
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Zentangle® the Diva Challenge, Auraknot and an Inchie

I didn't know they celebrated Labor Day in Canada, but I guess they do except it is Labour Day. I am getting so used to seeing colour and words with those extra "u's" that I hardly notice them anymore :) I hope everyone who celebrates this holiday had a great one! Anyway, the Diva took the day off so here we are on a Tuesday with the Challenge. This week's challenge was a UMT (Use my Tangle) and she selected our good friend, Annette Carlo's tangle, X-DID. Do pop over to her site and let her know what a great job she did on this tangle.

X-DID is a grid based tangle. Since I am a Zentangle purest, that means NO ruler. So, my finished tile, a monotangle, is just a bit wonky. Well, maybe a LOT a bit wonky LOL:
White Gelly Roll pen with charcoal shading
Monday's Inchie, a bit late, was the word Renaissance. Lots of ways to go with this one, but I know that one of the most important inventions of the day was the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg. Books=Knowledge. I couldn't live without books!

Drawing of a page from an old book with an attempt at an illuminated letter.

And, finally, from Square One: Purely Zentangle, Auraknot with some Ahh added.


  1. Yes the Renaissance could not have happened without the printing press. Such a beautiful little illuminated book. I know what you mean about books. They are a big part of my life too. I haven't tried it yet, but I admire your doing the UMT tile without a ruler - well done. Your auraknot is neat too.

    1. Thank you, Kia. My need to learn new things and my imagination just thrive on books. I do love the Internet and digital formats, but there is nothing like holding a book in one's own hands!

  2. Very nice inche with this tiny, tiny letters.

    1. Thanks Trillian. Could you read it? It was written in Italian. HAHA

  3. Love the black tile - it looks like an hourglass. I like that Square One group too - have a tile, but no energy to take photos at the moment. The book page, illuminated letter inchie is so excellent! It's in Latin.
    BTW, still haven't got my pencils yet - they're still waiting on the pastel stock and will send me as soon as they get some (sigh).

    1. That's funny that you should think it looks like an hourglass. That was my first thought but I dismissed it. Yes, of course, Latin. I know that because I studied Latin. Why? Because the teacher was known to be easy. And, he was. I know no Latin :)

  4. I'm enjoying seeing the multiple versions of the "X-Did" tangle people came up with .I didn't use a ruler for mine either----and I must say, on mine it's obvious ;-)

    The invention of the printing press with movable type was probably on a par with the internal combustion engine and computers for us in terms of being a quantum leap forward in human history.

    1. Well, Suzanne, I will have to go look at yours. But, that's part of the real beauty of Zentangle. It's all good. Yes, computers and books, love 'em all!

  5. Terrific Post, Jean. You Black challenge Tile is great. White on black is such an interesting technique. Wonderful tangelations of X-did. Your Square one, and inchie responses are excellent. I love the "Latin Teacher" observation in your comment response. One must think on that for a bit to get it. A good laugh indeed.

    1. Thanks, David. I always wonder if anyone reads my comments. That is the fun part of blogging!

  6. Lovely as always Jean, wonky is what it's all about. There is such beauty in the curve of a hand drawn line. I say, throw the rulers away! I really enjoy the black tile and power of the white pen.

    1. Thank you, Daniele. Yes, rulers sure do get in the way of "Zen"!

  7. Jean you are too funny!! I'm reading everybody's messages and your responses! Are you sure we're not related? Anyway, you are also too sweet! Thanks for cheering 'X-DID' on!! you did a fabulous job with it! It reminds me of a drum, like a Native American one! I love it!! Oh and your Inchie is awesome too! I beg to differ, I think it's in Italian :0) heehee Looks the same as the writing on mine! Too fun! Anyway thanks for trying out 'X-DID'! Have a great week! Oh and I gotta send you a message about my birthday wishes! You put a smile o my face! :0) Annette Share Humanity

    1. I think we both take our visitors replies to heart and enjoy engaging our followers. It must be exciting to have your tangle chosen. I guess I could have written it in anything. Maybe it is in Muppetesse? Glad I could make you smile :)

  8. Love your illuminated letter Jean - can't believe you were able to do this so small.

    1. Thanks. Lisette. I am so impressed when people can draw little tiny faces and things like that. The book was easy. I tend to go for different but easy when I can :)

  9. So much awesome work this week. I love it all. Great take on the inchie, not something I would have even thought about. But I definitely love my books as well!

    1. Thanks a lot, Freebird. Yup, I got a new one yesterday and you would have thought I won the lottery!

  10. The blck tile with tehe wite pen is beautiful filled with X did. Lovely

    1. Thank you, Carmela. I don't often think of using the black tiles, but they are nice to work with.

  11. I do like this monotangle of you on the black tile. The others are also great.

  12. I love your work.. Your second tile, which looks incredible, by the way :) reminded me of my own (failed) attempts at Auraknot and that I need to practice more :P :P

    1. Thank you so much. I had a lot of trouble with Auraknot in the beginning. I found, for me, the thing that worked for learning some of the more "difficult" tangles was to grab a large notebook and just keep playing with it all over the page instead of trying to size it to a tile. Some of them took days and days, like Mooka, but eventually they would work for me and we became friends :)

  13. I love how you made X-Did look so three-dimensional. Very original take - I love being surprised by what other people do. The Aurknot and Ahh! tile is also beautiful.

    1. I agree, Jennifer. It is fun to see what different things show up when people are using the same tangle. Thank you.

  14. You were brave using white gel pen on this tangle. Looks good though.

    1. HAHA! Remember that we can use a micron to cover oopses over white better than trying to fix with a white over black. No Bronx Cheer so I guess it went well at the first go :)

  15. Lovely, Jean ... love that black background ... and your 2nd one - I always like those Ahh!!

    ~ Diane Clancy

  16. Like what you've done with the XDid. I'm still working on mine; hard to wrap my head around that pattern. I like the Square One projects, but facebook will have tolive on without me. Long live real paper and real books.

    1. I don't think grid patterns are for everybody, neither are organics though. I guess we all have to find out what works for us. It never hurts to try new ones though. I find that sometimes patterns that were hard, or I didn't like at first glance, suddenly become favorites. I understand avoiding Facebook. It sure does suck up a lot of time. However, I do learn a lot there and I do have the time :)

  17. Great idea for your inchie, I didn't think of that one. Great tangles.

  18. Wonderful X-Did on the black tile! I like your special way of using this tangle here. Lovely inchie, too!

    1. Thanks, Lonetta. You know I just HAVE to see if I can do something different with any kind of challenge! LOL

  19. Both are lovely. I like your black tile :)

  20. This is a great version of X-Did, it looked to me like Hollibaugh with an hourglass on top.

    1. Thanks so much, Chrissie. Yes, I think you are right!

  21. Well Jean... another day with wonderful entries... It must just get so boring for you, turning out fabulous entry after fabulous entry...

    I really like what you did with X-Did! I had to play around with it for a little while before we became friends. I TOTALLY agree with you... NO RULERS!! I really like the white on black too... It's great!

    Your inchie and Square One submissions are wonderful too! (No surprise there!)

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Oh, Holly, you did make me smile on this one. Bored? Never!!!! Thanks for the continued support :)

  22. I love all your work! The black tile is so striking. I need to try black tiles more often, but can't seem to find a pen I am truly happy with - the lines are all too thick. What do you use? Love the Renaissance inchie - that was a brilliant idea!

    1. Thanks so much, Cathy. I use different blacks, sometimes the official paper, sometimes not. I have two pens and they seem to work differently on different papers. I use the Sakura White Gelli Roll and the Signo from Uni-ball. First, run the pen on your finger. The oils wake up the pen. Second, draw lightly. White doesn't like to be forced. Then draw on the back with both pens to see which one likes the paper you are using.

    2. Thank you! I probably have too heavy a hand. I will try to lighten up my stroke and give one ot those pens a try.

  23. It always amazes me that you finish and post your response to the challenges so early in the week; usually on Monday. And do them all so well. I especially like your Auraknot, and the black and white for X-Did.

    1. Well, Audrie, I learned way back in high school that I can't stand the pressure of something needing to be done that I haven't yet done. So, my priority is to just get to it and move on the the next challenge. I belong to several because of my card making and my art journaling, so I dare not fall behind LOL! Thank you :)

  24. Looks like an ancient hour-glass :)
    Wonky has it's own charm...

    1. Thank you, Omer. I didn't intend an hour glass, but I do agree with your assessment. And, actually I was aiming for wonky, just to be different you know LOL!
