
Monday, September 28, 2015

Zentangle® on a Stencil, Zenith, and an Inchie

This week, over at I Am the Diva, Laura has a guest post from Charlotte Carpentier, CZT. Charlotte suggested that we try some stencils to make our strings. I made a few and really didn't like them until I grabbed a piece of heavy white paper to sop up the top of the stencil I had used that was covered in Dylusions Ink Spray. I loved the reverse use of the stencil. I did very little tangling, using a white Signo, mostly because I liked it just the way it was at that point. A bit of Verve, not even completed, and some Holibaugh style crossed auras.
The focus tangle for Square One (Sorry, no link today. Facebook seemed to be having a meltdown?) was to use Zenith. I had just done that and so I just decided to push it even more. I made it go in the round and then I expanded it outward in Arukas style.
And, finally, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt word was Hotel. Well, we have a very famous hotel here in Jerome, Arizona named the Grand Hotel of Jerome. Thought to be haunted by many it is quite the tourist attraction. I have seen it, but never gone in. We go up to Jerome now and then to have lunch at the Haunted Hamburger and enjoy the gorgeous view as the town is built high up on the side of the mountain! 

I did attempt to draw this and then gave up and just printed out a one inch photo that I doctored just a tad. I guess I was never meant to be an architect LOL! 

Thank you for stopping by. I always enjoy reading your comments!

We are off on a little trip, so if you leave a comment after Tuesday, the 29th, it may not post for several days. I do comment moderation and I don't think we will have the Internet where we are going camping. I will post them all and reply after we return. (If you think you might come to my house and "steal" pencils while we are gone, be aware that our house sitter will be here with our big dog Rufus, kitty Charlie, and bird Jasmine!) Thanks for your understanding.


  1. A sweet inchie. I like your use of the white on color. Very Nice.

    1. Thank you. Susan. It's always fun to try something different!

  2. I love your pink tile and the hotel is quite exiting.

    1. Thanks, Annemarie. A bit bright for Zentangle, but it was fun!

  3. Gorgeous Zenith! Great idea for inchie, and thanks for sharing interesting info. Go in there for Halloween :D

    1. Thank you, Zoe. We have to stay at home for Halloween to give the little tricksters their treats! It's a big thing around here :)

  4. Love your hot pink stencil tangle just the right amount of tangles. Facebook, uhh, I don't even go there, but your tile is wonderful. I love your Inchie, we can't all be good at everything,LOL

    1. You are smart, Beverly, Facebook is a huge time suck. But, since I am retired, I don't worry about wasting time as much LOL!

  5. I simply love your ideas and work, Jean!

  6. Love the reverse stencil' I know what indeed to try now!

    1. Maybe a tad bold, Charlotte, but it is different and was fun to work with.

  7. It's great that you let yourself be led by Ms. Serendipity. Sometimes I forget to do that and I miss some opportunities like the one you took advantage of with your Diva Challenge response. I remember driving through Jerome on the way from the Grand Canyon to Sedona---or was it some other part of the trip? Neat town.

    1. Suzanne, I have learned to do that because of art journaling. Art journaling is such a wonderful way to learn to let go and enjoy any kind of mess that happens. You should try it sometime. Jerome is up in that area on the way from somewhere to someplace LOL! Hubby always drives and I pay no attention so I am just surprised by where we wind up!

  8. Love all 3 of your works, not sure if I could eat at a haunted hamburger joint

    1. We eat outside the patio that overlooks the pretty town and trees below. I'm not sure ghosts are allowed to haunt outside, Freebird LOL!

  9. What a good idea to use the reverse print of the stencil, it worked a treat, didn't it?

    1. Thank you, Margaret. Never pass up playing with leftovers HaHa!

  10. Fabulous tile and inchie, drawing a hotel is beyond most of us I think.

    1. Oh, thank you, Wendy. I was feeling just a tad incompetent for a bit there. Maybe on big paper with rulers and such, but I just gave up trying to do all those tiny windows and such.

  11. Fantastic artwork and wonderful inchie with a scary tale to tell

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Thanks, Chrissie. I probably could have done this one last week when the prompt was "myth" too!

  12. Beautiful work, and I love the pink one! Very creative!

  13. I like the stencil. I like ghost or wrong side images as much as original ones.

    1. They are often more interesting, aren't they Pat? Thanks for stopping by :)

  14. Most impressed with your beautiful stencil tangle, Jean, even if I didn't quite follow how you managed to do it in reverse...And your Zenith - absolutely fantastic! Great work.

    1. Annie, I put down a piece of paper and placed the stencil over it. then I sprayed with Dylusions spray to put the stencil design down on that paper. However, I saw that there was a yummy layer of ink on TOP of the stencil. So, instead of just washing it, I placed another piece of paper on top of the inky mess and pressed. And, that's how I got that magenta tile to work on :)

  15. Great idea with the stencil! Lovely tiles.

  16. ooww - a haunted hotel - what a good idea!

  17. Hi, Jean! I recognized the old Asylum on the EIM page. I was going to do El Tovar, but I went in a TOTALLY different direction! Great work this week. Bright and happy Diva project. Have a brilliant day! c

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. I was telling hubby about my Inchie (of course he never looks at them LOL) and he started getting hungry for those great hamburgers!

  18. Wonderful work this week! I really like your stencil tile ... great colour! Sometimes less is more, isn´t it?
    Lovely Zenith tile with great shading! Your inchie is fabulous ... what a wonderful idea!

    1. Thanks, Lonetta. Yes, it is hard to stop sometimes, isn't it?
