
Friday, January 24, 2014


Hello Everyone,

I am participating in a group effort to grow blog readership. You can click here to read all about it.

I was intrigued by the thought of having more followers for myself and for learning about new bloggers out there. If you have never visited my blog, welcome, and if you are stopping by from a previous visit, welcome back.

I became a blogger when I decided to become a Certified Zentangle Teacher so that I would have a place to show off my work and to list my classes. My blog has become much more than that though. Through blogging, I have made so many new friends, learned so many new things, and expanded my artistic repertoire.

I have links to everything "Zentangle" on the right side of the blog. On the top bar, click to see some of the work my students have done, check out my newest interest, Art Journaling, see some of my own tangles and more. My blog is constantly growing and I enjoy every minute "feeding" it. I always post at least once a week, sometimes more.

If you would like to be part of Tangle Street and help me grow my numbers, please add yourself as a follower on the link to your right.

Thanks for your visit and feel free to contact me at any time:
Jean Chaney


  1. Great introductory post, Jean. I already follow your blog as I'm a new discoverer of all things zentangle and love to see the work of "zen masters" for inspiration. Please visit my blog during the party.

    1. Nice to "meet" you, Nan. I have gone to your blog and joined. Wishing you great numbers for the party!

  2. Greetings fellow art journaler! I am so happy to have found you. I enjoyed your blog and am now following you via email. I just stumbled up Journal52. I am planning on playing catch-up this weekend. Look forward to seeing your pages.

    1. Hello, Diane. I have jumped over to your site and joined. I love your photos and you will enjoy the Journal52.

  3. Love your very detailed work - you're obviously a very patient and talented person.

    1. Thank you. I jumped over to your blog. Such beautiful photographs! Nice to meet you!

  4. Hello, Jean, and welcome to GYB... I am one of Vicki's "meet and greet volunteers", and I am quite intrigued by the art of Zentangle. I have only previously seen it used in jewelry-making, which is my current form of expression/art therapy. I'm sure I would love the boldness and excitement of this design system (not to mention as I am a math nut, it appeals to my left brain as well LOL).

    I'm following you and will definitely be back to enjoy your art!

    1. Nice to see you here, Monique. I visited your blog and LOVE the story and pictures of who you are!

  5. Wonderful to meet you! My LSS has had some Zentangle classes and I'm so happy to have found a blog dedicated to this cool & relaxing art!!!! Be sure to stop by my blog to enter my giveaway. :)

    1. I did go look at your blog and love your cardmaking. I'm glad you will drop by again in the future. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your cards.

  6. Hi Jean! Oh my goodness! Your tangles are absolutely gorgeous. I have taken two classes on Zentangle, but due to work was not able to follow through on my practice. Now that I am retired, I hope to start this fascinating art media again. Keep up the great work.

    1. Thank you, Terri. I looked at your beautiful blog and see that you are designing some really wonderful cards. I will have to watch what you are doing so I can make some more cards myself. Isn't it great to share?

  7. Hi Jean!

    Deb here! So nice to meet you. I popped over from the GYB blog hop. I don't do anything as official as Zentangle but i do love to doodle and probably so me tangling in there too. I cannot wait to explore your blog further and get to know you. Hope you'll pop over and visit me too. Hugs! deb

    1. Hi Deb. Thanks for dropping by. I checked out your blog and wandered over to your shop too. You've got some pretty nice tangles going on there!

  8. I have never done Zentangle but have seen it and am intrigued. I look forward to following!

    1. Welcome to Tangle Street, Heather. I joined your blog as well. I think we will enjoy each others blogs :)

  9. Lovely to meet you, Jean - still working my way through the GYB party list :)
    I've become a follower so I can keep up with your creations - I tried to zentangle, but my poor brain just couldn't cope with the intricacies.... (I'm a stroke survivor)

    1. Hi Claire. Nice to meet you as well. Thank you for joining my blog. I'm sorry you can't do Zentangle, but you might enjoy my art journaling page more. Nothing can make you happier than slopping paint around :)

  10. Hi Jean, thanks for popping by my blog for a visit during GYB party and leaving me a comment and trail of breadcrumbs so I could find you! Here I am, I just became your newest follower and look forward to a long and creative friendship! :D
    Hugs always,
    Beth P

    1. Beth, I am SO happy to meet you. I think we have so much in common. I saw your link to Ravelry on your blog so I found out how to add one to mine too. I've added you as a friend there too. I LOVE your whimsical ladies. Did I say LOVE? Yes! I added you to bloglovin and to Google. We will have to chat more. Maybe through Ravelry.

  11. I have never attempted Zentangle but I just love looking at them, so glad to have found your blog so that I can get a better understanding of the art.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Jo. As I mentioned above, there are a lot of people using Zentangle in their quilting. I tried quilting, but it is not as forgiving as Zentangle is :) All that measuring.....

  12. just popping in to say "hello" from a grey and gloomy North Wales UK.My daughter is into art journaling and comes up with amazing ideas..iwish I was half as talented as both of you!!

    1. Well, that's the best part of art real talent required. That's because art journaling is private. No one but you has to see what you've done. It's your chance to just write whatever you think, cut/color/paste away and just have fun. It would take some of the "gloom" away...I promise :)

  13. Oh I love Zentangles. I don't do them myself but am floored by them. I hope one day to get my daughter interested in them (she is only 7) because she loves to doodle. It has been nice getting to know you and I love your creations.


    1. Thanks for visiting, Caroline. I looked at your beautiful work. Yes, you could do Zentangle. Just look at and find a CZT in your area and you will be off and running!

  14. So glad to meet you, Jean, on the GYB circuit!! YEA I've found an art journaling, tangle buddy. Way cool! I'm following and am looking forward to your posts. best, deborah I'm at:

    1. Hello Deborah. Nice to meet you as well. I have enjoyed looking at your blog too. What a great journey art is.

  15. Hi, I'm here from GYB~ Just recently discovered Zentangle, what a cool concept. I'm now a follower and look forward to seeing what else you post. If you have a minute I'd appreciate you taking a look at my blog. Regards, Tammie Everly /TTE Designs

    1. Hello Tammie and welcome to my blog. Your blog is wonderful and you are quite creative. I know you will love Zentangle. What's not to love? Easy, no mistakes, inexpensive and so relaxing :)

  16. Zentangle sounds really interesting. I would love to learn more about it. It is nice to meet you through the GYB hop.

    1. Welcome, Jennifer. I took a look at your wonderful cards too. Isn't this blog hop a wonderful idea? Thanks for visiting.

  17. Hi, nice to meet you. I have been fascinated by zentangle for some time and now I can learn more. Thanks for sharing. Happy hopping!

    1. Hello and welcome. I think your jewelry work is great and you may find yourself adding Zentangle to it as well if you're not careful HAHA!

  18. Hi Jean! I will definitely be following your blog as I have just got into Zentangling...You can see my effort over at Fat Dormouse blog...Isn't zentangling a great way to "zone out" and relax?! I love it!

    1. Hi and thanks for visiting. Yes, I took a peek at your blog and I especially liked your tangled cat. Nice work. Hope to see you more.

  19. I love your art journaling. Very cool.

    Thanks for sharing your blog. I'm still trying to make the rounds on the Grow Your Blog! Please stop by & visit my embroidery blog if you have time.


    1. Thank you so much for your visit. Of course, I had to go check out your blog as well and have joined your site. I love embroidery but haven't done much of it lately. I did one embroidered t-shirt with Zentangle and now, because of you, I think I will revisit embroidery!

  20. Hello - love your header. Your blog is fun and busy - thanks for visiting me in Singapore!

    1. Thank you, Cathy. Your blog is most interesting and educational. I'm glad you joined the blog hop!

  21. I like all things creative n thrifty and I found you from the GYBparty.
    I don’t have a lot of blog time in for I just started blogging when I joined the blog party it was my New Year resolution. 600 entries and I am Reading my 480 blog and more to go. I following you on bloglovin and goggle network
