
Monday, June 13, 2016

Zentangle® Rundle, Beads of Courage, and an Inchie

Beads of Courage is the prompt for this week's challenge from I am the Diva. Do go over and read what this represents. It is heartwarming to see little Artoo find comfort in these. I used some Distress Inks that I smooshed onto my craft sheet, added a spray or two of water and dipped a tile. I used Sharpie fine tipped colored markers, some colored pencils and added some white gel pen dots at the end.
The focus tangle for Square One on Facebook is from CZT Ela Rieger and is called Rundl. I really like this tangle. Give it a try. You don't really need to stress with this one at all! (Of course, you know I had to push it a bit!)
And, for Every Inchie Monday, the prompt word is Radio. When one of my sons was young I told him that I was concerned that I couldn't seem to keep track of what I was doing and that my memory was not as sharp as it used to be. He told me that even young people were having the same kind of issues. His theory is this: With all those radio waves and cell phone and TV signals going through the air, we should realize that if they can go through cement buildings that they probably are going through our head. Interesting theory and a Google search indicates that he is not the only one who has had that thought. In any case, I sure love any excuse for my lapses in memory. LOL!

Thank you for stopping by. I love reading your comments!


  1. I love your beads.,,very minimalistic and at the same time, they remind me of Christmas lights. Rundle was a really fun challenge, I enjoyed drawing it, and love yours. As for the radio waves, had never thought of it, but, man, it makes a whole lot of sense to me!!!

    1. Thanks, Joyce. I forgot to mention that I used BeadLine. That's what makes it look like Christmas lights, I think. Yup, now I know why some people wrap their heads in tin foil LOL!

  2. Love your tangles. Brilliant inchie. I thought you drew the horrible music that comes out of the radio sometimes.
    Have a nice week.

    1. HaHa, Trillian! I actually like that "horrible" music. I don't know why. Maybe because at one time I was a music/guitar teacher, or maybe because I had four boys who loved that music.

  3. Have to agree with Trillian - thought it was a youngster being blasted with their nasty loud music!!! But air waves - brilliant concept - I'm sure he's right - my mind isn't what it was and I'm always listening to something!!! Super work great post.

    1. Thank you, Jenny. Maybe that's why it is so restful when we take our trailer so far away that we can't get any kind of reception = no TV, radio, or cell phones :)

  4. I haven't properly got to grips with Rundl yet but I think it will be very usable. I like the idea od each bead being a pattern of its own on your Diva tile and, as for loss of memory, I'll accept any excuse that's going!

    1. My guess is that a lot of us will be happy to find this reason for.... now what was I saying?

  5. I love the connection this week of radio/waves!


    1. Thanks, Sally. I think of his words whenever I find myself forgetting what I was doing or looking for LOL!

  6. what a great story - your son must be a deep thinker - great inchie

    1. I was really fortunate to have four really awesome sons, Kia. Each is so different from the other and each such a delight. I really wish I had written down every gem that they said or did over the years.

  7. OK. Now I'm feeling paranoid about radio waves. Remember, just because you're paranoid, does not mean they're not out to get you. I'm jealous of everybody's coloring techniques in preparing their tile. I can't find my paints (still not unpacked from our move) and I'm afraid to open a bottle of red wine. My goal for today is to produce a home-cooked meal. Baby steps.

    1. Ah, Suzanne, you make me chuckle all the time :) I wish you much happiness in your new home.

  8. Love all the colour on your beads of courage tile.

    1. Thanks, Suse. Any excuse to make a colorful mess makes me happy!

  9. Love your happy beads tile! You did a great job with Rundle as well.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you, Jennifer. The Distress Inks come in so many pretty colors!

  11. Brilliant Inchie, I know exactly what you mean.
    Your background on the challengetile is beautiful, I always love your cheerful work!

    1. Thank you, Ria. I suppose, because I do cards and journals, I'm used to putting in complete information. It's just become a habit to list all materials and how something was done.

  12. I like all the colors on your Beads of Courage tile. Looks like fun. And Rundl looks like a fun tangle. But I've got so many wonderful new tangles to try now that I'm backlogged. LOL Your inchie is so funny! I also thought it was earbuds in the guys ears playing loud music from his radio. Ha ha ha! I hadn't thought about all the different waves out there interfering with my memory. Something to think about. But I'm not putting an aluminum pyramid hat on my head. LOL Good job on your tiles Jean.

    1. I know what you mean, Melena. There are so many great tangles out there and not enough time to give them the attention they deserve! If you change your mind and make that hat, I'd sure like to see a picture of it LOL!

  13. So Beautiful! Especially the joyful colors!

  14. I love your Beads of Courage! The colors are so lively and the patterns beautifully bold;-) Your Rundl is great too.

  15. Lol, what a great explanation for memory loss. Love all your work especially the colourful beads of courage.

    1. Yup, YT, and I'm sticking with it LOL! Thanks so much for stopping by :)

  16. Your Beads of Courage tile is great! Very colorful happy! :0)

  17. Beautiful stuff. Don't get me started on the radio waves; I could spout way too much information that'll curl your hair. Another time, perhaps. Love the goodies this week, Cheryl

    1. It was kind of scary just to research a bit for this little inchie, Cheryl. Sometimes I find more than I want to know!

  18. I love beads of courage. A great organization! I also love the inchie and the story behind it.

    1. Yes, Freebird, it is such a wonderful idea for helping children cope with the emotional distress even if just a tiny bit.

  19. Terrific art amd wonderful and insipired inchie

    Love Chrisdie x
