
Monday, June 20, 2016

Zentangle® with Red, Groovy, and an Inchie

The Diva Challenge #272 prompt is "What's black and white and red all over!" What a fun idea. I grabbed a tile, red, black, and white gel pens and a red colored pencil and a regular pencil and off I went.
I used Crescent Moon, Molygon, Sprinkle, and Xircus.

Square One, Facebook, has a prompt tangle of Groovy by  Eden Hunt. I took some liberties (I guess you're used to that by now LOL!) and added a variant of Footlites as well.
And, the prompt word for Every Inchie Monday is "Party". Now, I'm not one for parties. I don't like, what to me is stress, when there are too many people. And, I certainly don't like to dress up anymore. But, if I were to accept an invitation to a party, it would be to a tea party in Wonderland! Would you?

Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your comments!


  1. I so agree about parties - I'm not the party type - I don't like large groups of people - I start to panic and can't breathe! But a tea party in wonderland - now that would be neat! Great inchie idea. love the red tangles too.

    1. We really need to have an "Alice" tea party and invite all the crazy mad people that we know :)

  2. Love your tiles, and how you did Groovy...I have such a hard time with Groovy. I also love your party inchie. I don't like parties, either, so the Tea Party in Wonderland works for me!! See you there!


    1. Well, as you can see Joyce, I don't feel the need to do tangles "right", so just have fun with it! Glad we have your name to add to the guest list :)

  3. I'll join you at the Wonderland party even though I don't like parties. Great tangles and inchie.

    1. Oh, goodie, Wendy! Although, somebody somewhere must really like parties or there wouldn't be so many of them LOL!

  4. Jean, great tiles all!! I'll join you for the Wonderland Tea Party. I don't like big parties, but a small intimate tea party would be just great with a bit of Earl Gray Tea. :-D I finally got my tile done and posted so I can look at others now. And I really like your Black and White and Red. I particularly like that you used lots of red. Very striking. And your Groovy is great. I just used that for the first time today. I had no idea about it being used as another challenge. LOL And I love your inchie cup of tea party. Perfect.

    1. Isn't that funny that you used Groovy and then found out it was in a challenge? Amazing LOL! Thanks for your thoughtful comments, Melena!

  5. I love the tangles and the take on the inchie, Great!

  6. The red looks great! Well done.

  7. Nice tiles Jean. I find the combination black and red very hard but it isn't so on your tile, on the contrary it is a lovely one.
    You have already lots of volunteers to join your tea party. Me too, I agree what you wrote and I like that Ichie.

    1. I think it was the red gel pen I had. It really went down smoothly on the tile. I was surprised. I just went to look and now I'm not surprised at all. I didn't realize that it was a Signo, just like the really nice white one most of us use. Must get more colors! Your name has been added to the guest list :)

  8. Your diva tile is wonderful :-) I love the chosen pattern with this red colour! And the Square One tile is great with all these stripes :)

  9. I like Zinger with the red, Jean. Lovely tile.

  10. Love your tiles, especially the red, black and white - it does look like you let go and had fun. A party in itself!

    1. I did have fun with this one, Sue. I loved how the gel pen flowed so nicely on the tile. And, red is a favorite color of mine too :)

  11. Lovely work Jean! I love that Diva tile. It's really striking;-)

  12. Fantastic artwork and such magical idea for the inchie

    Love Chrissie xx

  13. Fantastic tangles I can only stand and admire, thank you for your generous comments on mine. Then I spotted your inchie and wondered if you have seen my Challenge team Twofers where the current theme is Tea, Coffee or Me?

    1. I have not, Zoe. I will take a look. I am so hopelessly behind in my art journal work though, that I don't think I can add something else at the moment. It would be fun to look at though and maybe some day :)

  14. Oh yes, let's have a tea party! :-)

  15. WOW! Beautiful work! My favorite is your tile for dc272!

  16. Both tiles are lovely, graceful, like they're dancing!

    1. That sounds so pretty, Jill! Thank you for the kind comment :)

  17. Well that Diva tile is certainly partying!! Looks like it's dancing! I agree with you about parties. (Another occupational hazard from teaching middle school. Party noise always reminds me of lunch duty in the cafeteria!!!) Tea parties are wonderful, especially when there are cupcakes!

  18. Ummm, cupcakes! I love cupcakes, Jennifer :) I taught K-8th art and music, so I know what you mean LOL!
