
Monday, March 30, 2015

Zentangle® Flux, Squid, and an Inchie

The Diva is having a bit of a rough time and the link to the challenge may not show links to others' works yet. We are all saddened that poor little Artoo is having another issue with his health. He has certainly had to go through a lot already for such a sweet little fellow. We are all going to work on Flux this week and post it on our blogs only for now.
For Square One, the tangle was Squid. I made three different partial Squids that played tangle with each other. If you add your tangles to this group, I apologize if I have not "liked" your tangle. There are so many people in the group that it's easy to miss someones. It sure is a great place to see what everyone comes up with though, almost like the Diva Challenge.
And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt word was Oak, which, as a spinner, I took as an OAK which stands for "One of a Kind." I spun this yarn on my Ashford Traveler spinning wheel and it is made with 80% New Zealand Merino and 20% silk. The color is Black Current. Isn't it yummy? And, nobody else has the exact same yarn, so it is definitely one of a kind!

Thanks for stopping by. I enjoy reading your comments!


  1. Love the tiles. What luscious yarn, and you have a special talent too! Definitely OAK.

    1. Thank yoy, Zoe. I really stretched the prompt this week, but that term is well known in the creative world, so I guess it's okay!

  2. Love the work this week. You have alot of patience for sure

    1. Patience is something I really have had to work at, Freebird. It really wasn't anything I could have attached to myself when I was younger. I was always racing, rushing, and frustrated. Now, I don't try to be perfect and it has allowed me to develop patience :)

  3. How original you take on OAK is! That wool truly looks yummy.

    1. Thanks, Kia. It is sooo soft. I think it would make a lovely cowl.

  4. I love seeing your works of art and your inchie is such a great take on the theme

    Love Chrissiexx

  5. Interesting interpretation of the oak theme...nice inchie!

    1. Thank you, Suzy. I do try to keep it interesting when I can :)

  6. Fabulous tangles and inchie. me that I haven't done any spinning for years.

    1. Thanks, Wendy. Spinning is quite relaxing too, I think.

  7. Love the tangles. I have gotten so far behind on my Square one, sidetracked by other interests. Love your OAK. I don't know that I will ever try spinning, i'll just enjoy the work of others.

    1. It really is hard to keep up with everything, isn't it, JL? I don't have much time for spinning anymore, but I still enjoy it.

  8. Not sure why but when I saw your Challenge tile I immediately thought of big teeth. Makes no sense, but I do like them. The Square one tile is good also. I like doing Squid. It is one that you can do a lot of different ways. I have never tried spinning. Have seen it done. I do a little knitting and crocheting but trying to add spinning I am afraid that I would never get anything done.

    1. So funny, Donald. I had to go back and look LOL! Try a drop spindle, it goes with you, like Zentangle and isn't a very expensive hobby to start up. There's no such thing as too many hobbies, is there?

  9. Hi Jean, great tiles you made this week. I am always so surprised how you take the inchie challenge, I don't participate my self, but always think your way of looking at it is funny, unique, and indeed OAK. (LOL).
    Love your maria flux, for me thats the hard version, so I am jealous about how yours looks so natural. Well done. And he don't bother about not liking on the FB group Square One. It is a huge community so missing a post is likely. It is not a challenge about getting the most likes it is just a platform to share our art, and get inspiration from all the posted art!

    1. I really wanted to do the other Flux, but Mooka keeps trying to bully its way in LOL! You are so right about Facebook. We can only be on the Internet so many waking hours....right!

  10. Lovely Jean, it's like Flux is on the bottom of the sea (or a lake) and some bubbles are going upwards. Well done.

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. Somehow my tangles always want to make sense to me. I find Tipple floating about or anchoring my work a lot.

  11. Super tiles this week, Jean - I too think there's some watery influence at work here. And oh my, what a gorgeous Inchie! Love the idea of your OAK wool - sounds just perfect. Axxx

  12. I always love your tiles, but I admit to seeking out the inchie first since it always makes me smile. What lovely yarn! I'm on my way to the studio to get my wheel cranked up - I have some lovely Merino roving I dyed (before the door to my dye room disappeared under the snow). Today is a perfect day to spin...and maybe draw a little too :-) Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. You are so kind, Suzanne. I haven't died yarn in a long time, but that sure was fun too!

  13. Jean, your exquisite shading really makes a difference in your tangles. Really nice work!

    1. Thank you Gloria. I love doing the shading. I think it's the best part.

  14. Very nice tiles with beautiful shading! I love your interpretation of Oak.

  15. Love your's interesting to see all the different variations of these two tangles...I consider them very different from each other. thank you for your comment letting me know about the zenstone...I'll have to get one and play with it.

    1. Thank you, Lynell. I seldom use my Zenstone because the application leave a very pale white. And, you know I love intense shading LOL! But, for most, it would be just the right amount.

  16. Jean! Thanks so much for visiting my submission this morning... I laughed at your "enabling" comment... Jean, my audio meditation is NOT a weekly occurrence. It is more like every 2 to 3 weeks! So... if you decide you want to give it a try one day when you just want to turn off your brain, I would love to hear what you think!

    I love your tiles... Flux is gorgeous, and I adore how tipple is cradling it and floating away. So beautifully drawn and shaded! Your tile for Square One is wonderful as well. You spin too?! Amazing! The yarn is scrumptious!

    Thanks again for visiting me, Jean! It is always such a pleasure to see your art!

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words. I may just do so one of these days just to hear your voice!

  17. I love your tiles this week. The Flux is wonderfully done! I like the way you have personalized it and your squid is beautiful too. I have just tried to do Squid for the first time and will need to play with it a bit more, I think. Your yarn is to die for! I don't spin, but I do crochet and just a wee bit of knitting. This yarn looks like it would be heaven to have something out of. Beautiful....all of it!

    1. Thank you, Lezli. If you knit and crochet, spinning is not far behind LOL!

  18. I always have to see what you've done with these challenges each week, Jean. But by far the yarn is the most imaginative take on the "oak" theme. You are truly O A K! Have a brilliant week! c

  19. Lovely work and yarn! I like the purple in the yarn. Very pretty.

    1. Thank you, Heather. Your name reminds me of that yarn. It is such a pretty color, I agree.

  20. Jean - your Flux is so very cool and unusual!! And your Squid is lovely!! Thank you for commenting!! :)

    My friend Carolien and I are starting a new weekly challenge you might like. It starts Wed. Details at

    ~ Diane Clancy

    1. Thanks, Diane. What fun! I will take a look, but I hope your feelings won't be hurt if I don't participate. With three blogs going, I kind of have my hands full these days. Good luck with it though.

  21. Jean, Just now have the time to look at what everyone else has done. As always your work rocks!

    1. You are so very kind and encouraging, Kate. Thank you :)
