
Monday, September 15, 2014

Zentangle® a Challenge, an Inchie, and an Announcement


Gift to Me From Sakura - YUMMY!
Finally I can tell you that I have been chosen by Sakura to represent their products and Zentangle® this year at the AZ Teachers' Conference in November. I had to go through an extensive application process, first through Sakura and then through the AZ committee. It took many months, but I was finally selected. I am so excited. Sakura sent me all the materials (complete Apprentice kit for 26 and much more) I need to teach AZ teachers how to use Zentangle as a classroom tool. I'll let you know how it turns out.

The Challenge this week from the Diva was to use Phicops and Diva Dance as a duotangle. Read all about it here.
 I don't know if I already shared this photo with you, but I teach at Hobby Lobby and this was in the corner:
Diva Dance Broom in the Wilds

 For the Facebook Group, Square One: Purely Zentangle, the tangle to use was Fescu. I added some Rain, Misst, and Jetties. Looks like I prefer my tangles to grow from the bottom up HAHA!

Over at Every Inchie Monday, they called for "Schedule". As you can see I eat while I "Internet" which is most of my day LOL!


  1. Jean Love your tile... can't quite decide whether it looks like flowers or barnacles to me! I would love to hear how your presentation goes for the teachers! I thought about applying, but the timing for our state conference fell right at the end of a quarter, and no way I could get out to do it! Congrats, and it looks like lots of fun toys!

    1. Thanks, Kate. I am so looking forward to working with a bit larger group than my usual one or two at Hobby Lobby! I so enjoy sharing Zentangle.

  2. Cool clock schedule inchie!


  3. Congrats on your new Sakura job - how exciting it must be and all those toys to play with! I like your schedule - although I think you spend too much time at housework! - more art! Your phicops and diva dance is divine. So crisp and clear - so nicely designed. I like the growing fescu too. Well done all.

    1. I so agree. Out with the housework!!!! Thanks. (And, I'll tell my husband when he is wading through dirt and clutter, that Kia said HAHA!)

  4. I'm with you on the subject of housework and I envy you enormously being able to work for Sakura - do they want someone in the UK do you think?
    But, seriously, I think both tiles are great. I saw the Fescu one on FB and thought how clever it was and then your steampunk phicops DD combination - wow.

    1. Steampunk, huh? Hadn't really thought of that, and I do love Steampunk. Yes, I can see it. Thanks for the kind words. I read your post and I just wanted to tell you that when my brother turned 50, my mom disowned him since she was too young to have a 50 year old son LOL!

  5. Congrats on your new Sakura job; wishing you all the best!! Hope all is well :-)

    1. Thanks, Lexey. It's not really a job, just an opportunity to show off Sakura products and the Zentangle method to some AZ art teachers. It is one class and will last less than 2 hours, hardly enough time to say hello :)

  6. OMG, congratulations!!! Definitely keep us updated. Well deserved for your gorgeous art. Love that Phicops/Diva dance tree. Hilarious inchie - at least you get some housework in :)

    1. Thanks, Zoe. Now that I think about it more, I must find a way to cut down on that housework :)

    2. Hi again! Yes, let's cut down on housework together.
      You know how you asked about that teddy bear on my twinchie, look up 'fringed quilling'. You can make heaps of card embellishments with fringed flowers and the like.

  7. Congratulations on being chosen by Sakura. Good Luck on your presentation. Be sure to let us know how it goes; maybe even some photos? And I love your Fescu piece. I still haven't had a chance to do mine.

    1. Thank you, Audrie. I will do a full write up of the class with lots of pictures.

  8. Congratulations on the Sakura gig. Well deserved. I also tried the Diva's challenge. It didn't occur to me to try something representational. Brilliant.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne. Doing something representational makes the finished tile a ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) rather than a true Zentangle. I find myself doing them a lot these days :)

  9. I love the Southwest and your tangle of Diva Dance design and Phicops really looks like a dessert flower.

    1. Thank you, Gloria. I didn't think of that, but you are right. I even have one similar in my front yard!

  10. Congrats on Sakura! Very Awesome! Also love all your work and the inchie is a cute one. I also multi task when I internet as well.

    1. Thanks. I think we HAVE to multitask or we'd never get anything done HAHA!

  11. I love to visit your blog with it's lovely art and brightness. The inchie is amazing and my day is similar :)I do usually fit in a walk somewhere though.

    Love Chrissie x

    1. It's always nice to see that you've come visiting, Chrissie! Good for you to walk. We all need to "step away from the computer" now and then.

  12. Great tile! (As always... ;) And congrats on being chosen by Sakura to represent their products!

  13. Congratulations!!!!!! Your Challenge tile is so creative and well done.

  14. Congrats on being chosen :) :) That looks like a fun set of 'tools' ^^ I think your tile is a lot of fun.. It makes me think of cacti and succulents :P

    1. Thanks, Hesedetang. Yes, I love getting new art supplies. I was so surprised as I didn't know they were sending me all that yummy fun.

  15. Congratulations to you, what an honour and it comes with goodies. You and I certainly did have the same idea, I think you pulled it off!! I'm still in the undecided camp with mine.

    1. Thank you, Chrissie. I'm not too sure about that. I think yours is extremely well done.

  16. Congratulations on the Sakura position! That's amazing! And your challenge tile is fantastic, it does have a steampunk look to it. I like it!

    1. Thank you, Krys. I will have to add this tile to my Steampunk collection I guess :)

    2. Congratulations Jean. Since our we finished CZT 11 I went the direction of teaching children in 4th and 5th grade for the last 3 years. I can tell you that I can keep children engaged for up to 2 hours with not a one off task. If they ask how to engage the children suggest that they practice the breathing piece Meredith had us do. Zentangle done all year long at least once a day for 10 minutes they learn how to sit down and focus on their learning. As a retired teacher I wish I had this tool when i was teaching. Have fun at your conference you will meet some fantastic people who have very caring hearts.

    3. Jane, how very nice to hear from you. I think about you and often wonder what you have been up to. Thank you for an additional story to relate at the conference. I may even do this as a cut and paste to a handout to the teachers.

  17. Love your Challenge Tile, Jean. Beautiful take on the two Patterns. Well done Square One tile. Congrats on your Sakura Presentation. You'll have a lot of fun with that, and those who attend will be in for a wonderful treat. Thanks for your Post.

    1. David, you always say the right thing :) Thank you!

  18. Replies
    1. Thanks you, Helen, for stopping by to leave a comment :)

  19. Well done on your Sakura position, love the tangles. Love your inchie as well, I didn't like doing this one

    1. I know what you mean. Some of the prompts are fun to do and some are more of a struggle, but I think they are a good challenge for us. Thanks for your kind words too.

  20. Nice Steam Punk Phicops. Good luck on your ZAP presentation. I am still pulling mine together.

    1. Thanks, Donald. Isn't it just so exciting to be able to teach teachers? I can hardly wait.

  21. Well Jean, I think you got us all beat on the Inchie this week!! Wow, that is fab, and I am so agreeing with everyone else, that you need to cut down on housework. ( my giving up, is sleep,) Since I don't care much for technology, I think my time is spent more on doing art.(blogging can be sooooo time consuming though, but in a good way too) Anyway, i no longer can leave replies on my blog so thank you for leaving a bit of sunshine on there! And yes, time does fly and I try to make sure I hold onto all those little moments of things to store in my memory bank. It is always nice to be reminded!! WOW, CONGRATS on you Sakura gig!! You must keep us posted! That is so exciting! You are a true inspiration! Looks like you have enough toys there to play more too!!! I think you need to redo your schedule!! :0) Have great weekend! :0) Share Humanity

    1. You are just so right about the Internet just gobbling up hours. You have little ones, so you really have to give them all your time. I have a husband who has hobbies that keep him busy all day and a lazy cat and dog, so I have the time to do all of this computer stuff. I find that even I can't keep up with visits to everyone who enters the many challenges I participate in (I do lots of cards and art journal challenges too) and I feel badly about that, but there really are only so many hours in the day :)

  22. Lovely Tiles, The broom is cute. Congratulations on being picked by Sakura, good luck with your class. I think Zentangle(R) is a wonderful tool for teachers to have. Your Fescu tangle and the Inchie Clock are great.

    1. Thanks, JL. I couldn't believe when I saw that boom in my classroom. Fun!

  23. Beautiful inspiration in the hobby lobby, and beautiful drawing :)

    1. Thank you, Omer. It always makes me smile when I see your name in my list of commenters!

  24. Jean - congrats on being chosen to educate teachers about Zentangle - that is wonderful!! :)

    Love your tile this week .. what a cool way to use Phicops!! And neat little one too :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

    ps trying to catch up ... tomorrow I will have this week's posted. I just didn't have time to get to my few people the last 2 weeks :)

    1. Oh, Diane, I surely understand that it is becoming harder and harder to keep up with all the posts. We're all friends here though, so we do understand :)
