a new tangle, but you know I love to push tangles anyway so it was right up my alley. No, don't tangle and drive. There should be a bumper sticker for that LOL!

  11. Great Jean, a black sketch book and you did well in tangling in it. I especially like the second one!

    1. Thanks, Anne. I was playing with that notebook again last night and I just love working in it. Black is so very different when you use colors.

  12. Your Diva challenge circle tile is beautiful. It glows! Love the organic feel of the carpet daisy and cadent. I have not done much with black tiles, your work is inspiring me to try!

    1. Oh, I hope you do give black a try, Jill, it is different but fun. Thanks for you comment. I like the Carpet Daisy too.

  13. Beautiful work Jean! I especially love that Diva piece;-)

  14. I love the black paper art! Amazing! I also love the inchie. What an awesome idea!

    1. Thank you, Freebird. The first one I did was really intricate, but I did the Lincoln tunnel. Then, I remembered that it was under water, not under the earth!

  15. Wow that work on black paper is amazing! Hope you are now recovered from your bout of carsickness and not too sorry to be home from vacation.


    1. Thanks, Sally. I never got carsick though since I didn't do the challenge last week for that reason :) So, I was/am fine :)

  16. Love the drawings on black, nicely done Jean.

  17. Lovely work Jean, I'm really taken with your gel string art tile challenge piece.

  18. Wonderful work! This week my favorite is the one for the DC. Great composition and colors are so bright and beautiful!!!

  19. Beautiful work on all of your tiles. I really like the colored pens against the dark backgrounds.

  20. Gorgeous work on all of your tiles, especially the dark backgrounds... so dramatic and the color just pops on the black. I wish I could get echoism to behave as well as yours does, I think I need a LOT more practice. I love your inchie and your history lesson on the Phoenix underground. I have been to the undergrounds in a few cities, but the one that stood out in my experience was in Seattle. But I suppose that's because I felt one of their ghosts down there and even got a picture of it (sadly that hard drive crashed before I got the picture printed though). Beautiful work ~ all of it!

    1. With a tangle like Echoism, Lezli, it is helpful to grab larger paper and just loosely do sideways "8"s and let them get longer and sloppier until they become Echoism. Once you feel it, you will find it easier. How exciting to meet a ghost. Now that is a treasured memory.

  21. Gold pens on black paper looks lovely. I have never tried that and you have given me the idea. The daisies are beautiful! interesting tidbit about the underground.

    1. Thanks, Indira. The Slicci pens work the best because they are very fine. I wish they made more colors!
