
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Zentangle® with Scratch Paper, an Ichie, a Challenge, and some ITSO Cloisonne

Don't run screaming away from this post; there's a lot to see :) It was a busy week, good kind of busy, with lots of tangling. The ones I really had fun doing were some Zendalas done ITSO (in the style of) Cloisonne. (Which I can't remember how to say well, but , oh what fun doing.) I really love these dares and challenges and swaps because they make me do things I would have never thought of doing. This swap is for my Yahoo group, Zentangle Inspired Art. Look up Cloisonne on Google and then make some fun for yourself. I made my own circles and, using a compass, divided the sections. Gel pens were added for the color.

Jetties, Cadent, Cubine, Chartz, Jonqal

For the Weekly Challenge from Laura, we were to use our initials (JC) as a string. I decided to only use tangles that start with my initials as well:

Inchie: for Every Inchie Monday, I wanted to do some kind of medal of honor, but I was so overwhelmed by the intricacies of them that I went back to my school days before "happy faces" were invented and we got a gold star for good work. I, of course, seldom got the gold LOL!
And finally (you still with me?) the group that I meet with monthly did some scratch art together. It is so much fun to work in a group.

I  promise to be lazier this week and not make you look at so much. Well, maybe........


  1. We have the same initials! I used lower case but I'm thinking I'll have to try again upper case and try what you did with only j and c tangles. Cool!

  2. Ooooh oooooo!!! Ilove Gold stars!!! When my kids come home home with happy faces and 100% on their papers I get so excited! But back in my day, gold stars were used a lot too!! And I also love Cloisonne, so your Zias are just beautiful!! As always a beautiful display of artwork!!! Have a blessed week!! :0) Share Humanity

    1. When I was in college as an adult (slow learner haha), I knew I had aced a test in an education class. As they were being passed out, I saw "happy faces" on the good papers. I was so excited because, even though I was in my 30's, I was going to mail it to my mother! Well, when I got mine, it had an "A" but no happy face! I think the professor thought I was just too old for that kind of thing - NOT!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, Carmela, and thanks for stopping by to look!

  4. Beautiful tangle art! I remember lots of cloisonné jewellery around me when I was little. And that inchie cracked me up - a gold star, of course, what else!! :)

    1. Thanks, Zoe. I have never had a piece of jewelry like that, but I would love to.

  5. So much work! Love your zendalas - had never heard of Cloisonne so have googled and you certainly picked up the style. Linda x

    1. Isn't it grand to learn new things? I love the Internet!

  6. These all are very nice tiles, Jean! :)

  7. You have indeed been very busy and they all turned out well. Your initial tile is lovely Jean!

  8. Wow, you did a lot of artwork. I like your black zendalas and Zia's a lot. And your initial tile is really funny, looks like a pacman creature, eating everything what becomes in front of him (HA HA)

    1. I had to go back and look at it. You are so right LOL :)

  9. I LOVE YOUR GOLD STAR! that is such a cute idea.

    1. Thank you, Jenn. I am busy working on next week's already. They sure are fun to do.

  10. Your inchie is perfect - fabulous idea and, as always, beautifully done. Love the zentagles too. I love it when your blog page loads - your banner is so cute it always makes me smile.

    1. Lisette, I so appreciate your input. I was thinking that perhaps, since I am now just a little better with my Zentangle, I should redo my banner. Maybe not?

  11. well here's hoping that you DON'T get lazy next week. I am always amazed at your work. Like you I remember gold stars but after 3rd grade I didn't get very many LOL love all the artsy eye candy you had this week

    1. Thanks. Sometimes I worry that people will think I have just toooo much posted and will just stop looking.

  12. Great post, Jean - I do like those Cloisonne circles - they look like Zendalas and I shall be off to give them a go. Love the inchie and your initials tile - I too used tangles that began with my initials - and whilst I am not quite sure what scratch art is, it has a great white on black effect..and looks scratchy!

    1. Thank you, Annie. Scratch art is where you scratch directly through the coated surface of paper with a pointed tool. (a paper clip works in a pinch but I use some of my polymer clay tools). The underneath is either white or can be colored. Look it up on the Internet and you can see some really beautiful work done by very talented artists.

  13. A gold*star for you for all this lovely work! The black Cloisonne tiles are so lovely and your initial tile rocks!

  14. You were very busy and created a lot of nice work. Will have to remember to look up the zendala information. I enjoy doing those.

    1. Thanks, Donald. Yes, it is a lot of fun to make up your own Zendalas. I should do it more often myself. I would if someone, anyone could kindly give me just a few more hours in each day :)

  15. Really wonderful post this week! Your initials tile and the inchie are beautiful! But your zendalas are really gorgeous! You adapted the Cloisonne style in a wonderful way!

    1. Thank you, Lonetta. I think I really like that style and will do more of them in the future.

  16. What a good idea to use the tangles starting with the same letters too - I used new tangles I am learning so that wouldn't have worked. Yours is cool looking!

    Those zendalas on black are stunning!! ~ Diane Clancy

    1. Thanks, Diane. I like to use new tangles whenever I can too. There are soooo many of them :)

  17. Gosh you have been busy!! I had to laugh at your initials challenge as the first thing I saw was a shark eating a fish!!! Very creative tile.

    1. Chrissie, it's too bad that I didn't see that myself. I would have added an eye to it LOL!

  18. Brilliant inchie. We got stars for the basics of math.

  19. Great inchie, I didn't get many gold stars either.

    1. Thanks, Wendy. I wonder how much damage was done to those of us who didn't get stars? Or, maybe the damage was done to those who did?
