
Monday, September 29, 2014

Zentangle® Strings, Tipple vs Perfs, and an Inchie

For this week's challenge, # 187, the Diva asked us to do our string with our eyes closed. This is the string I made.

Which turned into this.
Half a Verve, direction changing Facade, Mooka, Onamato, Squid, and some embellishments. 

Square One: Purely Zentangle®,  had us working with Betweed. I had someone ask the difference between Tipple and perfs, so I added some perfs (pearl like dots around a tangle as used in old manuscripts) and a couple of auras.

 And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was "Throne". Well, you know I wanted to do the porcelain throne, but thought too many would go that direction, so I had to dig deeper. I found some interesting things about angelic hierarchies and throne angels. I did the first one using oil pastels with the scratch method of layering black over lighter colors then scraping off. But, I wasn't sure it cold be seen as an angel, so I did another with a Copic sprayed background and gel pens.

Thanks for stopping by and I love to read all your comments.


  1. I like your tile for the Diva Challenge. Both angels turned out lovely. You are the second person who has mentioned the 'porcelain throne' and shied away from it :).

  2. I like seeing the string you started with for the Diva's Weekly challenge to draw the string with eyes closed. To see that and then the really well-tangled final product is cool. (Does anyone say "cool" anymore? If I were one of our sons, I'd say it was "sick"----somehow, "sick" means "good" for Millennials.).

    1. The teacher in me makes it necessary for me to show how it happened. And, I have four sons that I watch on Facebook, so "sick" is quite the compliment!

    2. It's groovy....that's what it is

  3. I know nothing about throne angels but that's where I'm going right now to find out! Great depictions of angels. I love them both. The creativity of the first one is fun and the gold seems appropriate for an angel. Well done. Your blind string is very nice - I really like your choice of tangles.

    1. Isn't it fun how these prompt set us on a learning journey? Thanks for the kind words!

  4. Love research. The pastel one is obvious and really, really well done. They are both fantastic!

  5. Wonderful Challenge response Tiles, Jean. Love your blind string tile. It has a lot of movement and your patterns are having a lot of fun. You have so much detail in your inchies. Your angels are amazing.

    1. Thanks, David. I appreciate your thoughtful comments.

  6. Oh my Gosh so much cool artwork. I love the throne angels, have never heard of them! Great job this week

    1. Oh, goodness, there's that "cool" word again. (I use that one myself; I just can't bring myself around to using "sick". Must be old!) No, I hadn't heard of throne angels and what an interesting journey that one was. Thanks, Freebird!

  7. I like your challenge tile, Jean. A lovely simple string turned into a beautiful tile with great chosen tangles, Your tangles are lovely!

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. I did keep my eyes closed and went off the tile once, but I tried to keep it simple.

  8. Great blind-string tile, Jean - lots of lovely tangles here. I had to smile at your 'throne' temptation but I do love the golden angel! Axxx

    1. Thank you, Annie. I'm glad I did a second angel. Sometimes those little one inch squares are just not that easy to work on.

  9. Always terrific to see your artwork. The inchies are beautiful

    Love Chrissie x

    1. Always terrific to see your name show up in my comment section too, Chrissie. Thanks for following my work!

  10. I have never heard of throne angels, so well done on that front. your zens are fabulous as well.

  11. Jean, your Angels are simply amazing, and cool and sick!!! All of those!!! I love reading the messages people leave you. They are always amusing and so thoughtful! With responses just as thoughtful and friendly!! I'v been bad and not having as much time lately to leave messages on everybodies blogs. I , for some reason , can no longer leave replies on my blog. HHHmph!!!!Love your Diva challenge too!!! Have an awesome week my friend!!! :0) And thanks for the friendlies you leave on my blog!!! :0) Share Humanity

    1. Don't forget "groovy" too :) I think that's what I love best about blogging. Chatting comfortably with my Internet buds! I am having the same problem though. There just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to visit everyone. You should try to have someone help you to go into your blog settings and see why you can't respond anymore. That would truly make me give up on blogging if I couldn't answer to people :(

      Thank you so much for always stopping by and leaving me such happy messages. You have a wonderful week too. Hugs :)

  12. Wonderful challenge tile with great choice of tangles! I like your two inchie angels very much! Very nicely done!

  13. Great pieces of art! All of them!

  14. Jean, another nice batch of work! Love the angel inchies too!

  15. Your tiles are wonderful and I'm glad that you showed your string. I forgot to take a picture of mine. Anyway, they flow beautifully. And I guess I had best try to see what "throne angels" are because I have never heard of them. But yours are wel done and on an inch square! I don't know how you do it!

    1. Thank you. I don't think they are as difficult as they seem. Details are best left off anyway, so I think you can get away with more :)

  16. Great tile Jean, I like that fold you did. The Betweed is wonderful too. I haven't done that one in a while, should give it a try one day. Love your angels too. I remember doing the scratch method with my children. This brings up the idea to do this with my granddaughter... We are in US right now and AZ is still on our list. :-)

    1. I hope you are having a wonderful trip, Kay, and I sure hope you wind up with the time to stop by for a lesson in Zentangle :) Yes, you should definitely do some scratch art with the granddaughter!

  17. Hi Jean - your tile is so very lovely!! Love the way your tangles work together!! I got behind but I am here now :)

    ~ Diane Clancy
