
Sunday, May 26, 2013

C-scape and Zendala #59

This "getting ready to retire" is exhausting! I will really need a good rest when this upcoming, last week of working is over :)

This weeks Zendala template from Erin at The Bright Owl looked so simple. I, of course, had to make it not simple. I did enjoy working on it though. A lot:
Then, I did a TOW (tangle of the week) with my Yahoo group using Susan Olsen's C-scape. Oh, what a lovely new tangle is that one. I had days of playing before I settled on doing it in the round - just to see if I could:
 Next time you hear from me, I will be RETIRED! (Does that mean tired all over again?)


  1. Oh Jean, Congratulations on retirement. First a little advice from a long-retired person. It's wonderful, as long as you use the time to do all the things you didn't have time to do before, and don't sit around and vedge. My advise is" don't sleep in too late (except on special occasions). Get up, get dressed, make yourself look pretty good (no need to be glamorous); do your chores, and then do whatever wonderful thing you put on your calendar or list for that day. Don't leave everything up to chance; if you do, you'll get bored. Ask me how I know this, LOL!
    Now, as to your zendala: it's really lovely. I like how you added a flame sort of thing to the and I like the tangles you chose.
    Again, congrats on retirement! It can really be wonderful!

    1. Thanks for the advice, Linda. I'm more worried about how my husband is going to handle having me around all the time. He has been retired for several years and has his own schedule and hobbies. I have been taking the last of my "sick" days and vacation days and he is already trotting after me asking "what are you doing" all the time :)

  2. Your c-scape is great. I love that tangle, but don't use it so much. Congrats on your retirement, I am totally green with envy! Hopefully that will happen soon for me - in about 3 years, whew.

    1. I just learned C-scape and I really like it. There are just so many things that can be done with it. Just keep going, it is amazing how quickly those three years will go by. Buy lots of pens and pencils now, while you can afford them!

  3. I agree with Linda about retirement. The only thing I want to add is: don't forget to make a lot of appointments with friends, for lunch, dinner, a cup of coffie, shopping, drawing, whatever you want do do.

    Your zendala's are lovely.

    1. Thanks Annemarie. When would you like to meet for coffee? Don't you just love the Internet where you can be friends with people from all over the world? I really do wish we could meet, all of us tanglers that chat all the time! If you ever make it to the States, let me know!

  4. love the movement on the first, it looks like I would lose a finger if I stuck it in there! lol
    They are both beautiful.
    After retirement, you will wonder how you ever had time to work! Congratulations.

    1. You made me laugh, Deby. Watch out for that finger!

      I see that you are a knitter like I am. I tracked you down on Ravelry. I am Grandmajean there if you want to look me up. I will have to check out your work more closely as it looks like you design a lot of knitwear that I would like!

  5. Congrats on your retirement! Your calendar will fill up quickly and you will soon wonder how you had enough time for a job! Nice Zendala's, too!

    Be creative and be happy!
    Jacque Solomon

    1. Wow, you're not kidding. I started to make a list of the things that I want to do and almost hyperventilated! I will never have time to rest LOL!

  6. Jean, your c-scape is terrific, LOVE it in the Round!!! And I can say from experience that you will love, retirement. I went in 2009, and have not regretted one minute. Keep on tanglin'
    Sue O.

  7. Sue, I am glad you like the c-scape. It is a wonderful tangle! My husband was so worried that I would go through depression upon retirement. HA! Don't see that happening :)
