
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Dare, A Challenge, and A TOW

First, the Dare, Number 78, from The Bright Owl was kind of Halloween looking, like a web. So, I thought I would try the new tangle pattern, Bumpkenz, by Beth Snoderly. Mine certainly didn't turn out pumpkinie looking like hers, but I like it anyway.
The Diva Challenge #142 was to jump out of our comfort zone. I like just about anything Zentangle, ZIA, color, no color. I even like the tangles that I can't do. I had to really think about this one and decided to do the one tangle that I don't like at all, not even a tiny bit. It is EKE. And, guess what? I still don't like it LOL! (It makes me think of the dreaded "doodle" word.)
And finally, my Yahoo group Tangle of the Week, TOW, was to use Lace Curtains and Ling.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Challenge and a Sneak Preview

This week's challenge from the Diva proved to be a real challenge for me. I have always had difficulty with Quandry. I know I still didn't get it right, but I am posting it anyway. We have to remember that even if we don't do something "right" it is still Zentangle, just a tangalation. Fengle is always fun to do. I added some Sharpie pens, Copics, and pencil shading.

Edited this to add a video from Ellen Wolters on how to use a grid for Quandry.

I belong to a group of CZTs (Certified Zentangle Teachers) who are working on a deck of cards made from ATC (Artist Trading Cards) that are 2.5" x 3.5". We can play with the cards by adding color, fabric, collage and such, but we must add tangles to each one. When they are complete, we will send them to the host who will separate them into different decks of 52. We will then each receive a deck of cards with each card coming from a fellow CZT. What fun and just a little pressure. Some of these people do such beautiful work, which I'm sure you've seen out there. I find myself intimidated all the time on occasion by their beautiful work. I am also inspired to keep working on my tangles and steal borrow from them as well.

Anyway, I am in the process of doing 53 ATCs (one set will go to the founders of Zentangle, Rick and Maria) for this trade. I wanted to share my process and will reveal some of the finished ones (no, you won't have to look at all 53!) in the future.
Some ATCs are tangled first and then color is added. I like to use Copic markers, H2O watercolor paints, Gelatos, colored pencils, Inktense water color pencils and Neocolor crayons. This swap sure lets me have fun playing with all my collection of color making materials!

Here is one that I used glitter glue to make a string. After it dried, I added Copic markers. Won't this be fun to tangle?

Some I only played with my water colors:

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Arizona Art Supply booth at the Women's Expo. It was great meeting so many friendly people. Drop me an email and let me know if you have any questions about Zentangle. I'm always happy to help:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pointillism, Turtle and W2

Well, I thought I was done with pointillism. I used to teach it years ago and it took forever to finish a piece. But, when the Diva challenges us to do a tangle with little dots instead of any lines, I'm in:
For my tangling group, I needed to do W2:
And, finally, a cute little tortoise from Facebook's Ornation Creation template using Copic markers:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Challenge of 8s Parte Dos, C-Bun, and a Card

The Diva challenged us to use a tangle by CZT Jane Eileen called 8s Parte Dos. I have attempted to do this tangle a few times before but really have some brain connection problems with some tangles. This was one of them for me. So, I had put it aside. Along comes the challenge and I had to try it again. I am too embarrassed to let you know how many pages and pages of my notebook are filled with my attempts to understand the ins and outs of this tangle. But, with determination, I finally actually not only got it, but understand it. It is really a great tangle and has a lot of design possibilities. If you haven't tried it, do so.

A new tangle was posted on Tangle Patterns called C-Bun. I happen to love cinnamon buns, so I had to try it.

And, finally, my tangling group leader of the month brought in some great tags that slide into a holder for us to make some cards. I, sadly, have a friend in need of some cheering up, so I made the card for him. The tag slides into the holder and the pattern is repeated on the inside and out with room for the hidden message inside the holder. Then it goes on a backing, on to a card with a personal message inside and off to the mailbox hoping to bring at least a little smile.

With them put together:

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Zendala Dare #76 and Inapod

This week's Dare from Erin and The Bright Owl reminded me of a spoked wagon wheel. Yet, my finished work didn't turn out that way. I wanted to see if I could use Eke. It isn't a favorite, therefore I ignore it. Bad. So, I pushed it into this zendala. I suppose it makes a nice break between the inner lighter pattern and the darker outer pattern. I also used variations of Meer, Dyon, and Chartz.

My Yahoo group Tangle of the Week was to use Inapod. I never use this one either, yet is is a favorite and always makes me smile when I see others use it. Just a bit of modified Mooka added as well. I did this one with black pen on some light blue textured cardstock. Then, I added white pastel for the highlights and Copics for the shadows. I really like this one. (I'll bet that surprises you, my faithful readers, as you already know I am very critical of my own work.) I think it is because it is simple and, usually, I tend to overwork my pieces.
I had another great group of students yesterday. Please check out their work by clicking on the Workshop pages above.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Frames and Elephants

The Ornation Creation group on Facebook had an elephant template for us to tangle. Not everyone in this group is into Zentangle, so there are other interpretations. It's nice to keep one's mind open to all possibilities. I used my Micron pen, colored pencils, and Copics.

I don't think I have ever won a contest, but I keep trying. The Diva's Challenge this week includes a prize with the new book, The Beauty of Zentangle, as a prize. I really would like that book. I would do the Dare anyway because they are so much fun. This week, Laura challenged us to do a frame using something original as the inspiration. I immediately looked at a straw hat in my studio and decided that's what I would like to do. I have worked almost endlessly on it and have had so much difficulty. So, I finally came up with something "kind of close" and used it as a frame for Drupe: