
Monday, March 23, 2015

Zentangle® Spirals, Mooka and Lasso the Moon

Let's play with a spiral, suggests the Diva for Challenge #210. Well, why not? Oh, at this moment I wish I were Helen Williams. Sigh. But, since I'm not, here's my version of a spiral with kind of a Btl Joos, kind of Meer and Msst.

For Facebook's Square One = Mooka to which I added Fescu, Tipple and Fengle.
And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt word was Lasso. Do you remember It's a Wonderful Life where George offers to lasso the moon for Mary?

Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comment!


  1. Your spiral looks good and your Square One is beautiful!

  2. I absolutely love your inchie! What a great memory to use--I love that movie!

  3. Nice work! Msst gives your spiral an extra 'touch', great tile.

    1. Thanks, Ilse. I like to add Msst in an area that just looks empty but can't support anything heavy.

  4. I like the spiral. It's good to see a limited number of patterns used to create an effective overall look. I love the Mooka - one of my less than successful patterns. And the Inchie is so sweet. You've been busy.

    1. Margaret, I had to do Mooka for days on end before it started to become comfortable. I think that tangle is a "muscle memory" one. So, don't give up, just keep doing it over and over and you will do it as well as tying your shoes!

  5. We'd all like to be Helen Williams...but I think you do just fine as Jean Chaney :-) I like the mist raining down on your spiral and your mooka is really unique - in a good way! I love the ideas you come up with for your inchies...they're always so clever...and I, too, loved that movie. Lovely work, as always.

    1. Isn't that the truth, Suzanne. Just for a few hours maybe? Just enough to get that smooth flow that just comes so beautifully through her fingers. I remember, in college, when someone was annoyed with me asking a question, I jumped up and said clearly, "If it weren't for people like me, you wouldn't look so good!" HAHA!

    2. Oh, can I use that line? Thanks for my morning laugh :-)

    3. Yes, please do. You should have seen the look on his face. He never made a comment again in that class. (By the way, I walked out of there with a Master's Degree and he dropped out because he was too busy thinking he was so smart!)

  6. I like your tiles, nice effect with the patterns on the spiral.

  7. Goooooooooooorgeous tangling! And love your unique take on lasso, and so well done too.

  8. Oh what a great image - you really bring that scene in the movie into my head (now get it out for me - aren't they singing 'Buffalo gal'? Great tangling - especially like your take on Mooka

    1. HA, Kia. Isn't it funny how certain things bring up that song that just drives you (and anyone around you) crazy?

  9. Lots of great art here, I love it all!


  10. Jean, your work has a funky quality that just makes me smile! Love them all - the Flash Gordon-y one and the Inchie in particular!

    1. Well, Antonine, that is such a kind way to put it. But, seriously, I have always done that with everything my whole life. Marching to a different drummer, as they say :)

  11. Your spiral is done very well and like Margaret says, It's a good thing not to use too many tangles. I love the inchie!

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. And, sometimes that is hard to do. I think many of us want to cram a piece to the gills :)

  12. love all the designs, adore the take on the inchie!

  13. Great tangles as usual, and love the inchie.

  14. Two wonderful tiles and a cute and fun inchie! Like your Fengle!

  15. I like your diva-tile with your beautiful spiral!
    And what a great idea for the inchie - it's so creative!

    1. Thanks, Sandra. I do enjoy thinking of something fun for the Inchie when my brain will let me :)

  16. I totally missed the connection to the movie. Bruce Almighty has a similar connection there. Your posts always tease me with more things that I should be doing or thinking, so I think...I'll lie down and take a nap now. HA! Very inspirational. Have a brilliant day! c

  17. I swear I did not look at your response to the Diva's spiral challenge before I did mine. Great minds.....?

    1. Pleased that you added me to the "great minds" group LOL! Isn't it funny when that happens?

  18. Like your spiral and your Square One tile. Meer works well in a spiral.

  19. Hi Jean - your spiral is lovely .. tho I do understand about your wishing you were Helen Williams - I do too :) I love your Square One and your inchie is cute :) Thank you for coming to see me even when I couldn't comment back :) :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

    1. Diane, we all reach that point sometimes. It's hard to comment on everyone's beautiful work. I find that with all the different blogs I have going, I often spend half a day just responding to the comments people make on my blog, making visits sometimes difficult. Don't feel bad. We all wish we had more time to spread the love :) And, thank you! Hugs!

  20. Great artwork and a wonderful idea for the inchie

    Love Chrissie xx

  21. I hear you...Helen Williams knows how to do spirals! I think Shelly Beauchamp is terrific at it, too. But your work is very nice. The spiral reminds me of a big, patient snail inching along. And yes! the best Christmas movie EVER...lasso the moon! great reference

    1. Helen is just graceful with whatever she does. I feel like I have two left hands when I try to be graceful LOL! But, thanks Heidi Sue for the kind comments :)

  22. Dynamic spiral that really feels like it could move (at a snails pace :) I LOVE "it's a wonderful life" - great inchie!

    1. Thanks, Sue. I showed the inchie to my hubby and he didn't understand! I guess not everybody has watched it dozens of times :)

  23. Love your inchie! Wonderful idea. Great tiles too!
