
Monday, June 15, 2015

Zentangle® in Full Color, Flux, and an Inchie

Did you all miss me? I notice that hardly anyone comment on last week's post even though I prepared it ahead of time to post while I was gone. Anyway, hubby and I are back and I have been busy trying to catch up on all my emails LOL! Coming home from a "vacation" is exhausting. We love steam trains, and so we celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary (If you married a toad, keep going until you find your prince. I finally did!) by taking a train up in Colorado and New Mexico. It was absolutely perfect in every way :)

Now, let's get on to why you're here. You want to see the Diva Challenge for this week, which is to use the colors of the rainbow.

I used my Sakura Gelly Roll pens on a black tile. I shaded with colored pencils and added some white gel pen accents.

Or, maybe you're here to see this weeks tangle from Square One, Facebook, which was Flux. I added a bit of Rixty, Hollibaugh, Tipple, and a partial aura.
Then, again, you may be here to see the Every Inchie Monday square with a prompt word of "Etna!" Did you know that there is an is a fictional character who appears in the Disgaea series of video games? Well, me neither, but in my quest to learn new things, I found out!

I'm happy to be home and hope you all come back and leave me some of your much appreciated comments!


  1. Gosh, just back from holidays and you have found time to do enter so many challenges as well. You must have elves in your home :-)

    1. HaHa, I wish I did! I'm exhausted and need a vacation LOL!

  2. I always look forward to the different approach you take to the inchie challenges. No, I did not know this character existed. Glad you had a great vacation.

    1. Thanks, Kia. I've always been fascinated by those characters, so it was fun to try to draw one!

  3. I came to see I am the Diva challenge but thoroughly enjoyed being treated to your art for other challenges. You are a wonder woman! Thank you for visiting my instagram and leaving a comment

    1. India, we'd love to have you join us for the other challenges too. Lots of fun and, as they say, the more the merrier!

  4. Love your white gel accents. Hope you had a wonderful vacation. :)

    1. Thanks, Jay. It's amazing what that white gel pen can do!

  5. Great work ... I didn't know about the Square One focus!

    1. Oh, do join in on the fun over there if you have time, Lynne :)

  6. thank you for your comment on my blog. i like your tiles an your inchie is cute

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Ulrike, and leaving a comment. I love to connect with other tanglers :)

  7. Love the Flux tile & well done for finding out about a different Etna!


    1. I so enjoy researching the prompt word for the Inchies, Sally. I can't always be different, but I like to try if I can :)

  8. Too clever with your Etna. And, as always, your Square One is a jaw dropper.

  9. Glad that you had a great vacation. Sounds like an awesome journey. I love all your work and I did not know that Etna was a video game character. That is very cool

    1. We really had an exceptional vacation, Freebird, and thanks for your comments :)

  10. How wonderul that you found your Prince! Happy 13th! Your work is always fun and interesting and, you manage to get so much done so beautifully!
    Can I borrow a few of those elves? Mine seem to be a bit sluggish and uncooperative...maybe I'm not feeding them right...but then, I've been hoping for the dish fairy to come and do my dishes for years and years and she never comes either :-)

    1. Oh, if I really had elves, I don't think I could possible share. I need them desperately myself LOL!

  11. Beautiful work. I love the inchie. Actually I only knew it was a character because I had to Google the word in the first place. If you guys love trains, have you ever been to Chattanooga?

    1. That's a bit far for us, but maybe someday, Cathy. Sure is fun to research these inchies as I learn new things ewch week!

  12. Great work! Nice choice as well, to make the Diva tile on black paper.

  13. I'm a Diva challenge person, but I also always enjoy your responses to the other challenges too and this week is no exception. Is that Squid in your Diva tile? As you know, I'm always impressed by people who can get black tiles to look good.

    I'm glad you enjoyed your vacation. As you know, I'm pretty addicted to travel myself. PS: I have to agree that second time is the charm. ;-)

    1. That pattern is Enyshou Which is fun to do. Actually, I'm on number three. If at first you don't succeed.......... Lol!

  14. Hi Jean!

    I found you through the Diva Challenge many moons ago, and through you, had the opportunity to connect with Amy at seminar :) I count all of these as part of the blessings that have come my way ever since I first started tangling. Perhaps one day I will actually get to meet you in person :)

    Like Suzanne, I enjoy seeing all of your work, alongside the Diva challenges!

    P.S. I really like your Flux and Rixty pile <3 <3

    1. Oh, how I wish I could meet all of my online friends. I am so happy that you got to meet my friend, Amy, at least. I enjoy looking at your furry friends as well as your exquisite tangling skills in action. Thank you , and congrats on becoming a CZT!

  15. I like your diva-tile - it looks like a coloured squid to me :-)
    Funny inchie - great idea to draw the character instead of the vulcano ;-)

    1. I would agree, Sandra. That's an interesting tangle LOL! Always on the lookout for a different (easier HAHA) way to do the Inchie! Thank you :)

  16. Lovely works this week! I really like your Flux tile with the wonderful combination with Rixty! Great idea to create the inchie in this way!

  17. I saw your great travel photos on Facebook! Looks like you had a really good time. And some lovely tiles to share - I do so love your Flux one. Axxx

    1. Yes, we did, Annie! It's hard to come home and get back to "work"! Thank you!

  18. Happy (belated) anniversary!!!! Glad we both found are prince!!!!
    I like your jellyfish tile :-)

    1. Well, you know what they say Annemarie. Sometimes you do have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince LOL!

  19. We love steam trains as well :)

    Love all of your artwork and great that you found something different for your inchie

    Chrissie xx

    1. Thanks, Chrissie :) We have been on one in AZ and four in Colorado/NM. This one was the best!

  20. I am just in awe of all the things you do, and all of them done so well! I love just looking at your creations!

    1. Thank you, Janet. I always think other people do such wonderful work. It's nice that we can appreciate all of the different styles and creativity out there!

  21. Wonderful work! Cute Etna inchie!

  22. I DID miss you, Jean!! As you know, I was worried about you!! :) :) :) Glad you found your prince :) Lovely colored Diva ... and the others too!! :) :)

    ~ Diane Clancy
