
Monday, February 16, 2015

No Mistakes in Zentangle® and The Year of the Goat

The Diva is spending the day with her family today, so if you're looking for this week's challenge, do stop by again tomorrow. I will edit this post and add the challenge right on the post.

EDITED: As promised, here is the challenge from I Am the Diva.
The Year of the Goat With Betweed, Meer, and Tipple
Thursday is Chinese New Year, and in the Chinese Zodiac, 2015 is the Year of the Goat. I found that the lucky colors are brown, red, and purple, so that's what I used to do this ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art)

The tangle for this week on the Square One Facebook group was to use Huggins. But, the very first stroke I made was in the wrong direction. We all know there are no mistakes in Zentangle, so I went with it and wound up with three cornered Cadent that I then used my Derwent Colorsoft pencils and blended with Gamsol.
Then, I did the "correct" tangle, Huggins, but I still had to add some fun to it.
And, finally, the prompt for Every Inchie Monday was "texts". Have you heard the term "anchor" texts? Well, when you type in a word and then linking it to something else as a hyperlink, it helps search engines figure out the subject matter of the linked document. For instance, if I typed beautiful colors and linked it to one of my pieces, the search engine would add that to its little brain, or at least I think so LOL!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, Sally, and for leaving a comment :)

  2. I love the bright colors on your first tangle! Very cheery! I also love the correct one you did. Still not sure how you do what you do but I am always in awe! The inchie is cool. I did not know what an anchor text was, but I know how to link them up. Great work!

    1. Well, sometimes I don't even know what I do LOL! Thanks, Freebird. I love finding out about things that I didn't know as I research for the inchies. It's just so much fun!

  3. huggins is so easy to go wrong/right on. I like your triangular cadent. Your inchie is very informative, although I don't understand how computers do it. 'Course, I don't understand how computers do anything!

    1. Oh, Kia, you really made me laugh. It's just like electricity. I don't really care how it works as long as I don't have to walk around in the dark!

  4. Gooooorgeous tiles! Clever, clever, clever way to show off your art. The search engines had better add this to their little brains or else :D

  5. Very nice tiles and a very creative inchie :-) I like your playing with Huggins.

  6. Busy girl! Love your use of color, and your goat is so cute!

    1. Thanks so much Antonine. I used my brand new Polychromos colored pencils.

  7. Love that huggins "mistake" reminds me of Mardi Gras...which today is, btw. I would like to know, what is that blending stuff you mention, Gamsol? I have a set of derwent watercolor pencils, but I like to save my stumps for graphite.
    Your goat is so cool, too. He has such a friendly face...just like a goat.
    you used the lucky colors. Nice work!

    1. I didn't know that Mardi Gras was today. Gamsol is a product that works like mineral spirits (if you get that, get low odor) to kind of melt the colored pencil so that it looks more like oil paints, or just blends the colors together. I use a rolled stump that can be cleaned with a piece of sandpaper to change colors. I kind of like my goat too :) Thanks!

  8. Lovely work! The Goat is my favorite: I love the colours you used and the Goat itself looks just great.

    1. Thank you, Ilse. I did look at a picture to draw the goat. Drawing is a lot easier if you look at something rather than trying to draw out of your memory (which, for me, is getting harder and harder to remember anything LOL!)

  9. Wonderful inchie and your tangles are beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Margriet. I appreciate your comment and thanks for stopping by :)

  10. Love your Goat, Jean. You gave her some very fetching eyelashes. Love the second Square One Tile. You gave it a lot of fun. You are so creative with your Inchies. I love to see what you will do next.

    1. Well, it is a lady goat, David LOL! Thanks. I do spend some time trying to find something a bit different for the inchies, if I can.

  11. Hi
    I've tried to ask a question on every Inchie monday - looks like a fun challenge ... I am having trouble posting - just open a blog with word press) can you answer the question I have please - is the challenge multi media on one inch squares ?
    Thank you

    1. Hello Susan. On the blog, Every Inchie Monday, there is a list on the left hand telling you what the prompt word of the week is. If you look at what everyone does, you will see that you can do a simple drawing, a collage, beading, sewing, quilling or some other dimensional work as long as whatever you do is on a one inch square base. Do join us; we certainly have a lot of fun.

  12. I'm trying to learn to flow with my mistakes too---not that easy for a closet Type A recovering lawyer. You certainly managed to turn lemons into lemonade with your mistake tile! I know what you mean about drawing a goat. I wonder what ads Google will start serving up to me now that it knows I was searching for goat images.

    1. Suzanne, you had me laughing so hard that my hubby came running thinking I was crying! Goats HAHA!

  13. Wow! Love that goat and the lucky Chinese colours! What I also really like about this post is the great way you have woven it all together...really clever and informative.

  14. I love your goat, Jean. Wish I could draw like you.

    1. Oh, Annemarie, how I wish you lived nearby. I would prove to you that anybody, yes anybody who can write their name, can draw. First, get the notion that you can't out of your head. That's really why people "can't draw" because they have decided they can't. (probably from some horrible art teacher) Just grab a simple drawing that someone else did and a pencil. Look at the drawing, do not use what is in your head, and lightly sketch what you see. You will be amazed. Using images from your head is the second reason people "can't draw". You have to look at something in life or in a picture. And, finally, remember that a drawing does not have to look exactly like the original. That's why we have cameras. As you see, my goat doesn't look anything like a "real" goat! Give it a try. It's only paper!

  15. Lovely work! Cute lady goat - I like her eyelash :D

    1. Thank you, Lily. At least I didn't put lipstick on her LOL!

  16. Beautiful tiles. Love how you went with the flow on the first Huggins tile. The inchie is great.

  17. Absolutely beautiful your goat-lady with this pretty eyelashes! Wonderful colouring, too! And again a fun and creative inchie!

    1. Thank you, Lonetta. I had fun playing with my new pencils. New art toys are just so much fun!

  18. Great goat and your others wonderful too.

  19. You're too cute, Jean!!! Yes I think your blog would show up for beautiful colors!!! :0) Beautiful work, this week! Oh, and I just love your goat with those sultry eyes!! Have a great week end, my friend!!! Oh, I don't know if you read the emails, but I won't be in the same class as your friend Amy :0( Looks like we are going to different ones. Thanks for trying to link us up!! That would've been fun! ;0) Annette

    1. I was so hoping you would get to meet Amy, as I would almost feel like I got to meet you myself. This world is just too big sometimes. I am meeting one of our other bloggers today for one of my classes. She is really good, so I'm not sure how much I will be teaching her, but it will be so much fun to meet another one of our "gang"!

  20. The goat has got such dreamy eyes!. Love the splash of colours on the huggins

  21. What a super goat, I have loved looking at the entries this week, albeit rather late as we've been on a road trip.

    1. Thanks Chrissie. I find myself unable to get to everyone's blog anymore and leave a comment and that makes me sad. I hope you had a nice trip!
