
Monday, April 18, 2016

Zentangle® Spring, Shnek, Chaz, and an Inchie

I'm back from our adventure. We drove from Phoenix to Myrtle Beach, SC. Spent a week there, then drove back through Texas to visit with family and friend. I won't bore you with the whole thing, but this will let you know the highlight for me.

Back to Zentangle though. This week, over at I am the Diva, we have a challenge to use a spring as a string. Love it!
I decided to aura the string so the "spring" would remain.
Maryhill, Pepper, Drupe

Square One, Facebook, has a focus tangle of Shnek. I really wanted to do this in the round but just couldn't seem to get it to connect smoothly and still be Shnek. I added my own tangle, Chaz in the center.

 And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt word is Poetry. Have you ever heard of a "concrete poem"? Well, it is a shaped verse that focuses on the meaning of the poem through the shape. Not easy in one inch, but do look up examples on the Internet in images.

I'm happy to be home. I've missed all of you wonderful friends who kindly leave me comments :)


  1. Great tiles and niche, must look that up.

    1. Always a new one, Wendy! Seems like every day too. I can hardly keep up. That's why I like challenges. They force me to try new tangles.

  2. Great tiles! Love your interpretation of Shnek.


  3. You really thought out of the box coaxing Maryhill into that position! Fantastic circular geometric tangles! Sarah

    1. I did a random page pick and Maryhill was on the page. So, I had to make it work, Sarah!

  4. All fantastic art and I love the inchie idea

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. Welcome home and thiank you for more lovely art!


    1. Oh, I am so happy to be home. Not much of a traveler, Sally! Thanks for your sweet comment too!

  6. welcome back - your presence was missed - was never a fan of concrete poetry but what a good idea for your inchie!

    1. Thank you for telling me that, Kia. I feel a need to share with all of you, and I missed that too. I don't think I really like the idea of concrete poetry, but it was something different, and that I do like :)

  7. nice pieces this week. love the inchie, and will check out those kinds of poems

    1. I do love the challenge that the inchies give me, Freebird. Finding odd things on the Internet is a special love of mine. Weird, but it keeps me out of trouble LOL!

  8. Everything looks like buds about to burst into flowers. Just like Spring!!

    1. I'm springing too. I love spring because it means that summer is not far behind. Winter is so depressing to me. Thanks for stopping by, Lorna!

  9. Lovely work! Great job with Shnek;-)

  10. I just can see your feet on the picture but I think you have had a great time and nice weather. That was not in Providence it was cold and windy but we were inside in the Providence Hotel and it was amazing. I learned a lot, met new friends, could have a little chat with Rick, Maria and Molly... I'm a happy person and won't forget this beautiful experience.
    Your two tiles are uncomplicated but nice and well drawned. I like your tangle Chaz very much.

    1. Well, Ria, I'm not sure everyone wants to see all of me LOL! Yes, we had a wonderful time. I'm sorry the weather wasn't cooperative at your training but it was still the most wonderful thing, wasn't it? I will never forget it either. I put it right up there of my top joys of my life. Congrats to you! (Chaz was the tangle that I bravely stood in front of the whole group at my training to present. Rick and Maria both liked it!)

  11. A very pretty challenge tile and the Shnek one is beautiful!!!

  12. Great tiles and your little inchie is nice :-)

  13. Love your feet in the sand :-) as well as your work. I especially like the Shnek tile!

    1. I love my feet in the sand too, Ilse. I wish I could put my feet in the sand every day. I am already feeling sad that the ocean in so far away. I was meant to live on the beach.

  14. Great tiles, the challenges are a great way of exploring new patterns.

    1. I agree, Chrissie. There's so many tangles and so many different ways to use them. That's one of my favorite parts of Zentangle. There's always something new to learn.

  15. Lovely tiles and inchie! Especially I like your Shnek tile ... it´s wonderful with its fine contrast!

  16. I suspect I was meant to live on a beach too, but at least I'm only about 60 miles from the sea if I just can't stand it any longer. Mind you, it's a cold grey sea near where I live but a walk in the sand is still a walk in the sand. I like your version of schnek - it's light and airy.

    1. I don't really care if it is cloudy or grey. Not too fond of cold or wind, but I'd take it :) Lucky you! I grew up about an hour drive from the ocean myself. Maybe that's why I miss it so much now.

  17. Never heard of a concrete poem will certainly look that one up - I seem to always be googling things after visiting your blog!! What a great theme for your poetry inchie - love it

    1. HaHa, Jenny. That is really my goal you know. Once a teacher, always a teacher :)

  18. Wonderful inchie! Well, all of your work is awesome as usual.

  19. everything is in the shade and simplicity !

  20. Nice job - I like the three different tangles you chose for your spring fill - they just begged for monotangle fills! I loved your niche too - and have now learned something about another type of poetry.

  21. Hi Jean! Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation. But it is always nice to get home and be able to relax! LOL

    I love your Spring tile. I like the simplicity of it. I tried to do that but more tangles decided they wanted to be part of it. :-D I like your Shnek tile. I don't really know that tangle. Now I have to go try it out. Your inchie tile is such a wonderful visual for something that is composed of words, like poetry. I had never heard of Concrete Poetry either, so thank you for educating us on that.

    1. I did have a fantastic time, Melena. Thank you. It can be very difficult to stop when tangling. Some people can really pack a tile and have it still look lovely. Mine just kind of get jumbled looking when I fill too much sometimes. It can be a guessing game, I suppose LOL!
