
Monday, February 9, 2015

Zentangle® a Valentangle, Well, and an Inchie

With a nod to Valentine's day, the Diva, at I am the Diva,  challenged us to do a Valentangle this week. I love playing with hearts and tangles, so this was a fun one. I grabbed a nice piece of pink paper, traced a wooden heart and filled it with Verve. Then, I added Hollibaugh and filled the insides. Simple and fun.
Square One, on Facebook, had the tangle "Well" for this week. I added Rudox, Tagh, and Zinger.
And, finally, for this week's Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was "Night". Hummm, I had to think about this one for quite some time. I finally thought of "night cream". Anyone remember the horrors of their mom's nighttime ritual? (This was so much fun. I drew the woman first and then added molding paste. Do you think she'll look younger in the morning? LOL!)

Thanks for stopping by. I truly appreciate all my visitors and love to respond to your comments.


  1. Cute! I love using blue with the pink and red - it seems to override the too-sweet candy effect. I love how your heart looks like it has blue eyes peeking out.

    1. Thank you, Antonine. I think it still looks a bit "too-sweet candy", but I suppose that's what Valentine's day is all about LOL!

  2. They're all beautiful as always! Love the bright color on the Valentangle. And that inchie is so clever and funny!

    1. Thanks, Anoeska. I'm enjoying following you on Instagram. It's such a nice way to keep up with friends :)

  3. Simple and fun is what it's all about. A nice bright colorful tile on a grey snowy day in New England is just the thing. Thanks for the pick me up!

    1. Thank you, Suzanne. Oh, how I remember those dreary days. I grew up in NJ and don't miss those days at all :)

  4. Oh your inchie is fabulous. I don't know how you can draw a face so small. And I love the idea that she puts molding paste on her face at night he he. Nice tiles too!

    1. Thanks Kia. I think it's easier to draw small that bigger for a face. Errors aren't as noticeable that way LOL!

  5. Ha ha, I had a good laugh over the texture paste! Love the heart tile.


  6. Ha, ha, ha totally hilarious inchie and clever too!

  7. Valentangle is a wonderful word and your artwork is grear

    Love the fun inchie

    Love Chrissie x

  8. All your work is wonderful. I like your Valentingle. Greta Verve in the heart. I like all the pink.

    1. Thanks, Beewatch. Verve is definitely one of my favorite tangles. I think it is so graceful.

  9. Jean, for the Diva challenge, your heart also seems to project the yin/yang symbol---probably pitch perfect for a lot of relationships. The tile is certainly evocative of the Valentangle theme and very well executed as always.

    1. Yes, I hadn't really thought of that Suzanne, but I think you're right about the yin/yang. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :)

  10. I love all the work you did this week! and the inchie how cool is that! I love the work you put into it, great work. BTW my Mom never did the cream thing but she would put those metal cage type of curlers in her hair, hold them in place with toothpicks then wrap bounty around her head until it looked like a turban, then sleep in that all night. UGH!

    1. Oh, yes, I used to sleep that way too years ago. Silly, weren't we? HAHA!

  11. As usual, I love seeing your work on your weekly blog posts and this week is no exception (even though it's been awhile since I last commented). My eyes can't get off your Valentangle since it's so bright in colors (which I love especially in art work) Hope all is going well for you, Jean :-)

    1. I'm doing great, Lexey. It's nice of you to ask. Thanks for leaving a comment. I love to hear from my Internet friends :)

  12. I love your heart! Its really different. I like the way you used rhythmic line and your use of colour.

    1. Thank you. I certainly did play with color again this week. At least Square One keeps me true to the real Zentangle style :)

  13. Very nice and very pink (!) diva-tile ;-) It's really beautiful!
    And your inchie is funny!

    1. Thanks, Sandra. Yes, quite pink; and, I don't even like pink LOL!

  14. Maybe 'simple and fun' but also very beautiful!!!

  15. Well, what a pretty heart and just right for the Challenge. I particularly like the Verve - try that one out soon- yours works really well in that shape, Like you, I used Well for Square One but I didn't get it nailed like you did. Needs practice. What's more, you used other patterns I don't know, so you have set me off on a voyage of discovery. Thanks, Jean.

    1. Thanks. I think Well is a bit of a challenge for a lot of people. Zentangle is meant to be restful, so I don't use this tangle ofter. I just don't think that way. The other tangles are often chosen by flipping through different tangles and looking for ones that I have either never used or not used in a long time. It's fun to do that.

  16. Love the heart with all the pretty colors!

  17. *lol* love your interpretation of night. Oh yes I remember creamed faces. She will look younger in the morning - definitely.

    1. HAHA! It was Pond's cold cream that my mom used :)

  18. Great tangles, and I love your inchie. I think she might like to add a bit of colour to her texture paste in the morning, not sure about looking younger though.

  19. Your well turned out well (hee hee)! I really like your inchie! no wait cold.

    1. Thanks, Suzy. I do have to really concentrate to do well well! Yup, you know it was cold cream.

  20. lol Your inchie is cute...the cold cream on her face hope it helps ;) Its taken the spotlight away from the valentine which is so pretty pink and red!! lovely

    1. Thanks so much, Meghna. I hope that cream helps to LOL!

  21. oh...i really like the colored pencils or whatever you used to make the first one colorful! It almost looks like chalk...very upbeat and fun!

    1. Fine tipped Sharpies and colored pencils is what I used Lynell. I think it was the textured paper that made it look chalk like. Thank you :)

  22. Wonderful Challenge pieces, Jean. You create such fun responses to these challenges. Love your Inchie.

    1. Ever since I was a child in school, I learned that if you do things differently than expected, people don't notice the flaws as easily LOL! Thanks, David!

  23. Your two tiles are lovely. I love the Hollibaugh with the fill. Your inchie is outrageous. I don't know if she'll look better tomorrow but she looks great today. You have such a dynamic sense of humor.

    1. Thanks, JL. When I was little, my best friend was so beautiful and intelligent and there was no way for me to compete there, so I just had to develop a sense of humor. In the long run, I'm happy it turned out that way. She is now old, short, fat, and only has a head full of memorized facts. I think I am the lucky one :)

  24. Jean, I love the heart on the pink paper... going to have to try that and the colors around are it fun too.
    Nice well tile and the inchie just made me laugh! ;) Thanks for that, I needed it.

    1. Thanks, Kate. I find that paper at Hobby Lobby. It comes in small square blocks that are just a bit bigger than a Zentangle tile. They come in nice colors, are of a textured cardstock, and only run $2.00 for 75 pieces (when they are 50% off which is often). Lots of fun for ZIAs!

  25. Beautiful Valentangle tile on the pink paper! So beautiful heart! Great idea!
    Again a great and fun inchie!

  26. Jean, I love the colors in your challenge tile today. Absolutely beautiful!

  27. Nice composition in your Challenge tangle. Do not know that the color is too over powering. Like your Square One tile also. I chose to go a different route for mine.

    1. Thank you, Donald. I will have to go see what you did this week.

  28. Happy Valentine's day Jean.. Have a great weekend!

    1. Well, Happy Valentine's Day to you as well, Hesedetang!

  29. Your inchie is hilarious. I love it. Everything is beautiful as usual.

  30. Jean - this is so lovely, bright and cool!! Well done!! :)

    ~ Diane Clancy
