
Monday, October 16, 2017

Zentangle® Last Post

Hello all my friends and followers. Today I am posting my last post for Tangle Street Studio, for now anyway. I have followed many people over the years who have simply disappeared. Being of a certain age, I always worry that the blogger may be ill, or worse. I don't want anyone to worry about me. I am in excellent health and happy. However, I have found myself becoming increasingly stressed with all the things I have added to my plate over the four years since I have retired. Not good at all. I've thought about this for some time and decided that it is for the best for me to give myself some breathing room.

You may have noticed that I have been doing more ZIA, Zentangle Inspired Art, lately. Drawing, coloring, and painting allows me to explore my creativity and gives me more opportunities to learn, that's where you'll find me. If you would like to continue to see what I am up to,  I work with cards and coloring techniques on Instagram as jeanchaneyaz, at TangleStreetColorway,  and on Facebook as TangleStreet. If I can find the time, I will start posting my mixed media and journaling pieces on TangleStreetJournals&MixedMedia.

I will leave you with the last of The Diva Challenges to use her tangle Artoo.
My best to each and every one of you. You have been such an encouraging group, and has been such a pleasure working along side of you and getting to know you.
With much fondness, Jean


  1. Well well. I was wondering what happened to you last week. Now I know, and I understand completely. LOL I have the same feeling of being a bit too stressed with all I want to do. Some days it's fine, but other times I feel like I just have too much going on to do this all the time. I'll keep up with you on TangleStreetColorway. I have some other ideas I want to try too but haven't had the time yet. Plus I'm crocheting a Queen Size afghan for my niece for Christmas using Tunisian Crochet. And to update you on the fires here in Sonoma County, they have been doing a great job getting the fires contained. The fire nearest to me is not a threat to me at all anymore and 70% contained. The wind has died down and we are expecting a bit of rain Wednesday or Thursday. I've been doing my rain dance - dancing around all the time and it's all part of the rain dance. :-D Good for you to realize what you need to do to reduce the stress. I have learned a whole bunch from you and I love seeing what you do. Thanks for being here and giving such wonderful comments.

    1. Ah, Melena, you have always been so sweet to me in your comments. I'm so glad you understand. I'm hoping to get back to my knitting, crochet, and spinning too. I'm glad to hear the fires are not a threat to you any longer. Terrible thing fires are. Keep dancing my friend!

  2. Good for you! Glad that you are taking care of yourself and doing what is important instead of being caught up in a whirlwind of trivial pursuits. Best wishes. Cris

    1. How very kind of you, Cris. I'm guessing that a lot of people are going to "get" this decision of mine. But, it is reassuring to read comments that make me feel a bit more confident that I am doing the right thing.

  3. Thanks for letting us know - completely understand as I find myself confronting the same issue. No doubt you've noticed my erratic schedule of posting. I'm finding these days I'd rather be wood burning with a side of ZIA on paper now and then. Keeping up with all the challenges and posting not so much. Will definitely keep tabs on you via FB and Instagram - I'm there as well FB - Tinkered Art Studio and Instagram - Tinkered Art. Have fun getting back to your other loves.

    1. Woodburning sounds interesting, TA. But, NO, do not tempt me with something else new, LOL!

  4. Jean, thank you for the heads up on what you are doing. I, too, have found that I wonder about those who haven't posted for awhile (unfortunately, I am one of those over this last summer), and appreciate knowing that you are well and happy. Good luck on all of your future endeavors and I also will take a look at your other locations. Hugs and have tons of fun exploring your other passions as well. Lezli

    1. We used to have a participant in The Diva Challenge, Omer or Omar, who lived in a war zone. He would write about taking his 7 year old daughter to the bomb shelter in the middle of the night when the sirens went off. One day, he was gone from the Internet. I have always had such a difficult time dealing with the possibilities. Hopefully, he got busy and is just fine enjoying life somewhere else. So, that's partially why I had to do it this way, Lezli. Thanks for your sweet comment!

  5. Thank you, Jean, for once again being a fountain of generosity by keeping us informed of your decision. I have always appreciated your generous comments, as well as your faithful submissions to several weekly challenges and then some. Retirement is for relaxing and enjoying with minimal stress. Good luck creating this new life for yourself! We'll miss you!

    1. Jennifer, such a sweet comment. Thank you. I was born a teacher and it has always been my lot to be an encouraging force for others. I will be still doing that, but in a different area for now. I will miss all of my tangling friends too.

  6. We will miss you and your meticulous comments Jean. Anything done with compulsion could become stressful. Wish you a stress free years ahead. NJOY.

    1. LOL, Dilip. You have hit that nail on the head. I just don't know how to do anything half-*ssed! I have always pushed myself because I'm not quite as smart or talented as some, so I just have to work harder and reach deep into any creativity I possess. Each accomplishment, however, is all the more sweet.

  7. I'll surely miss you, but do understand what you are saying. Like you, I always wonder what happened to someone if they just disappeared from the internet and sometimes even worry. So, it's great that you decided not to just disappear, but explain what it is that let you make this choice. We'll 'see' each other on FB I'm Sure, but still .... I will miss you here xxxx

    1. Annemarie, it has been such a pleasure being part of a group with you, my friend. I will be seeing you though, as you said, on Facebook.

  8. The first comment I ever received, was from you and I will never forget that. Giving comments is nice but to receive is also nice. I want to thank you again that you had always a kind word for everyone, that is the real Zentanglespirit and I appreciated it very much. I certainly will miss you with your lovely and cheerful tiles which made a smile on my face so often. Thank you dear Jean for being such a wonderful person and I am grateful that I "met" you by this site. I understand completely why you are leaving and I wish you the best for the future. I will continue to draw but also a lot lesser than I used to do. There are still so many other things to enjoy when you are retired!!!

    1. As a lifetime teacher, Ria, I have always loved to encourage people in anything that they put some effort into creating. It gives me such joy since we are all so hard on ourselves. I will be continuing that calling, but in a different area. I hope to be a bit of sunshine in someone's creative day.

  9. I will miss you here ... but am glad we have a way to find out what you are up to! I like what you've done with Artoo! Take care.

  10. Jean, I've always appreciated and enjoyed everything you've done here and commented on my blog as well as others. It's a lot of work and I completely understand when other artistic endeavors are calling. I'm having a lot of the same feelings, especially since I challenged myself with completing the Inktober drawings doing actual illustrations. I chose not to participate in a couple of challenges I normally do.
    Anyhoo, best of luck to you and thanks so much for the heads up. I'll be following you on Instagram;-)

    1. It was just one of those, "last straw" kind of thing. Sort of letting your house get so dirty and messy that it makes you feel sick to look at it. I'm already feeling so much less pressured. Speaking of messes, I spent most of this week making room in my studio. It sure makes a difference too. Thank you for always being in my cheering section, Michele!

  11. Dear Jean, I will miss you here and I will miss your wonderful and playful tiles. I have always appreciated your kind comments which made me always happy. But I do understand your decision very well. Thank you that you tell us about your plans. Take care!
    We will meet us on FB or Instagram! Best wishes, Annette

    1. I have always enjoyed seeing your name pop up here, Annette. I have followed you from the start in my Zentangle journey, and love your style and grace. Thank you for your kindness.

  12. Jean, I am one of the ones who has been absent for awhile... I am ok, but summer got away from me with my hubby getting worse in his dementia, and then passing. I am just now surfacing from getting school up and running, after all of that. I will miss seeing your fun and beautiful art, but will watch for you in your other endeavors. Thank you for all of your kind and thoughtful comments over the years.

    1. Kate, I am saddened to hear about your difficulties. Caring for a loved one is hard enough, and then to face his loss. You are a strong person though and I know you will move forward. Thank you for all the encouragement you have given me over the years of our tangling journey.

  13. It must be catching! I've missed the last few Diva Challenges myself and got to the point where I haven't blogged because I felt guilty. Guilty! honestly, how daft can it get? So I too am giving myself permission to do less. Or, at least, less in the way of Challenges and targets. So i know exactly what you mean - well, not about housework, I detest housework and, fortunately for me, the loved one does it instead. I will follow you on FB and I know I will enjoy seeing your work change and grow. You have been a good friend and encourager to many of us in the Tangled Universe and I am glad to feel that you have been and will continue to be a long distance friend.

    1. Thank you so much, Margaret, for your thoughtful and caring comment. I think many of us were drawn to Zentangle because we are high energy people who were looking for a way to "calm" ourselves. However, it's just not in our nature so we actually made more demands on ourselves. Doing "challenges" is really not very zen and pushing for numbers on our blogs isn't very zen either.
      My husband is old school. He is convinced that I was created to wait on him hand and foot, which I lovingly do! He does, however, do most of the cooking. Unfortunately, he has not found it in him to clean up afterwards. How can anyone use that many pots and splash everywhere? Good thing I love him so much :)

  14. I understand completely! The stress interferes with the zen! Enjoy your journey! You will be missed!

    1. Thanks for your understanding, Cyndee. It has been a great journey on this path, and I'm looking forward to my newest one.

  15. Hi Jean. I have always enjoyed your tiles and inches and appreciated you comments. I have had a long break from challenges as I found they were becoming more important than the Zen and the sheer enjoyment of letting the mind take its own path and letting the tangles happen. So now I am only going to do ones that take my fancy and just enjoy the fun of drawing and my jewellery making which is also fantastic. Have fun and let your creativity follow its own path.

    1. It sounds like we are of like minds, Val. Thanks for the understanding, and I hope you are enjoying your other pursuits. I used to do jewelry making myself and it is very rewarding as well.

  16. Dear Jean, thank you for all your kind comments over the years. I wish you lots of heartfelt Zen! ❤️🙏🏼

    1. You're so welcome, Nadjezdah, it has really been a pleasure. Thank you for your kindness.

  17. I will miss you... and your creativity Jean! Best wishes for a wonderful new adventure! Much love!💖

    1. Thank you, Deanne, for leaving me such a sweet comment!

  18. Oh Jean, you are the most supportive person within the group and I am one of those that come and go within the challenges and not enough time in the day. So in case you are wondering, I am well, just doing other projects or travelling.

    My very best wishes to you and hopefully see you on Flickr if you are still keeping that up with other art.

    1. How nice to see your name pop up here, Chrissie. We have been together for a long time. Thank you for letting me know that you are well and enjoying life. It will be fun to cross paths again in our future.

  19. Jean, I valued your comments highly and loved the connection you helped create and maintain within the Zentangle and Diva community. Thanks for sharing this post too. Reading it and the comments shows gave me some 'me too' moments. We all need to take time to find the Zen in our lives. If that means less blogging, fewer challenges or different artistic pursuits, then so be it. And once a teacher, always a teacher. Teachers need time out too or we burn out. Thanks again for your generous and thoughtful comments over the years. Karen aka The Creative Miss L

    1. Nice to know that you are "Karen" Miss L. Your message was so nice to read, and I am grateful for your understanding. This was a very difficult decision for me, but it was the right one for me. It's not like I couldn't change my mind (don't think that will happen, but as they say "never say never") in the future, and know I would be warmly welcomed back by my friends. I have always enjoyed reading your thoughtful comments on my blog and enjoyed following you as well. Maybe we will pass each other again someday.

  20. Hello Jean,

    I like to let you know that Margriet and I will continue the Every Inchie Monday Blog and that we start tomorrow!
    We wish you a very happy New Years Eve and for 2018 a happy, healthy and creative year, with a lot of beautiful inchies.
    Greetings from Jolande
