
Monday, January 30, 2017

Zentangle®, a 3Z, Paradox, Diva Dance, and Bucky

This week the challenge, from I am the Diva, is to do a duotangle using Paradox and Diva Dance. Laura included a nice video from Rick and Maria showing an example of how to combine these tangles in a Hollibaugh style. Mine is fairly simple since it is the first time that I am using a 3Z tile. It was fun to do though.
The focus tangle for Square One, Facebook, is to use Bucky. This is a tangle that I don't think I have ever used as it just doesn't appeal to me for some reason. Therefore, I switched the direction of the inner lines and like it more this way. I added Bannah from Sandy Steen Bartholomew, CZT (from her Tangle Cards, Yoga for your Brain), Flux, and Tipple.

I have decided to finally use my beautiful journal from I will go through the tangles page by page using different variations that pop onto the page. No preplanning going on here. These are the intro pages that I made to get myself started.

Thank so much for stopping by. I always enjoy reading your comments!


  1. Terrific artwork and it always looks so difficult to me

    Love Chrissie xx

    1. Thank you, Chrissie. Please believe me when I tell you that Zentangle is truly easy and you would enjoy the results almost immediately!

  2. Wow! Your duotangle is awesome, Jean! I love how they flow together. I like how you made Bucky work for you! (I'm not a big fan of Bucky, which I tried once and said, "Okay. Next?" I'm glad you started on your new journal. I tend to "save" them, too!

    1. Kind of fun to work in such a small space, Jennifer. It's almost like working in one piece of a string.

  3. Love your Diva Duo Triangle Tangle! šŸ¤—

  4. Hi, Jean,

    Your DuoTangle for the Diva came out really well, but I'm in love with the way you did the Square One challenge. It's a tangle that I don't care for, either, and my Bucky is similar to yours, so of course I love yours, lol!! Great job!


    1. It would be nice to see yours too, Joyce. It's always fun to see how different a tangle can look with just simple changes.

  5. Great tiles and lovely 3Zs Diva. I like it.

  6. I like your duotangle and the intro pages of the journal too.

  7. Funnily enough, I'm starting a journal too, though not theZentangle one, I'm afraid. I'm not sure I've really got the idea but we'll see how it goes. I love your Diva tile and the way Diva Dance almost morphs into Crescent Moon. Fabulous.

    1. Ah, Margaret, I have several journals going all the time! We'll see how long I can keep this one at the top! Thanks for stopping by :)

  8. Love the 3Z tile with your duo-tangles! Creative.

  9. I look forward to visiting your page on Monday. I've noticed you're not doing the inchie art. The animals don't interest me that much. I always loved your twisted take on the inchie. Maybe you could come up with your own little challenge. Just wondering. Thanks for all your other great art!

    1. I do appreciate your feedback, Veronica. I loved doing the Inchies since they let my creative side play; however, the animals theme really didn't have the same appeal and so I gave it up. I do feel that there is something "missing" in my posts so I will be thinking about it.

  10. I love your beautiful transition of RIck's Paradox to Diva Dance, very original and a wonderful effect on these 3Z tile.
    The tile for Square one has a very nice composition, I love the combination of the tangles very much.

  11. Jean, Nice work on the challenge tangles. Your work is always so nice and sharp and clean. I love what you do with your art. I really like the way you used paradox in the whole of the 3Z tile and then had dance in the center. That's just opposite of the way I did it and yours looks great.

    1. You are so kind, Duane. I'm going to take a trip to your blog later so I can see how you created yours!

  12. Great Diva duotangle, Diva Dance works beautifully as the "heart" of Pardox. Your journal study looks great, I look forward to seeing the process.

    1. Thanks, Daniele. I appreciate your encouragement!

  13. Whow! The tile with Paradox and Diva Dance is great! Love it!

  14. Great artwork!Your DC tile is beautiful,I love that combination of Paradox with DivaDance!
    I like your decision to use your Zentangle Journal! I have mine in use since I was in Providence. I use it to draw all Original Zentangle patterns and to play with them. The first third of the journal contents my notes from the Seminar and some fotos. It is such a great reminder to some beautiful days ;-)

    1. Simone, I still have the journal from my trip to Providence and it has sat, unloved, since. But, this is a new one that I have begun. I should try to locate my original to see if I have improved any over the years, LOL! And, I agree, those were truly some beautiful days!

  15. Beautiful artwork Jean! I love how you integrated both Diva Dance and Paradox into one tangle! :)

    1. Deanne, thank you! They do kind of go together easily :)

  16. Gorgeous work as usual Jean! I love your Duotangle. I wish I'd been that original with my interpretation. Thanks for the peek into your journal. I love seeing inside peoples sketchbooks.

    1. LOL, Michele. I love looking at other people's journal too, kind of like at Christmas time when people leave their drapes open and you see that you are not the only one who shoves stuff on top of the refrigerator!

  17. That's a very nice first-time 3 Z! I love your other nice artwork as well :-)

    1. I'm kind of seeing the tile as a section of a string instead of breaking it down further, Ilse. At least so far. I could change my mind.

  18. A beautiul Divatile with a very special and beautiful connection between the two tangles Diva Dance and RIck's Paradox I love it and also your tile for square one has a very nice composition.
    It is very pleasant to have the opportunity to look in someone's journal. Thank you JEan for sharing!

    1. I'm sure I would not have thought to combine Paradox and Diva Dance this way if it weren't for the challenge. I am so glad that we have Laura to push us just a bit :)

  19. Jean, great tiles, once again. I like how you used the lines for Paradox and turned the inner ones into Diva Dance. Very creative thinking there. But then you do like to take things to the next step. I also like what you did with Bucky. I haven't used that tangle yet and now I can see some great ways to use it. And I really like the first pages of your new journal. It sure doesn't hurt to go over those basics every once in awhile. I don't think I could keep up a journal. I've tried a couple of times but it always got forgotten about a few weeks down the line. I very much appreciate what you do. You definitely get me thinking about "what else can I do with this?" :-D

    1. Thanks for those kind words, Melena. As a teacher, it always makes me happy to see someone color outside of the lines. Never fear pushing a tangle to its limits :) A journal must stay out in plain view or it will be forgotten easily. Now that I say that though, we'll see.....

  20. You are such an inspiration. I have the 3Z tiles and the original CZT journal and haven't taking the "plunge" with either of them. Seeing your work encourages me to "just do it!" Then again, I have paper from 20 years ago when I was a calligrapher that was "too good" to use. :)

    I like the simplicity of your tile for the challenge. I wouldn't have thought to put them together on the 3Z tile. Impressive.

    1. Maureen, I have had the tiles since the first day I could get them. There they sat in the box. I also have so many things that are "too good" to use, waiting for the Queen to come I suppose. Silly us. Let's grab all of it and just use it before our children come one day and throw it all in the trash as junk!

  21. Wow Jean, there is so much depth in your tile. I LOVE it.

  22. I love your 3Z challenge tile. Great morph of the tangles going on there. As I looked at your tile with Bucky, I decided to go and look it up to see how to draw it. After looking at it, I remembered why I hadn't used it yet. You did a great job with it though. And I love the way you are starting your journal. Great work all around!

    1. I know, right? Bucky is just not something I would ever do in it's original step-outs, but I like it better this way. I may have to force myself into seeing other ways to make this a bit more interesting. I'm sure there are many. Thanks for stopping by Lezli!

  23. I love looking at your art work! Your Diva tile is beautiful in its simplicity!

  24. Great Diva tile and I love seeing your sketchbook.... I fitfully work in one...can't seem to develop a habit.

    1. Thanks, Kate. I know I have started several journals and then I get distracted, so we'll see :)

  25. love the journal page explaining zentangle! And that duotangle is just perfect for the Z3 tile! it goes deep, doesn't it. Everything just looks so good.

    1. Thank you for all the nice comments, HeidiSue. I truly appreciate it :)

  26. Nice work. I agree with your comment on my blog that trying to combine them can make you a little crazy, or in my case crazier. It took some concentration. Did not have time to try Bucky. I tried it a long time ago and was not pleased with the results. Probably would be good to go back and visit it again.

    1. We often have a similar attitude toward certain aspects of tangling, Donald. I am impressed though that you did interweave your challenge tangles and got a nice result. Maybe, one of these days, I will try it myself. Thanks for stopping by!

  27. Great transition from paradox to diva... Beautiful! Perfectly suited for the 3z tile!

    1. Thanks, Holly. I am definitely going to have to see what else happens on those 3Z tiles!

  28. You have created such depth with diva dance in the middle. Wonderful
