
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Zentangle® Yuma and Fengle, and Inchie, and an Apology (of sorts)

The Diva Challenge for this week was a UMT (Use My Tangle) from Tina (AKUA), called YUMA.  I went with a tan tile and added sepia and white chalk.

The Facebook challenge this week was to use Fengle. I stayed traditional with the first and let the second one grow out of itself and added a few black pearlz.
 For Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was "Ungual", meaning claws. This time of the year, this is what I saw. Can you tell what it is?
Carpet Pattern from The Orleans Hotel
 And, finally, a bit of an apology. My hubby and I have been out of town for a bit. We took a trip up to Las Vegas to visit our friends. We had a lovely time and I came home three pounds heavier and I found all kinds of wonderful tangles in the wild, like this one which is the carpet in The Orleans Hotel! I apologize because I am way behind in all my normal daily activities, one of which is to try to leave comments on all of your lovely blogs. Probably isn't going to happen for last week and maybe not even for this week as much as I LOVE to see what you all do. I sure will try though :)

My friend took me to a lot of fun places. This is part of a wonderful display at the Bellagio. There were tons of beautiful flowers, but this is the guy who stole my heart.
From a display at The Bellagio Hotel Las Vegas
I'll be back on track after this week..... I hope :)


  1. The softening effect of white is lovely.

    1. Thanks, Lori. I don't think of using the tan or black tiles often enough. It's fun to shade with white.

  2. Love this one on the tan tile, and wow the carpet, to fun! Sure would like to have a tree like that in my yard too! The inchie fun as always!

    1. Thank you, Kate. I think that Yuma is a tangle that could really take on many faces.

  3. Blown away by that fantastic 'Yumi' tile, Jean! Axxx

  4. Replies
    1. Thank YOU, Akua. What a great pattern you came up with!

  5. Hi Jean, go back to EIM an fix up your entry - it looks like you liked up to Every Inchie Monday, not your own blog.

    Loooooooove that claw! Mr Kruger from Nightmare on Elm Street, considering you've got Halloween coming up, no?
    Lovely tan Yuma. Fengle is totally gorgeous, especially the second one. I have to try out that carpet pattern somewhere. That's good that you had fun. And so begins a trail of eating and partying, as we work through towards the end of the alphabet :)

    1. Ut Oh!! Thanks for the heads up on the link. Fixed! Yes, we do have Halloween coming up Zoe. Don't you do anything like that? It is a favorite for sure. Lots of cute little princesses and such, but I had 4 boys so we did a lot of gruesome characters. Actually, this is supposed to be a witches hand with claw-like fingers coming out from her cloak. And, thanks for the kind words on the tangles also!

  6. Love the 'yuma' on tan. The white shading is just perfect for the flow into mssst.

    1. Thanks, Lianne. I love using Rain to fill in large areas, and the white is fun to use.

  7. lovely tangles - I like the tan tile you have used for Yuma. Your inchie is great - it does look like a witch's hand.. by the way as of 11:15 p.m. Tuesday EST your inchie entry is still linking back to the inchie page. Glad you had a great trip.

    1. Oops, I thought it was on my end that the link was wrong. I have fixed it in the right spot. Thanks, Kia, for the info and the nice comments!

  8. love that carpet! Oh my gosh I love design things like that, makes me want to design them in beads LOL I do love your inchie as well. so detailed, what a great job. Glad you got to hang out with your friends.

    1. Well, Freebird, I am waiting to see that design from you in beads :)

  9. I like your Yuma tile. The claw is really creepy, well down! And the tree ...... fantastic!

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. It really was a wonderful display of fall flowers with a water wheel and animated things. They know how to do things right in Vegas!

  10. Your Yuma tile is beautiful: nice combination of colours and composition.

  11. Jean, I particularly like the white highlights on the Yuma challenge; makes the colors blend nicely. I get a kick out of the Zentangles you find in the wild! They're everywhere, you know?! Have a brilliant day! c

    1. I know! Isn't it wonderful to go Zentangle hunting?

  12. Yuma looks great on Tan, and your Yuma design is wonderful. Love the white highlights. Your Fengle Tiles are also great. Love the first tile, and the second grew out of itself into something uniquely fabulous. Wonderful Inchi, and that Tree is out of sight. Great Post, Jean.

    1. Thanks, David. I should remember to use the tan more often. It sure makes for a different look.

  13. What a pretty tile. I'll have to remember how good sepia looks on tan. It reminds me of the kind of rain that is healing and cleansing, soft summer rain that just comes out of the sky without any drama, watering everything well.

    and that carpet! I want to find a gold gel pen RIGHT NOW and some burgundy paper! ha! it is so much fun to look for and find patterns everywhere. That is one of the best blessings of zentangle, IMO.
    cool claw, too. Is it a witch's hand?

    1. HeidiSue, thanks for the comments. Yes, it was supposed to be a witch, my pretty HAHA!

  14. Lovely tile with Yuma! Especially I like your second Fengle tile ... it´s gorgeous!

    1. Thank you, Lonetta. I kind of worked from the inside out on that one.

  15. Wow your tan tile looks awesome. The highlightinh with white is so beautiful!

    1. Thank you, Diana. I like that look too. Must order more tan!

  16. I like what you did with Msst and kind of created a fadeout effect. I think the inchie is Freddy Kruger. Your second Fengle is really neat. I would have fallen in love with him also, he's soooo cute.

    1. Thank you, JL. The tan tile is more delicate than the white and so it lends itself to lighter stokes nicely. HA! Maybe it is Freddy :) There were beautiful flowers everywhere, but I just loved that tree!

  17. Your inchie reminds me that Halloween will come soon. Your Zentangles are great like every week.

  18. All are great but I especially LOVE your tile with Yuma!

  19. Jean, your Yumi is lovely!! I love the way you used the tan and it went into rain - it looks like it is pouring out!! I got behind but I am here now :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

    1. You are so kind to catch up on comments. I have realized, that with the card making and art journaling, that I just can't do it all. I'm always glad to see a comment from you, Diane!
