
Monday, November 3, 2014

Zentangle® with Seton, Punzel, Heart Vine, and an Inchie

The Weekly Challenge, over at I am the Diva, is being hosted this week by Cris Letourneau. She offered up her tangle, Seton, as a UMT (Use my Tangle.) This tangle just lends itself to so many variations. It looks complicated but, if you follow Cris' links, you will find that it is actually quite easy. My first thought was a climbing trellis, so I went with a ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) and pulled out my Sharpies and Prismacolors with just a touch of a gray Fabrico pen for shading. A bit lopsided, but you know I didn't use a ruler!

Punzel was the tangle for the week at Square One. I added some Heartvine by Lori Howe as well.

Did you know that violet was the royal color during the reign of Cleopatra? Our Every Inchie Monday word was "Violet".

Friday is my "big" day. I have 24 students signed up already for my presentation "Mindfulness Through Zentangle" at the Arizona State Art Teachers' Conference. I am all packed up and ready to go. Wish me luck :)

I'm also a guest designer over at House-Mouse & Friends and have become part of the design team for The Outlawz Twisted Thursday. If you have any interest in Copic coloring or card making, click on the tab on the top bar and see what I am up to.

Thanks for stopping by. I look forward to reading your comments.


  1. Yes I agree, all are lovely. Seton in green and yellow is beautiful!

  2. Congratulations all around!!! Great take on Seton and that inchie is styyyylish. Good luck and break a leg.

    1. Thank you, Zoe. I aften think of grid tangles as backgrounds, especially airy ones like this.

  3. Good looking tiles and I'm wishing you the best of luck with your presentation :-)

    P.S. I didn't know violet was the royal color during the Cleopatra days until I read about your inchie... learn something new everyday!
    P.S.S. Hope you're doing well and have a good week :)

    1. You are so sweet, Lexey. Thank you. I love that about Inchies; I always learn new things too when I research a prompt.

  4. I love EIM - always learn something new - great inchie. My you are a busy lady! Good luck in all your endeavours. Seton looks like a lovely pattern and I can't wait to tackle it. your tangling is fabulous

    1. Kia, I NEED to be busy or I would just shrivel up (more HAHA) and give up. You will like playing with Seton. It turns out better than you think you will be able to do it.

  5. love all 3 of these. I dont know how you do it.

    1. Thanks, Freebird. Since I retired, I am lucky to have the time to do all the things I enjoy.

  6. I like what you did, Jean. Beautiful! I wish you luck (is you need it?) for Friday.

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. The hardest thing for me is driving someplace new. Once I'm there, I will be happy to "do my thing."

  7. Funny that it was the royal colour back then, I didn't realise it went back so far!
    Love the tangle tiles too :-)


    1. I didn't either, Sally. We learn so much from each others' research, don't we?

  8. Lovely tiles once again. I really like that Seton looks like an actual window with those vines. And your Punzel is amazing!

    1. Anoeska, I saw that in my mind immediately and I actually was able to get what was in my head on to the tile. That doesn't happen often though :) Thanks for your kind comments!

  9. Love that you came up with the vines twisting through.

  10. Wonderful concept, Jean. Seton does work well with the Trellis design. Love the vine winding around the Seton Pattern, and the stippling is always a favorite of mine. Your Square One Tile is beautifully done. Excellent Punzel and Heartvine tangles.

    1. I grew up in an older area where there was a lot of wrought iron work. It often had vines growing through it, so I suppose it was a distant memory that made me think of it. I always appreciate your kind and thoughtful comments, David.

  11. I saw your Punzel tile on Square One and thought how pretty and delicate it was. Asfor the Diva tile, the depth you have created is excellent and your use of colour rwally livens things up. I like the naturalistic vine against the formal bbackground. Lovely work.

    1. Thank you. It sure is fun seeing what different ways a tangle can be used.

  12. Fabulous artwork and a wonderful idea for your inchie

    Love Chrissie x

  13. Nice. I didn't find seton as "easy" as you did. I blamed that on jet lag since I did mine just after a 30 hour trip from South Africa to Philadelphia. I find your Seton to be very lively. I wasn't secure enough to try any whimsy.

    1. Well, after a flight that long, I'm surprised that you even tried it! What a wonderful thing to be able to experience the world that way!

  14. What charming tiles! Your rendition of punzel is absolutely lovely <3

  15. Great tiles, love the seton tile. Looks like a garden fence where the green plants are climbing throug the fence, and when you look through you see a color pavement by the neigbours ! I want to wish you good luck on fryday, and I will keep thumbs up for you!

    1. Thanks, Diana. It should be a lot of fun, at least I hope so.

  16. A beautiful and creative Seton garden or is it vineyard? :)

    I love the inchie. Stunning.

    1. Ah, Omer, a vineyard huh? Sounds good to me. We used to grow grapes in our yard when I was little and I used to eat them until I got sick. Now, I suppose, we would process them and drink until we got sick HAHA!

  17. Very dynamic response to the Diva challenge. I knew purple was a royal color, but did not know that it goes all the way back to Cleopatra! Best of luck for class! That is so cool! When you're done, have some squeezed grapes! Have a brilliant day! c

    1. Just about on my way out the door for my class. Thanks for the "good luck" and I'll let everyone know how it went after I recover from my squeezed grapes!

  18. Nice variation on Seton. I like the vine meandering through the grid. Nice job on the Punzel also.

  19. Yes, most assuredly trellis....the Seton's frame really lends itself to that pattern. I always enjoy the ZIA ideas...thank you! Hope you had a good week!

    1. You're welcome, Lynell, and thanks for the visit and comment!

  20. Very nice take on Seton. I love the garden theme. Your One tile and Inchie are wonderful too! Good luck with your class. I'm sure you will be great!

  21. Jean, I love the use of your word violet!!! Very clever! And wow, you have been one busy lady!!! I am so excited for you with a lll of your new ventures. I can't wait to hear how your class went Friday.
    Thank you for the well wishes for my dad. He is doing so well. Haha no skiing or anything of that sort, but he gardens and still does carpentry work and walks his dog. (to which he misses doing all of those right now.) Knowing his determination, he won't be out of commission for long.
    Thanks for all the sunshine!
    ((((hugs)))) Annette

    1. I have heard a lot of good outcomes with that operation, Annette, so I'm sure your dad will be back to his old self soon and have a very happy dog too! The class went well and I have already posted about it on the blog. Just go to "newer post" on the bottom and you can see some pictures of what we did.

  22. Hi Jean - love your trellis!! :) And your inchie is amazing - I love it!!!

    ~ Diane Clancy
