
Monday, January 9, 2017

Zentangle® Orbs-La-Dee, ICanThis, Paushalov, and Cuttlelola Pen

Ah, the Diva is back so all is right with the world again. My world anyway, LOL! The first Monday of the month is a UMT, use my tangle, which comes from Anneke van Dam and called Orbs-La-Dee. I grabbed a tan tile and a Sakura Souffle pen in turquoise. I had the urge to play with an Ogee grid. Ogee grids were very difficult for me to master, kind of like Mooka was, but once I got it, I find them fun to do. (Of course, I draw them freehand. I don't like using the dots.) I should have taken a photo of the grid all by itself as it got lost in the tangling process, but maybe that's the point of a grid?  I added the tangle Pea-Fea from Amelie Liao and some Prismacolor colored pencils.

The focus tangle from Square One, Facebook, last week was ICanThis, I made wider veins so I could add Tipple and edged with a random Cadent.

This week, the focus tangle is Paushalov from Amy Ridge Broady, CZT.

And, finally, I received a Cuttlelola pen for Christmas. I used it to do Narwal and added Tombow markers.
Thanks for stopping by. I enjoy reading your comments!


  1. Hi, Jean, also glad that the Diva is back...I've missed her challenges. Your Orbs-la-Dee is cool, and putting tipple in the ICanThis is a great idea...I love ICanThis, btw, mainly 'cause I can do it, lol. But my favorite of the three is the way you've done the Paushalove challenge!! Great job!


    1. Lots of great ideas this week to work on, Joyce. I appreciate your visit and your kind comment!

  2. Jean, Love your diva tile! The colors are lovely. The others are great two. How do you like the new pen? Do you think that it is worth the price? Have a gift card so I am thinking about it and would like to know what you think.

    1. Yes, a bit pricey Kate. I probably wouldn't have bought it for myself for that reason, but as a gift or with a gift card, absolutely. Mine didn't work at first but the developer told me to remove the ink holder and reset and it now works perfectly. Sandra Strait did some nice work with one and then I looked at several videos to decide that it belonged on my Christmas wish list. I have done several things with it and have found it so much fun. I think you will love it too!

  3. I also missed the Diva. Glad she is back. All your work is beautiful. I especially like your Icanthis with orbs. It just looks so natural.

  4. I do love your challenge tile, Jean!!! Well done

  5. Beuatiful work, Jean, especially your Diva tile! It's so pretty! Ogee grids are quite hard to me too, but you did a great job.

    1. Ogee grids really gave me a rough time, Ilse. It was one of those "muscle memory" kind of things. I just had to draw the grids, all by themselves for pages and pages until I felt comfortable. Too bad you can't even see it on this tile though, LOL!

  6. Very nice tiles and so lovely colors :-)

  7. Jean, I am always amazed at the prodigious amount of good art work you produce in what seems (to me) to be a short amount of time. I'm partial to that turquoise color you used. I'd never heard of a Cuttlelola pen. I looked it up using your link. I don't think I'm ready for that degree of high tech yet. Happy New Year!

    1. I am retired, Suzanne, and my hubby has time consuming hobbies of his own, so that allows me most of the day (as long as I'm not teaching) to play. I'm also a kind of "careless" artist. Good enough is always good enough for me. I will never make beautiful work as I don't have the patience for it! The Cuttlelola is super ease to use or I couldn't do it either!

  8. You strarted well this year . Beautiful work done.

    1. Thanks, Carmela. I see more color in my tangles this year.

  9. Love all your Tiles Jean! Your Diva tile makes me wish I could go to the Beach! Looking forward to enjoying more of your artwork this year! :)

    1. Ooh, I wish I could go to the beach myself, Deanne! And, thanks for the kind words!

  10. Wow, I love your Diva tile - it reminds me of a lovely beach stroll! Ogee grid? I don't know that term and will have to look it up.

    1. If you look up the link I gave above, Sue, read through to the bottom. Linda has added a link to a video too. Since we all think differently, that could be helpful for some. As I said, I do mine organically so it is more flowing. No dots required (dots are so unZenlike for me, LOL!).

  11. I'm glad to be back on the challenges and I would like to join them regulary again in the new year. It was a pleasure to see your starts of the year: wonderful Diva tile with beautiful colours (I didn't know the word Ogee grid but now I do)
    Icanthtis is my favorite new tangle and you have made a very nice combination wit random Cadent( I like the shading) and I learned some more: a cuttlelora pen, lovely special result!!! Wish you all the best vor 2017.

    1. I always enjoy seeing what others come up with for challenges too. I also like to be pushed into using tangles that I wouldn't normally use, like ICanThis. Isn't it funny how different tangles appeal immediately and some don't? All the best to you as well, Ria!

  12. I love especially your first tile and these colors. Beautiful !

  13. All are beautiful! Especially I like the colours in the first. The variations of Paushalov are wonderful as well.
    Wishing you a happy and peaceful new year!

    1. Thanks, Annette, and all the best to you as well :)

  14. your orbs-la-dee is like a day at the beach;-)

    1. I didn't think that when I did it, Michele, but I think you may be right. Thank you, as I would love to go to the beach, if only in my mind :)

  15. Love the color and texture in your DIVA piece, hand drawn orbs have so much more energy. Your stippling on the Narwal piece is great, I'm going to have to check out a Cuttlelola pen.

    1. Daniele, I think you would enjoy playing with the Cuttlelola pen. Thanks for your comment :)

  16. Lovely, lovely tiles, Jean. I'm also so glad to be back in the tangling world of weekly challenges again! Happy New Year. Axxx

    1. Thanks, Annie. I don't like it when my schedule gets upset, LOL! Happy New Year to you too!

  17. Wow, all tiles are so beautiful. I love the diva tile, it has one of my favorite color combinations! And drawn in a very unique way. I had to look on you tube how the cuttlelola dotspen works, that looks really great! So I am looking forward to see more dotted tile!

    1. I'm having a lot of fun with the pen, Simone. Then, I scan it and run it through my Minc machine that adds shiny foil. Now that is really fun!

  18. Hi Jean! I'm back! What a crazy few months it's been. Happy New Year to you.

    I love your tiles. Great tangle to add to the Diva Challenge. I used the Pea Fea also. Great minds think alike, eh? :-D I haven't posted mine yet. I'm not home and have a harder time getting a picture uploaded to the computer. I'll try today.

    That Cuttlelola pen looks very interesting, but rather expensive for me right now. I'll have to use my micron for any stippling I do. I love how your Narwal turned out.

    1. Always happy to see your name pop up here, Melena. You always have such a cheerful comment. I agree that the pen is way too much to spend on oneself; however, it certainly was a fun gift to receive. I will be looking for your post!

    2. It's up now. I love getting your comments too. :-)

  19. Terrific tiles, all, Jean. I especially like the way you added Tipple to the Icanthis veins. Great concept.

  20. I also really like the idea of the Cuttlelola pen; I'll have to think about whether I want to pop for one; or wait a while.

    1. If you follow Sandra Strait, Audrie, she is super good with the Cuttelola.

  21. Jean...
    Such beautiful tiles! I really love the color combination you used for the Orbs-la-Dee tile. Turquoise is one of my favorite colors. Nice work with the cuttlelola pen! I'm sure that speeds up the stippling process!

    1. Nice to see you again, Holly! Thanks for the sweet comments!
