
Monday, May 25, 2015

Zentangle®, and Inchie, and Two New Patterns

Beautiful Monday morning and the Diva challenged us to do only straight lines. I decided to just let my pen go wherever it wanted and this is what it did.
I used a straight lined Zinger, Rick's Paradox, straight Shattuck, Emingle, a piece of Hurry, and two of my own tangles that I've named Em 'n Em and Side Steppin'. You will find these step-outs by clicking on the Jean's Way tab at the top of the page. (If either of these patterns already exist, please let me know and I will give proper credit.)

For Square One, Facebook, the tangle for the week is Purk. I added some Fescu and Msst.
And, Every Inchie Monday's  prompt word this week is Envelope. I always think it is fun to push the envelope LOL!
Thanks for stopping by and a special thanks to all of you that leave such nice comments. I enjoy reading each one!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Zentangle® a Black on White, Zinger, and an Inchie

We have out of town guests staying for a few weeks, so short and sweet easy for a bit. I do apologize for not getting to everyone to make comments. I hope to be back in full force soon.

The Diva Challenge this week was to use white on black or to tangle on a found object. I used Aquafleur, Rixty, and Poke Root.

The tangle of the week for Square One on Facebook was to use Zinger. I added some Sandswirl and a few Pearls.

 And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt was "movie". Not too original this week. Sorry to disappoint as I know you look for something clever from me. I'll be back on my game as soon as possible.

Thanks for stopping by. I do have time to read your comments (wink, wink), and I always appreciate that you take the time to do so.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Zentangle® Your Lemons into Lemonade

So, are you here to see the Diva Challenge? Did you expect to see Dex and Bunzo? What is this, you say. A CZT that doesn't even know how to do Dex?

All right, let's get back to the basics of Zentangle. There are NO mistakes. Are you listening? There are NO mistakes. I always tell the story of Suzanne McNeill (she has written many wonderful Zentangle books and done several fun videos) when I teach. Suzanne was doing a live video. "Oops" she says. Then, she immediately chants the CZT mantra "There are no mistakes in Zentangle, only an opportunity to come up with a new tangle!" Then, she looks straight into the camera and says, "Now you know why I have come up with so many new tangles!" The first time I saw this, I laughed so hard. I love you Suzanne!

Anyway, I do know how to do Dex. But, the phone rang, the hubby needed something, the dog had  to go out.... you know the drill. Concentration lost and when I returned, my tangle just went where it wanted. First thought = throw this out, start a new one. NO!!! Suzanne to the rescue. And so you get.... well, I don't know what, but at least maybe encouragement not to let any Oops get in your way of the true meaning of Zentangle. Relax and enjoy where your pen takes you :)
Square One from Facebook had us doing Cubine, to which I added Brella and a variation of Fracas.
And, the prompt for Every Inchie Monday was Diagram. Remember those pesky English teachers and those annoying sentence diagrams?
Thanks for stopping by. Remember to enjoy your artwork and think of the fun you had doing it. The end result is not the goal unless you are trying to make money with it LOL!

Monday, May 4, 2015

Zentangle® some Star Wars, and Can a Leopard Change His Spots?

The Diva Challenge, #216 was a UMT (Use my Tangle), by Bunny Wright called Brella. This was a fun tangle and it uses a grid. Why R2D2 you may ask? Well, because it is "May the 4th, be with you always", of course :) I love that my four boys and Laura's two share this same love. Star Wars came out in 1977. My two older boys were 9 and 5. I can still remember how we sat in awe as that ship came toward us! I did buy my oldest son a copy of the very first Star Wars comic book and carefully wrapped it up so that he could save it and pass it on to his grandchildren so they could be independently wealthy. Does anyone know where it is now? LOL
I used Brella, Bertweed, Hibred, Crescent Moon, and one lonely Printemps.

Facebook's, Square One, asked us to use Tripoli. I added Crescent Moon, Betweed, Paradox, Tipple, and Hollibaugh.
Every Inchie Monday had a prompt word of "leopard". Well, maybe a leopard can't change his spots, but I don't think I really believe that a person can't change who they are. A lot of the negative things we attribute to people has been created from fear. Take that away and I do believe that a leopard might just be able to change his spots.