
Monday, February 22, 2016

Zentangle® Boo*Kee, Artoo, Narwal, and an Inchie

The Diva, over at I am the Diva, asked us to use two tangles that are named after her children. Boo*Kee and Artoo. Who couldn't want to do tangles named after those two cuties?

For Square One, Facebook group, the focus tangle is Narwal. I added Purk, 'Nzeppel, and Verve.
Every Inchie Monday has a prompt of "earth" this week. I found some very interesting facts about our earth as I researched to find something that I didn't already know. Did you know that there are some places that there is less gravity than others? And did you know that the earth isn't actually round?

Thank you for stopping by. I enjoy reading your comments!


  1. Love your tangles and inchie. It's quite hard to draw a good circle so it's good to know that the earth isn't a perfect round.

    1. When we teach Zentangle, Wendy, we never use the word "circle". We use the word "orb" so that no one has to know how to make a perfect circle. Good to know that even our earth isn't perfectly shaped :)

  2. I like the way the two tangles are woven together!!!!

  3. Great tangles and I love the way you research everything and find out something you don't know - I didn't know either! And so great to see a person floating presumably because the gravity is less and an un-round earth! Great work and good fun - love it.

    1. Thanks, Jenny. I am just one of those people who can't be happy unless I am learning something or trying something new all the time. That's why I am a jack of all trades, master of none LOL! No attention span what so ever :)

  4. I love your rendition of Narwal. It flows so beautifully.

    1. Thank you, Audrie. I found Narwal a bit challenging the first time around, but just like Mooka, it became a friend.

  5. I love the artwork, the first one looks like a closed flower and the 2nd one looks like a snail. The inchie is great I did know that Earth isn't round but I did not know about the gravity thing. Awesome

    1. I would agree with both of your observations, Freebird. It is amazing what, either they never taught you, or that you don't remember from your school days LOL!

  6. the non-roundness certainly helps when trying to draw a circle freehand doesn't it! well done

  7. I like the composition in both of your tiles, very original. Making a tile, just with Artoo and Boo.kee is not easy but you have given us a nice result!

    1. Thank you, Ria. It took me a bit of time to ponder how to combine the tangles. Laura's in the round was really nice, but can't do the same thing as someone else. (Or, at least I can't!)

  8. I always enjoy seeing your tangles & the earth is a brilliant inchie :-)


  9. Nice work. I especially like your interpretation of the Diva Challenge this week.

  10. Wonderful combination of Boo*Kee and Artoo! I like your Narwal tile, too and your inchie is great! Lovely work this week!

  11. Always a pleasure to come and see yoor amazing artwork and great inchie ideas

    Love Chrissie xx

  12. Great tiles! Your Diva tile is very clever and the Narwal is fun.

  13. That's a real (Diva) Duotangle: you melted both patterns greatly together. Very nice!

  14. Great shading and highlights on your Diva duo!

  15. What a clever combination of patterns for the diva challenge - very nice :-)
    And a funny inchie!

  16. Creative and lovely Diva-tile. I like all three of them!

  17. Love your tangles and inchie. Yes our world is full of secrets.

  18. Jean, I love your challenge tile this week. It was definitely a challenge to just use those two tangles, but I love your take on it. And your Narwal seems to be enjoying itself as well. I always like to see what you have done with your inchies each week because I know that you are going to give us a lesson about the subject as you researched it. Thank you for passing on all these tidbits. Definitely whets the appetite to continue researching. Great job! All of them!

    1. You always leave such thoughtful comments, Lezli. Thank you for taking the time to do so. I love to respond to comments here on my blog but am not as good at leaving detailed comments on other's works. I have to admit to often feeling overwhelmed with thoughts that I can't seem to express to show my delight at what I am looking at. Weird, huh?

  19. Wonderful tiles! I love the white space in both tiles, it makes the tangles so outstanding. And thank you for posting the Square one, that is why I found this Facebook group!:)

    1. Simone, I'm glad you found the Facebook group. It's fun just to see how many different ways one tangle can wind up, isn't it? Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comments!
