
Monday, August 24, 2015

Zentangle® Zenith, Windfarm, and an Inchie

Holly Atwater, CZT, is the guest blogger over at The Diva Challenge this week. Holly does some wonderful meditative audios for you to listen and tangle to. I, for some reason, need silence when I seriously tangle, so this doesn't work for me, but do give it a try. She did offer an alternative challenge for us, and that one was to use Betweed. I really wanted to try out the new tangle from (read the most recent newsletter for step-outs) called Zenith. So, I put the two together.
Facebook's Square One had a focus tangle of Man-O-Man and/or Windfarm (Margaret Bremner). I used both.
And, Every Inchie Monday had a prompt word of "Pavilion". Sorry, folks, I couldn't even begin to think of anything clever this week. So, just a plain old pavilion. Wish I were there enjoying some sea breezes!

Just an aside. I am now back to doing the Zendala Dare. I will be posting these on Tuesdays (unless life gets in the way LOL). This week only, I will post a link to the last one I did.

Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments!


  1. Jean, your pavillion reminds me of the tiki huts in Bora Bora...when I have a spare few thousands sitting around, that's where I'd like to be! I just gotta get back to the tangly stuff, but til then...that conjures a lovely seabreeze, and refreshing meditation unto itself.
    Have a brilliant day! c

    1. Oh yes, Cheryl, I'm with you on that one. However, every time my hubby buys a lottery ticket, he buys the wrong one! So, until he does it right, I'll just have to go there in my mind as well!

  2. I really like how your Zenith mixes with the Betweed. Great.

    1. Thank you. I really enjoyed using the new tangle as a frame.

  3. Great work, Jean! Nice combination of Betweed and Zenith.

  4. I love the way the Betweed spirals inward - and it blends so nicely with the Zenith. Lovely! I wish I was sitting in that little pavillion, sea breezes, cabana boys...ahh!

    1. Thank, Suzanne. I thought it would be fun to change directions mid stream with the Betweed. Cabana boys, huh? Sounds lovely LOL!

  5. Hi Jean!

    So much fun to see what you did with Betweed and Zenith! Zenith acts as such a lovely frame! What a great combination! I really like how you combined the tangles for the Square One focus as well... Lovely, as always!

    1. Thanks you, Holly. You did a really nice guest blogger post over at The Diva!

  6. I reckon I missed something in relation to all the different meanings of pavilion. Interesting how many people saw pavilion this way. A toughie and well done! Oh, it's so inspirational that you don't stop tangling. I can't wait to get back into it. It's just all these competitions one after another, so I quill, quill, quill.......

    1. Maybe it is a regional thing, the meaning of pavilion? And, I agree Zoe, too many challenges does start to eat into our enjoyment of our craft. Sometimes we just have to say "no". Right, like that would happen LOL!

  7. I passed on the audio meditative challenges too (in my case because I'm too squirmy (mentally and physically). For some reason, I got the idea the Betweed should be used in a monotangle---obviously something I just read into the instructions----maybe because I'm a lawyer, trained to believe that words don't mean what they actually mean. (Don't worry. I'm working on my recovery). Zenith does work well as a border tangle.and nicely complements your Betweed. I sent my husband back to Philly today, but the dog and I are staying on "down the shore"---precisely for those sea breezes you referenced.

    1. I can't even begin to tell you, Suzanne, how many times I have done the Dive Challenge "wrong"! When posts are long, my brain swims and I just do what I think is being asked for. But, since there are no mistakes in Zentangle, I don't ever let it bother me. A challenge is but a suggestion, in my mind anyway :) Wish I could be with you down the shore!

  8. so much detail in your zias and I do love the inchie, so much detail!

  9. I think I see Zenith in your Betweed. Lovely those two together!

    1. Yes, Annemarie, I did let the Zenith slide down in areas. Thank you!

  10. Brilliant drawings. Love your inchie even if it is 'normal' this week. ;-)

    1. HaHa, Trillian, normal is just NOT my style :) But, thank you!

  11. I like these two tiles especially the second.

  12. Ooh, I haven't see the new tangle but it looks most interesting and frames Betweed beautifully. I haven't done Windfarm either - we have quite a few of the real thing around us and I rather like their spare forms - will give it a go. As for Pavillion - well, I would have been most impressed if you could have come up with an alternative take on that word! There is a famous one at Brighton on the south coast of England, which is a bit more like a mini Taj Mahal, but that's the only thing I could imagine. Yours looks like the place to be!

    1. Thank you, Annie. Do try Zenith. It works well as a way to split up a tile too.

  13. Jean, I like silence too as I draw, so I did Betweed too :) I am eager to try Zenith too - looks so interesting and you did a lovely job!! Could go for a vacation at the sea with no work possible!! :) :)

    ~ Diane Clancy

    1. When I was young, Diane, I needed the TV or music blaring in order to concentrate. Now, I get distracted by a breeze!

  14. Wonderful drawings and a beautiful inxhie

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. Great inchie and fabulous tangles

  16. Nice perspective on Betweed. It turned out great. Square One was a great one too. But your little pavilion is precious! Love it! Sarah

    1. Thank you, Sarah. I don't usually redo things, but my first pavilion didn't turn out like anything I had in my mind's eye. And, when something is only an inch, you don't mind doing it again LOL!

  17. I'm easily distracted but music usually lets me concentrate (unless it's Bach I'm listening to). Betweed is one of my favorites and zenith is new to me so will be adding it to my growing list of patterns to try!

    1. It's funny, Yukari, this only happened to me once I retired. Now, I just crave quiet. I really need to work with Zenith more. I'm sure it can do more than just be a border or a swath up the middle of a tile.
