
Monday, January 19, 2015

Zentangle® a Moebius, Waax Challenge, and an Inchie

The Diva Challenged us to be part of Moebius Syndrome Awareness day, which is on Friday, January 24th. Her adorable son, Artoo, has this very rare disorder. Here is a link to more information. I used the Moebius Syndrome Foundation's logo as provided by Laura.

Square one tangle of the week was BB. I added Sandswirl, Sez, and Jetties.

Did you know that Linda has put a "link" button now whenever she introduces a new tangle on her site ( I have added my link for the new tangle "Waax by Ester Piszczek with a little Crescent Moon too. If you get on her mailing list, you will know when new patterns are added to this great resource.

And, finally the Every Inchie Monday prompt: Elephant. Did you know that elephants have been trained to paint? People have watched in amazement to see them doing it and have paid large sums to purchase the paintings. However, in researching this, I have found that their trainers pull on their ears to guide the brush. Not nice. But, I love elephants and like to think they can paint because it makes them happy.


  1. Great tiles and I love the inchie! Great idea.

  2. Terrifuc artwork and a wonderful elephant artist

    Love Chrissie

  3. Lovely inchie, I'm sure your elephant loves to paint :-)

    1. Thank you, Margriet. I sure like to think so HAHA!

  4. Lovely Diva tile! You're other work looks great too, especially the little elephant!

    1. Thank you, Ilse. I appreciate you stopping by and leaving a comment.

  5. Yes, humans are no good. I really wish for a world where elephants paint or not because they feel like it. I am glad no one pulls on your ears (at least I hope not) to draw. I especially love your Square One tile (how I wish they weren't on Facebook). Great drawing all around!

    1. Well, Zoe, sometimes I have to pull my own ears to force me to stop housework and get back to drawing LOL! Thank you :) Facebook certainly has its issues, but I'm okay with it.

  6. Jean, I love the beautiful purple accents of your Moebius tangle! Your black and white tiles are equally (if not more so!) gorgeous and I love the modern style :)
    Hope all is well!

    1. Thanks, Kailey, it is nice to add color sometimes. Purple is a favorite of mine.

  7. Great artwork. I love your inchie elephant painting. I'm saddened that they are prompted to paint, but, like you, I'd like to think they enjoy doing it. They certainly are big enough to refuse if they didn't want to!

    1. Unfortunately, even these large animals are mistreated. It makes me sad :(

  8. I also enjoyed tangling with purple for my Moebius syndrome tile. All of your work is inspiring----as usual. Why didn't I think of Betweed!?!? Feel free to remove this link if it's against your commenting policy, but given the elephant discussion here, I thought I'd share a link to a blog post I wrote about our visit to the Elephant Nature Park in northern Thailand., It's an Asian elephant rescue sanctuary. It was a pretty amazing experience to spend the day there. "Toto, I guess we're not in Philadelphia any more."

    1. Thank you for sharing your experiences with the elephants, Suzanne. I really enjoyed seeing pictures of you and "Mr. Excitment" LOL. You certainly live a colorful life.

  9. adorable tangles I love the mobius. and I have heard about the elephants painting. i did not know that the trainers did it. i do like to think that they enjoy making beauty, cuz elephants are beauty in themselves.

    1. Yes, Freebird, everyone and every animal should be free from fear to enjoy life. Elephants are no exception.

  10. Another great set of tangles Jean. Lovely Moebuis logo!

  11. Fabulous tangles and elephant inchie. I love elephants, and have ridden on one bare back in India, once was enough though, their hair is like wire.

  12. Beautiful tiles :-) I like the Square one znntangle most and the way you combined sand squril with the other patterns - great!

    1. Thanks, Sandra. I don't often use Sandsswirl and I do think it is an excellent tangle. I love the organic look to it.

  13. Wonderful pieces this week! I like them all! Great contrast in your Moebius ribbon. Especially I like your cute inchie!

    1. Thank you, Lonetta. I enjoyed working on all of them.

  14. Jean, you did very well with this logo, I like it's tangles. I'll not join the discussion about elephants, because then I'll go on and on and on about their sad lives. You just drew a pretty fantasy one.

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. I know, I was so sad myself when I started to read those awful things. My elephant, though, is truly enjoying painting :)

  15. A busy week for you Jean, nicely done with the tiles :)

    1. Yes, Chrissie. I do like to keep busy though. Better than the alternatives LOL! And, thank you :)

  16. I so enjoy visiting your wonderful Challenge Posts, Jean. You are so diverse and creative. All of your Tiles are terrific. Your Mobius Syndrome Recognition tile is delightful, and your artist elephant is touching. I was not happy about the ear pulling business.

    1. Thanks, David. You are so kind. No, ear pulling definitely is not a nice thing to do to anyone.

  17. Love them all! That inchie put a big ol' grin on my face :D

    1. Thank you, Quinn. Always nice to hear that my work put a grin on someone :)

  18. A beautiful tile you made.
    I love elephants also and I guess the pulling the ears doesn't hurt them, i hope anyway.

    1. Thanks, Loca. I'm afraid that it does hurt. I surely wouldn't want anyone yanking on my ears to paint what they wanted :( Well, hopefully, awareness of the situation will put an end to this animal cruelty.

  19. Like your Challenge tile. Like the tangles that you chose. That is a challenge itself sometimes. Congratulations on getting all your challenges and forums done so early. I am still working on BB.

    1. Ah, Donald, it is always a game of "catch up" isn't it? I just need a few more hours in each day, or preferable, an extra day each week LOL!

  20. Lovely work as usual jean! That little painting elephant is adorable too! Makes me smile. : )

  21. Wonderful zentangles and I love your painting elephant :-)

  22. Truly lovely tiles. I like the inchie a lot.

  23. Great tiles, Jean. The Moebius is especially nice.

    1. Thank you, Audrie. Wish I could draw one of those on my own. Maybe I will give it a try one of these days!

  24. Very creative elephant. Wonderful.

    1. Thanks, Trillian. I always enjoy looking for a different twist on the challenges :)

  25. Jean, your tiles are all just beautiful!!! I love the new tangle that you used! Wow, I'm gonna have to give it a try!! Your elephant is precious!!!
    Thank you so much for your positive support, on my blog!! All of you that left messages, just warmed my heart!! Many times a blog is used to air thoughts and vent. So I really didn't expect all the encouraging words! but wow, I feel so blessed to have you and the others in my life!!! I really love your words, and I'm going to have to use them as a new quote, even for my RAZ. " "Your positive attitude is your best friend," by Jean Chaney!!! :0)
    You are awesome!!
    ((((hugs)))) Annette :0)
    Have a spectacular week!!

    1. Our community is such a wonderful group of caring people. If you think about it, anyone who is attracted to Zentangle would be someone who thinks deeply. Then, to put oneself out there to share with the world takes trust. So, yes, we really do have empathy for our fellow tanglers and truly feel a friendship with those whose blogs we visit regularly. Know that you are loved by many, Annette. Hugs.

  26. Jean, I like your Moebius a lot!! It really shows up nicely this way!! Your use of that Waax is quite nice and of course your elephant is so cute!! I too think they paint because it makes them happy!! :) :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

    1. Thank you, Diane. It's always nice to read your comments :)
