
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hollibaugh and Dare #58

Here it is, Sunday again. I like to complete Erin's Zendala Dare and a TOW for my Yahoo group on Sunday, if I can. I was hankering to do some laced. I added Queen's Crown in the center in a circular pattern and some Pia. 
This is what I came up with for the Dare:

And the TOW was to use Hollibaugh:


  1. The Laced is fun, both to do and to look at. Thanks for sharing it. Also, I like your other one with Hollibaugh. Great Stuff! Excuse my ignorance, but what is TOW? I guess I am a little behind in the acronym department.

  2. Sorry, TOW is Tangle of the Week in my Yahoo group. I enjoy being "pushed" to do tangles I might not otherwise have done. I have the same push in doing Roy's monotangles. Group pressure is a good thing :)

  3. Looks great! I especially love your laced.

  4. You did great here. I especialy like ghe border.

  5. Your zendala is lovely. Quite different from the others I've seen so far. I really like it. Your TOW of hollibaugh is also quite lovely. I like using hollibaugh as the string. Yours is really clever.
