
Monday, April 25, 2016

Zentangle® Snail, Stripes, and an Inchie

I am the Diva challenged us to use stripes today. Not really being in the mood for stripes, I thought I would play with my Distress Inks on an official Zentangle tile. I used Post It tape to make colorful stripes and THEN I was in the mood for stripes!
Distress Inks

I added Snail, Beeline, and Wired. For some contrast, I added white with an Acrylic paint

Square One, Facebook, has a focus tangle of Snail. I actually did that before the Diva tile and thought I would like to use it again.

And the prompt word over at Every Inchie Monday is Bag. Well, don't let the cat out of the bag!

(Can you guess where I got my inspiration from?)

Okay, so upon doing the link, I see that I can't read my own writing and I saw "bag" instead of "big". So here is my BIG mistake! LOL!

Thank you for stopping by. I love reading your comments!


  1. Great tiles! I love the inchie with the cat, lol!!


  2. Hey now, after your wonderful tile, I'm now in the mood for stripes. Lovely work. And...your can has BIG personality plus!!

    1. Isn't it funny how a bit of color can just change one's mood, Lorna? After I finished my tile I made an equally colorful card. Walls, watch out!

  3. I like your tile and the colours. Thanks for sharing the process of colouring. Re the cat. I have two bag-loving cats. We call it "Cat in a bag" when they do. "Ugly cat" is when the kitten makes himself look scary in front of our dog.

    1. Aren't cats the funniest of pets, Miss L? We have a cat, dog, and bird, and they keep us laughing all the time!

  4. Your work is always cheerful and you can see that it is made with love, thank you Jean for sharing with us, I like that very much.

    1. Ria, thank you so very much. I do love making and sharing my work. I try to always be positive in my outlook. It's a whole lot better place to be :)

  5. I love the colours of your striped so bright and summery😊.
    I've yet to do the snailz focus but was thinking it would go well in this stripes challenge too 😊

    1. It's funny that Snails is an official Zentangle tangle and I had not ever even heard of it, that I remember anyway, until it was the Facebook focus tangle. Simple, yet quite usable in a lot of spaces.

  6. Ha ha, I have started wearing my real reading glasses for small print otherwise I just might have made a similar mistake! Nice tangles this week too.


    1. Don't you just love how I justified "big" with my big mistake, Sally? LOL!

  7. Love the strippy tile. Very bright and cheerful!😀

  8. Beatiful tiles. I also never heart of snail. Your stripes are lovely with the fresh colors.

    1. From what I read, Carmela, Snail was introduced at the first CZT training and there were no step outs given. Maybe it was too easy for step outs. Anyway, go to Linda's to see where someone has done step outs for it. I didn't know about this tangle either and I really like it.

    2. Thank you for sharing your work Jean. I love both the stripes and snail tiles. your kitty is very gorgeous

  9. Lol I love your big mistake, thank you for making me laugh. Great diva tile, nice and cheerful with the colours,

    1. As long as you are all laughing WITH me, we're good! Thanks :)

  10. love all the work, the cat is so cute

  11. I really like your striped tile for the diva challenge - it's so colorful :-)
    The snail tile is great with it's contrast and shading!
    And your inchie is sooooooooo cute, I love it :-)

    1. I had those inks out for a card background I was using. Being lazy does have its advantages sometimes LOL! Thanks, Sandra :)

  12. Ditto, made me laugh too, great twist making it a big mistake but I love your cat in the bag - we have five cats and they play at hiding from each other. Can't count the times I've gone to pick up a bag which is heavier than it should be!!! Love your photo of inspiration - aren't cats just delightful?

    1. Five cats! Wow! The most I ever had was four, and what fun that was. I'll bet they can cook up a lot of trouble, as well as a lot of love! When I am old(er), I will be the cat lady for sure.

  13. Great catch! Love the quickness that terms a reading error into a positive. Love the kitty in the bag - my two prefer boxes!

    1. Yes, pretty sneaky of me Kia LOL! I was ready to post and just couldn't even begin to think of starting over. Now that my cat is older, his taste has changed to boxes as well. He just loves when we shop at Costco. I just say "box" and he is running!

  14. I love the idea of coloring the paper before tangling. Simple and obvious, but I haven't tried it. Lovely tile.

    1. I truly only thought of it since I was doing stripes with those colors on a card. LOL! Thanks, Paula!

  15. Love the colorful stripes and the addition of the white really makes things pop!

    1. Thank you, Kate. I thought it needed the white myself. Truly a ZIA though :)

  16. I love your kitty in the bag! Both of them. :-D
    Your stripes are wonderful. I love the color. Your tiles are always so inspirational.

  17. Gorgeous work! Your colors are so vibrant on your Diva piece. Love the cat in the bag (both of them).

  18. Hello Jean!!

    It is always fantastic to communicate over FB and Flickr, but I admit, nothing beats checking in here to look at your various posts. I just need to get my act together and participate more often in the Diva Challenge :P I have been busy, and busy is good, but I need to get focussed. (Though I'm still jealous of someone's vacay!)

    P.S. Who is that cutie in the bag?

    Challenge entry:

    1. Yes, Debbie, I love seeing your work in so many different places too. Vacations are nice, but you sure pay for them in catch up time LOL! That cutie is Charlie.

  19. awww, kitty in a of the best games on earth! and I love your Diva tile. The warm palette is yummy, and the shading is so good.

    1. I remember the old days when paper bags is what you got at the grocery store. I would toss them onto the floor while I was unpacking and the cats delighted in flinging themselves back and forth across the room while swapping bags. I miss those days when I had four cats tearing the house apart! Right now, Heidi Sue, Charlie is throwing himself at the wall to catch an imaginary my house, it's probably dirt LOL!

  20. I love how you made colorful stripes! I really need to become brave enough to add color to my tiles! And your kitty is adorable! One of my three cats likes hiding in bags - such fun critters!

    1. Donna, do the color first and work the tangles in it like it is a string. You can already do that, so no stress! I'm glad I made the BIG mistake. It's been fun hearing about so many loved kitties!

  21. So beautiful! I love the "spring" colors!

  22. Beautiful tiles - I particularly like the colourful one :) Very pretty! h

    1. Thank you, Helen. It is fun to play with color now and then!

  23. Wonderful tiles! Especially I like the colourful tile with the stripes. Great idea to colour the tile with the distress inks!
    Cute inchie and cute cat in the bag!

    1. The Distress Inks work really well on the Fabriano tiles, Annette, and retain their bright colors more than I thought they would. Thanks for stopping by :)

  24. Dear Jean, when I first read your post, I thought I had it all wrong and would have to start all over for ideas! Great save! Fanciful work with great lines and colours. Cute kitties. My family is full of the allergic types, I have to enjoy my beloved cats through others. Or I might become that cat lady and they'll just have a reason not to visit. Ha! Cheryl

    1. Good save, huh? LOL! Just couldn't delete that photo of my baby Charlie. He's now six and I just posted a photo of him in a bag from this morning. I would be so sad if I couldn't have a cat. I am planning on being that cat lady when I get too old to go out of the house. (Do you ever type things and then think that people will have you put away and so you delete what you wrote?)

  25. Nice tiles Jean and I love the colour, and, what a lovely photo of your cat. So cute.

    1. Thanks, Chrissie. I just took a current picture of Charlie in a bag to post along side of this one from 6 years ago. We don't get bags much here anymore, everything is plastic!

  26. Like the colors in your Diva Challenge tile. I have never used those, do you brush them on? I misread things all the time. It really makes finishing a crossword puzzle at times until I realize I am looking for the wrong word.

    1. I used the Distress Inks all the time in my cardmaking, Donald, so I have lots of colors and know all kinds of techniques for using them. Ihis particular technique is done by using a low tack tape to cover part of the tile, then you apply the inks with a daubing tool, like in the picture, to push the ink onto the tile. You just add as much color as you like as it gets more intense as you add more color.
      I really need better glasses, Donald, I can really mess things up by misreading all the time. I have been stuck on a crossword puzzle myself, just one word, maybe I will go back and see if I am doing the same as you LOL!

  27. Jean, I love the bright colors on your Diva tile. Those colors always make me happy because they are so very bright. Now if it would just quit raining and being so windy here. Your Snail tile is beautifully done ... I've seen to many stunning ones that I guess I may have to give that tangle a try. And as far as your inchie goes; I love your BIG bag since it would have to be pretty big for your kitty. Your kitty looks like he's having a great time!

    1. I never used to like bright colors, Lezli, but I am warming up to them. We don't get much rain here is AZ so we celebrate when it does. I wouldn't be happy though if it rained a lot. I never used Snail either before last week and am finding that it is a nice simple tangle that works in all kinds of spaces. I'm sure I will use it more. Yes, Charlie was enjoying playing tiger hiding in the bag LOL!
