
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Old is New Again

If you are looking for my normal Monday post, you will find it here.  The Diva did not post on Monday, as it was a holiday. Today though, she posted that we should find one of our original Zentangle pieces and see how much we may have (or not) improved. Or, The Ghost of Tangles Past. I recognized that I had done Verve. I think I tried Zander, and I'm not really sure about the others. So, I guessed Beelight, Flukes, and I added Footlites (Carole Ohl) to the top since I had absolutely no idea what it was supposed to be. I actually think my Verve was better almost 4 years ago!

Do try to remember what the real purpose of Zentangle is. Relax, enjoy, and appreciate whatever stage you may feel you, because the finished product is NOT the goal of Zentangle. This was a really fun journey down memory lane though as I pulled out old tiles and papers. I find that I love the process of tangling in a relaxing meditative state as much as ever.

Thanks for stopping by. I always appreciate your comments!


  1. Your tiles look so different. I find Verve difficult to do so yours are good to my eyes. I found my old tiles by looking back on my blog otherwise I wouldn't know where to look. I use a lot of them to bookmark my favourite recipes in my cookery books so I would have had to go searching,

    1. I was tangling for a couple of years before I started a blog. But, now that I look at my banner, maybe it's time to tangle a new street to live on LOL!

    2. Jean, I LOVE your banner as it is!! I haven't decided whether to do this or not ... I know some of my old ones are probably better :) And with construction, not sure if I want to go looking!!

      I like them both! I will catch up on comments ... just way behind - thank you for staying faithful to me :) ~ Diane

    3. I kind of like my banner as is myself, Diane. Maybe I'm just sentimental about it?

  2. All the patterns used in your tiles are difficult ! I have always problems with "verve". I notice a great difference for "zander", on the early tile, I doesn't recognize it, but on the actual tile, it is a great "zander".

    1. LOL, Chantal, you are right; some of those tangles are unrecognizable. I always got along with Verve for some reason. As a teacher, it always amazes me how some tangles are just easy for people and others aren't. And, not even the same ones. Guess that's what makes the world go around!

  3. I was admiring your banner. I really like it. It is a good reminder the goal is not the tile but the entire process ... every-time. If you make a new banner make it from a place or joy rather than because you think you can do a 'better' one now.
    thank you for sharing your challenge tile. I look forward to when these are my 'before' tiles!

    1. I'm not certain that I want to change my banner either. I find, that since my work is something that people look at and say "I can do that", maybe it's better than doing work that people are intimidate by. Not that I think anything I would do would intimidate anyone LOL!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Laura. I really don't think I really understood the nature of a tangle in the beginning. I was looking at Pinterest and on the Web and just trying to come up with something similar. Once I understood the concept of step0outs, it made a lot more sense.

  5. Wow you really have come a long way! Great work;-)

  6. Your lines have such fun character with a delightfully quirky tangle connection Jean!

    1. One of my favorite things to do is to find a way to make one tangle actually connect to another in some way. Even grids, not my favorites, seem more organic that way. Thanks for stopping by Shelly!

  7. I've read your "old is new again", very nice written and thanks for remind us what the real goal is of Zentangle. I can see very good the progress in your work, there will always be some progress, we will never stay on the same place!

    1. I always worry about beginners being discouraged. Especially those who have never had a class and don't realize what Zentangle is really about. Sometimes I read where someone is putting themselves down or apologizing for their work and it just makes me so sad. No one should ever feel that way when doing Zentangle. And, you are right. We always improve our muscle memory. We probably tie our shoes better now than the first few times we tried :)

  8. The second looks far more sophisticated to me...great revision, Jean.

    1. Thank you, Wendy. It's good to go back and see sometimes. I used to have my art students draw with their non-dominant hand sometimes just to get them to appreciate what good work they were doing :)

  9. Your tile is beautiful, and yes, you've come a long way!

    1. Ya think? LOL! I wasn't sure I should even post the first one, but it may be seen as encouragement for someone :) Thanks, Sue!

  10. For me, it's the confidence that has changed. I don't have to apologise for the quality of the work- I know my tanglefriends will see the joy experienced in the making and that's still what counts most.

  11. Nice Jean. It has been a fun time to look back at our prior work. You have been doing this longer than I but what a difference time makes.

    1. Sometimes we also have to accept our limitations, Pat. Graceful, I'll never be LOL!

  12. Wow, this really shows how more confident you are now. Great challenge!

    1. Yes, Annemarie, I think this may have been an eyeopener for a lot of us :)

  13. I agree totally with your advice to remember the real purpose of Zentangle®. Even though I am not tangling for a long time, this was my real challenge not expecting to see a growth in the style but see the growth in the way I do my Tangle. But it is still fascinating to see the different style, especially by the ones who are already tangling a longer time. So I really love at your new tile how well-balanced it is.

    1. This is really one of the things that I now try to point out to my students, balance. That's not really something one might think of in the beginning, but the play of light against dark, large against small, does make for a more balanced piece. Thank you, Simone!

  14. Wow I'm loving seeing how different everyone's tiles look this week. So much improvement on shading and line work

  15. So fun to see the evolution of your work! Don't Change your banner, I have always loved it!

    1. Thanks, Kate. Even if I could do it better, and I'm certain I could, it is kind of like changing Jack, from Jack in the Box, to a "normal" person LOL! Okay, I'll leave it alone for now.

  16. Love your shading and the fact that your patterns are bolder, stronger in your second tile!

    1. I often find that beginners work very small and more timidly. It takes a bit more confidence to really go for it. Thank you so much Miss Nadjezdah, and I appreciate your stopping by.

  17. I just love reading your philosophy about zentangle. I am absolutely with you, and wish I could come to Arizona and take a class with you! Thank you for always being such a positive and supportive community member!

    1. Jennifer, your kind words really made me smile. Since I am a teacher, encouraging people has always been my goal. I love to see people happy with what they are doing, no matter what level they consider themselves. I wish you could come here too, Jennifer. I certainly would love to meet you some day :)

  18. I really appreciate your thoughts about the purpose of Zentangle. These comparisons are just so fun - and there is real growth of style to be observed, yet that first tile just Looks like you were having so much fun with the Patterns, I like them both.

    1. Yes, I had fun with Zentangle from day one. I like the first tile as much as the new one, and maybe for the reason you stated :)

  19. What a difference! I feel more flow and relaxation in your current tile! That´s the philosophy of Zentangle! Wonderful post!

  20. Jean, I always look forward to reading your posts and seeing what you have done with the challenge. This one was no different...your redo looks amazing and it definitely shows progress in the shading. I have been interested to see that most people doing this challenge seem to loosen up with time and enjoy it more. Something like that just shows in the work. And yes....please don't change your banner....I love it!

    1. Lezli, I so appreciate your support of my work and my blog. I agree that people seemed to loosen up, allow more negative space, and enjoy more. I will continue to think about the banner. I appreciate your enjoyment of it :)

  21. I see contrast change too! And improved shading skills. Mostly I see your love of the process. It shows!

  22. I do see your increased sophistication with tangling techniques in the second tile, but the first tile is also pleasing. I think one of the things that attracted me to Zentangle was that, using the Zentangle method, I could produce at least decent looking work almost at the beginning of my Zentangle journey. I consider you one of the Zentangle mavens who has led by example and helped me with my Zentangle journey. Thank you for that. :)

    1. Awww, Suzanne, I will keep this comment forever in my Zentangle folder. Thank you so very much. I'm so glad you found Zentangle. Actually, I'm so glad we all found Zentangle. Look at all the great friends we have made!

  23. I can feel how meditative the first tile was even though the second one has more contrast and pop! As I look around at everyone's ghost tile updates, what's most noticeable is the change in size of the tangles. I think many of us start out working teeny tiny and then it becomes more bold and confident with time. Nice work!

    1. It's almost difficult to appreciate Zentangle when one works very tiny. Tangles are harder to do in smaller sizes. Most of us pick up on that very quickly. I used to hate Tipple until I learned to do very large ones and then just fill in spaces with decreasing sizes of orbs. We do learn :) Thanks, Donna!
