
Monday, June 23, 2014

Zentangle® a Comfort Tangle, and an Inchie

This week, fellow CZT, Sharla Hicks, stepped in to help the Diva. She asked us to go back to some of our favorite tangles and mess with them in size, shape, color and/or shading. What's not to love there? (She also added some great tutorials. Go to the link and follow to her blog.) The first one I did using a modified Verve with pointed ends and larger Tipple surrounded by the typical smaller ones. I used Derwent Inktense and applied some of the concepts that I am currently learning about with watercolors. It seemed to be missing something, so I added some grey colored pencil. Then, I went on to number two. This one I took Verve and Printemps and squared them using a Sharpie Ultra Fine in Turquoise. I then found an old pastel pencil, CarbOthello, #51 to do the shading. I liked this one a lot more, you?

The Inchie, from Every Inchie Monday, was to use the prompt Maid. Well, Minute Maid orange juice, of course :)

Thanks to all of you that always take the time to leave me a comment and welcome to anyone who is new. I love to hear what you have to say and I do try to respond to everyone.


  1. So glad that you joined me... I thought I was going to be the only one.. I love inktense pencils too... your TIA is great... love this challenge... Love it.. .Love, Light and Peace.. Bonnie

    1. I wondered too why you were the only one. Finally, after I finished and posted mine, I looked at yours, and I saw why. They were afraid to post because yours is so magnificent!

  2. That's a clever inchie. Don't know the brand, but that's not the point. Lovely drawn too. Isn't this a great one on the Diva this week! I especially adore your first tile! I just hope I have enough energy and time to draw something this week.

    1. Thanks, Zoe. I do love this week's challenge. Funny, I almost tossed the first one because I didn't think it turned out the way I wanted it to. That's a good lesson for me; we all have different tastes in artwork!

  3. Great work, I don't know the brand either, but a great drawing.

    1. Thanks so much, Wendy. I guess I thought Minute Maid was worldwide, like McDonald's :)

  4. I love your inktense pencil work, the use of colour is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you, Jules. It was fun to play with different types of color on tangles.

  5. I'm learning some new tangles today looking at people's work. (I'm fairly new - haven't done mine yet cuz it's a bit overwhelming for this newbie - I'll get to it, but seeing examples is helping). It's interesting to see what people like. Love your use of colour and the squared version is cool. Love the inchie too - I know Minute Maid! Do you suppose it's an age thing? or a country thing?

    1. Ah, Kia, be brave and jump in there. We are all nice people. I'm thinking that Minute Maid must be a country thing because it's been around forever, I think, in the USA.

    2. I'm in Canada, but very close to the border.

  6. Nice work, Jean, as always. Your coloring and shading are awesome. I love it.

  7. NIce! Minute Maid... you just wanted to make something orange for me =) Haha Great interpretation of MAID

    1. Is orange your favorite color? Yes, Jenn, I made it JUST for you HAHA!

  8. I love the verve zentangle it is so pretty, and I adore the inchie, I had not thought to go that direction! great job!

    1. Verve is one of my favorite tangles and it was great to "play" with it. As far as the Inchie goes, I love trying to think of something different. I can't always and I am still amazed at how many different and creative things others can come up with.

  9. i like the colours in your tangle and the stones ball have great depth
    still working on mine

    1. Thank you, Simon. I was trying to make them look like bubbles. Stones, bubbles, similar huh? hehheh

  10. Lovely take on the maid challenge and gorgeous colouring! I adore my Inktense pencils :-D x

    1. Thanks, Karen. Aren't those pencils wonderful? I have the blocks too that are nice to use for large area fills like I do for my art journaling.

  11. Joyful, colorful tiles,I like all three of them :)

    1. Thank you, Lily. Your comments are always appreciated :)

  12. Verve is one of my favorites too! And you do it so beautifully. I also love the orange juice. I grew up on minute maid! Yum!

    1. Thanks, Cathy. Remember Orange Julius? That was yummy too.

  13. Jean,.........I'm loving your first Tangle!! It's so eye catching!! And your Inchie,......I had to let out a chuckle!! You always seem to have a good twist to your thinking! I think it's great!! Have a great week! :0) Share Humanity

    1. Thank you, Annette. I think it might be growing on me the more I look at it. I do have fun trying to come up with something different for those Inchies :)

  14. Love your inchie. Would like to take a mouthful ;-)

    1. Thanks. That comment made me think that I should have added some clear shine to that to make it actually look wet. Next time!

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks, Annemarie. Always nice to see you pop up in the comment section :)

  16. Love your idea and your execution. Minute Maid came to mind but I had no idea how to represent it - yours is just perfect.

    1. Well, Lisette, I must admit that I look for something easy. I don't know how people can fit such complicated things into that tiny inch piece of art, but so many of them do.

  17. Always great to see your art and to see your take on the theme for the inchies. This is a terrific idea for the inchie this week

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Thanks, Chrissie. I appreciate the kind words!

  18. Nice work, all of it. I think your second challenge tile might be better than the first when it comes to composition, balance and originality (a square Verve! - and it looks good!) But the Verve in the first one wins in terms of personality!

    1. Thank you, Jennifer. I love to "mess" with Verve and Paradox. I think both with fit into just about any shape.

  19. Beautiful tiles Jean, and of course an inchie well done. I love the green corlor on verve, it really is very bright. The second tile has great blueish shading. Love that one too.

    1. Thanks. It was fun playing with a bright color than changing over to a pastel.

  20. Nice use of the Inktense pencils to enhance the tile. Verve reminds me of a sea shell.

    1. Thank you, Donald. You're right, a seashell for sure. Next time I will turn the tile and actually make it one!

  21. I do like your first tile, the colours are great. Your inchies always make me smile and I marvel at how much detail you can get into a square inch! Linda x

    1. Thanks, Linda. I am truly amazed at what some of the other "inchers" manage to squeeze into their tiny work. The only way I could do that would to be by using some of that shrink art stuff.... hummmmm

  22. I love the colour and background of your tiles Jean. You've achieved a really washed yet zesty feel and your composition is great.

    1. Thank you, Chrissie. What a lovely way of describing a piece :)

  23. Great work Jean - I actually rather like your first one is such a lovely combination of straight and curved and colour. Axxx

    1. Thanks, Annie. It just amazes me that I almost tossed that one, and yet other people like it. Makes me rethink my thinking (does that make sense to anyone?) I appreciate everyone making me use different eyes on my own work :)

  24. Hi Jean
    I Love that first one you did - it is so pretty!! Inchie is cute too!! My blog is down today so I have a different url.

    ~ Diane Clancy

    1. Thank you, Diane. I'm sorry you are having blog issues. I can't imagine what I would do if my blog went down. It is such a joy for me to be able to share with all of my wonderful Internet fellow artists and friends. I hope you are up and running very quickly.

  25. I like both your tiles for the Diva's Challenge. Squaring off the tangles in the second one is ingenious, but the first one really speaks to me. Love the color and everything else about it. Great job.

    1. Thanks, Audrie. It was fun playing with easier tangles and stretching them a bit. After all the comments, I think I like the first one better now myself!
