
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Zendala Dare #106

Surprise everyone. Here I am mid-week with a Zendala. Erin, over at The Bright Owl was a guest for The Diva Challenge last week and that reminded me of how much I enjoy doing Zendalas. When she stopped posting, I had switched over to doing the Every Inchie Monday instead. It's nice to find that she is back and posting templates for us.

I find it overwhelming, myself, when I go to a blog and it is soooo full of things to look at. Therefore, I will not add this to my regular Monday posting where I show the Diva Challenge, Square One from Facebook, and the Inchie. Do check out my Monday posting if you are not familiar with those.

The template was a really nice one and I decided to try to make it look nothing like the original template. So, I'm not sure I would really think of these as tangles, but more like line work.
 Thank you for stopping by. I always enjoy and appreciate any comments that are left :)


  1. Really fun and funky Jean! I love the contrasts with the thin and thicker lines, straight lines and orbs. And your shading highlights and adds movement. I appreciate that this was posted separately, as I do find it overwhelming to read and comment on posts that have several challenges on them. Nicely done!

    1. Thank you, Sue. I especially appreciate your feedback on doing a separate post. I always wonder if it's just me????

  2. This has a lot of movement to it. Well done!

  3. I love the contrast you achieved with this template. It has a very nautical look. I am especially glad that you have rejoined me in the Dare!

  4. I love the clean sharp lines and the touches of shading. Great interpretation!

  5. No Jean, it's not just you. I myself am also sometimes overwhelmed when some posts have so much text (however I like the stories about lives) and also so much different challenges in it. As you probably know, I always post all challenges I participate in separately. So ..... you're not alone there!!!!
    Love your clean zendala a lot!!!

    1. As you know, I also love to see photos of where people live and what they are up to myself, Annemarie. When I see so many challenges in one post, my little brain just starts to swim, and by the the time I get to the part where I want to say something, it all gets so mixed up that I simply say "nice work" or something like that. Thanks for taking a second trip this week to visit me :)

  6. Very beautiful,I like the contrasts with the thin and thicker lines and great shading!
