
Monday, June 19, 2017

Zentangle® Strutz, Aura, and a Splash of Color

The non-dominate hand challenge showed up today at I am the Diva. We are to aura a tangle. She encouraged us to think that our tile has "character"! Mine certainly does! I did everything, including the shading and chop with my left hand.
I use kind of a half Ing and Rain to aura using a Renaissance tile.

The focus tangle on Square One, Facebook is Strutz by Sarah Fowler. Most of the shared tangles look like melting tinker toys. They really look great that way and I encourage you to take a look at this fun tangle.

And, for the splash of color, I thought it would be fun to play with a spiral and some 'Nzeppel. I used Copics to color.

Thanks for stopping by. Please know how much I love reading your comments!


  1. You did very well with your Diva Challenge Aura tile. I have a hard enough time with getting auras straight and equal distance. I'm a bit ambidextrous so that might help. But, and it's a big but, my left shoulder is being very painful and I have very little range of motion in that arm. Doctor is sending me to an Orthopedics doc to get x-rays and see what's going on. In the meantime, I'll go ahead and see what I can do with this. I've been thinking about doing some things with my left hand and this challenge will be a good one, if I can do it. Anyway, seeing yours gives me hope! :-D The linky machine at the Diva's website still isn't working. Hopefully it will be soon. I want to see what everyone else is doing with this. Enough of that. I like your Strutz! That is a fun tangle. And your color tile is beautiful. I love the 'Nzeppel in the spiral like that. What a great idea. And your colors are wonderful, nice and cool for some very hot days. Is it hot enough for you yet? LOL It got up to 103 here in Sonoma County yesterday. YIKES! It doesn't do this. No air conditioning was put into these condos back 30 years ago because it didn't get that hot here. "The times they are a changin'" Have a great week and don't melt!

    1. I was surprised to see a comment so soon since the linky isn't working over at the Diva's challenge, Melena. I'm sorry about your shoulder. I had no range of motion in my shoulder a few years ago too. Someone recommended glucosamine/chondroitin and it worked wonders for me. I get it at Costco. After a few years, I thought maybe I should stop taking it and almost immediately lost my ability to move that arm. It takes a few weeks to work. Do read up on it. I'm sure it's not for everyone. We even started giving it to our dog and now he doesn't limp anymore.
      Yes, we are supposed to be over 120 degrees this week. I don't mind though. Maybe I'm part lizard? No air? Well, time to go to the mall I think :)

    2. Got your message, Jean. Yes I did see this. I've Googled it to see what the best one is. Looks like Costco has the best one, but I don't belong to Costco. Maybe time to join. LOL I'll see what WalMart has first though (it's closer) Schiff is supposed to be good too, but a little pricier. It would be worth it to see if it works, that's for sure. Thanks for the tip. I also saw that there are brands out there just for dogs. A good thing to know.

      Glad you like the heat! It's hot here but thankfully not that hot. Just don't try to fly - the air molecules are too far apart right now. LOL

    3. You don't want the kind with additional stuff added, oh, and don't take the one for dogs, LOL! And, I'll be careful to leave my broom in the closet until it cools down :)

  2. As I was doing my tile I kept thinking I really should do Msst as all my lines seemed to be try to resemble it! I do a lot of things with my left hand but drawing isn't one of them!

    I've been using Costcos glucosamine and chondroitin for years to help my knees I wish I had thought of using it for my dog when she was alive. Good to know it's helping yours.

    1. LOL, Trudi. Msst in the round? Yes, I was fortunate that someone told me about the Glucosamine/Condroitin. My friend used it for her dog, so I checked with our vet and was given the go ahead. Amazing stuff!

  3. I like how your rain looks like it's buzzing with electricity! The "splash of color" tile is especially pretty.

    1. LOL, Melissa. That's a great way of looking at it. Electric rain :)

  4. Great tiles Jean! I love that you chose Rain for your Diva Challenge! And that you added colour! How do you like your Copics? I've been really thinking about them! ...investment! :)

    1. Deanne, I LOVE my Copics. Yes, they are very expensive, but they are refillable and just about indestructible. Please do read tons before starting. When you are a beginner, you need colors that are next to each other in color number or they won't blend. Find a tutorial that explains the numbering system. It is very important to understand that. If you have any problems, let me know and we can PM so I can help you.

  5. Hello Lizard, I'm so glad is isn't somwarm here. It is around 30 C. and even that is much to much for me. Just came home from work and I'm exhausted.
    I think you did very well with the challenge and I LOVE the last ien!!!

    1. HaHa, Anne. Even hotter today :) Thnankfully, we have a pool. Hubby won't go in because he says it is like bath water. I'm loving it!

  6. Great work Jean! I love character that the squiggly lines bring to the piece;-) Your spiral is gorgeous.

    1. It looks like, if you are consistent with what you do, it turns out looking okay, Michele.

  7. Hi Jean, I really like your Rain/Ing tile. It certainly has character which I think is a great thing. Maybe cause it has so many Brown tones, it Looks to me like something you might find on a Piece of Native pottery. And I would think it is lovely! Also enjoy your Strutz and splash of Color.

    1. Living in the Southwest, you'd think I would have noticed the resemblance to Native American pottery, Jennifer. You are right, it does. (But, I think their lines might be just a bit straighter, LOL!)

  8. Mine was wobbly also. Guess it is better to think of it as character. We have not had real hot days in the Midwest. Have had some high humidity which is never any fun to deal with.

    1. Our heat isn't that difficult to deal with, Donald, up to now. July, however, is a different thing. It is our monsoon season so our humidity rises with the rains. It can be a bit more uncomfortable then.

  9. I am so glad to see that the pro's also draw wobbly lines! Lovely tiles!

    1. It seems inevitable that, unless you are ambidextrous, the lines will be wobbly no matter how good you can do with your dominant hand, Susan. I used to do this exercise with my young art students years ago so they could appreciate how well they actually are using the preferred hand. They always seemed to enjoyed the exercise.
