
Monday, May 5, 2014

Zentangle® a Diva Challenge, an Inchie, and ANOTHER New Blog!

The Diva has come up with another wonderful tangle, yet to be named, that we got to play with for this week's UMT (Use my Tangle) #166. It is simple, yet it has so many possibilities. Hop over to her blog and give it a try. I think you will like it.

The Inchie gave me a bit more difficulty as I really enjoy searching for something no one else will think of. Often I am surprised at how many think like I :) Anyway, the prompt for this week was Indigo. Well, it certainly is a lovely color, but I was looking further and found that there is such a thing as "Indigo Children". I wound up down a rabbit hole (which happens to me way too often) and by the time I looked up, hours had passed and I had learned about something new. This isn't for everyone, I suppose, but I found it interesting.

And a couple of tangles I did while I was giving a demo at Hobby Lobby last Friday:
Camelia in grid.

Tan tile that I cut of my own paper done with Sepia pen, white gel pen, white charcoal, and the reddish is a Pitt Pastel pencil. As you may know, last week I played with Camelia without the grid but I decided I should play nice and give the grid a chance. I actually like it this way and I am surprised. What a versatile tangle it is.
Mooka, Jetties, Fescu, Zinger

 Another on my own tan paper with the same shading.
Quib, Squid, Footlights, Dex, Rain, Tipple

Back to our roots on this one. I actually used a string (Hollibaugh) and I don't usually use a string as I find them a bit choppy looking sometimes. (At least when I do them LOL!)

Thanks for stopping by. Please take a peek at my two new blogs. One for my Copics and color work:
and one for my Art Journaling:

Both have tabs, as does this blog, to make it easy for you to hop back and forth. I love all the comments you leave. It makes me so happy, and thank you all :)


  1. I love the colors on the inchie. looks very cool. All the tangles are so neat. I can barely write my name much less draw but I love what you do. I will check out the other blogs, I will also let my daughter know about the copics as she loves them! BTW cool beans that you were teaching at HL. Aweome

    1. Oh how I wish you lived down the street. I can teach anyone to tangle and you would love it. If you go to you will find Zentangle teachers from all over the globe. Do try to find one and hop on the bandwagon :) And, thank you for all the kind words!

  2. All your work is so lovely. Your indigo child is beautiful. I too like to look for something unique. It becomes a challenge.

    1. Thanks, Cathy. Yes, I think that is such a fun part of Inchies, coming up with something fun or unusual. We have quite the clever group.

  3. Love your indigo inchie too! LOL about what you said on my blog :D I adore your sepia tangles! Soon, I can feel it coming on, I will be back into finishing off my art box.

    1. Thank you, Zoe. So, it WAS lice afterall. (Now everyone must go see what I mean by visiting your page to see what you wrote about lice haha!

  4. How great you filled the big space with that tangle creating great depth. Love it.

    1. Thanks, Didisch. I love finding a space to fill in with different tangles. I like using a tangle as a string instead of a string.

  5. How clever of you to find a reference to Indigo Child and I love how you have depicted it. I am the same - spend ages following up different leads to find out more! Love all the zentagles, but the middle one seems to speak to me!

    1. Thank you, Lisette. Sometimes I wonder if my life is just following clicks on this computer. It sure is a journey though.

  6. Wow, I love your Indigo Child!!! And as always, your tangle work is amazing!! i'm gonna have to go and take a peek at your other blogs, because I am always amazed at your work!! Way Cool!!! Have a great week! :0) Share Humanity

    1. You are such a great cheerleader for me, Annette, and I appreciate every word :)

  7. Gosh, Jean! Your creativity has no end. I am so inspired by your work! Love the little indigo inchie and hope to participate some time soon in the Inchie Monday challenge.

    Happy Tangling,

    Jacque Solomon

    1. Oh, Jacque, do jump in. It really takes no time at all to do a little inchie (unless you are doing beads or sewing like some of our talented members), and it is so much fun. And, thanks for the encouraging words too :)

  8. All your work is beautiful and gives me cheerfulness :)

    1. Always nice to hear that my work makes people happy. Thank you, Lily!

  9. I like the way you approached this challenge!!! I love your Mooka tile.

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. I really like this new tangle. Mooka is one I have worked hard to get to flow properly and actually sat for days doing it over and over until it did what I wanted it to do.

  10. I love your inchie. I hadn't heard about Indigo Children before this week. Your inchie is a very good interpretation.
    Love your tangles too.

    1. Thank you. Part of what I love about the Inchies is all the hunting for ideas.

  11. Like your use of cubine in the space. I did not have a space large enough to use some thing like this. Your work on the tan paper looks great. Thanks for the compliment on my shading. That is always a difficult part me.

    1. Oops, I mistagged Cubine as Dex. It is fun to use tangles inside of other tangles. Donald, I hope everyone jumps over to your site to see your shading on this one. It was exceptionally well done.

  12. All are wonderful! I like your challenge tile and especially the combination of Laura´s new tangle with Cubin! Also your tna tile with Camelia is really beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Lonetta. I thought I really should give Camelia a chance to be in a grid, as intended, and I like it that way as well.

  13. Yes, it is a tangle that lends itself to boldness. I know there are some though that can make any tangle look soft and flowing. I should try to wind this one and lighten up like Helen Williams might do. I love to do glossy orbs, thanks.

  14. Lovely tiles, Jean. I particularly like your tan tiles - and so beautifully cut! Camelia really sparkles here and I like it in a grid. Axxx

    1. Thanks, Annie. I always appreciate your encouraging words!

  15. These are great! I love your challenge #166. It makes me think "fluid" and I'm not sure why, but that's what popped into my head.

    1. Hummm, not sure why either. But that's the fun thing about art. It's not supposed to mean anything and can mean everything to the viewer. Glad you liked it.

  16. Great job on the unnamed tangle - the black centers pop it out (I think maybe I should do mine too - I get too literal I guess :) ) I forget the name of the boxy tangle but it looks great!

    I LOVE what you did with Camelia!!

    ~ Diane Clancy
