
Monday, April 17, 2017

Zentangle®, Ropuz Fill, 5C Drop, Romancy, and Weben

Such a fun challenge from I am the Diva this week! We are to use something liquid spilled as a string. I had to get out my Distress Inks and play with two tiles.
The first, I let plain water drip down the tile and then held watered Distress Inks over it with a water brush. Color flowed. While wet, I changed directions and added a darker color. Then, I added some wet red. The second one was used to pick up the "slops" of leftover wet inks.
I selected the first tile to work with this time, and I had a lot of fun working with two tangles from Ina Sonnenmoser: Ropuz Fill and 5C Drop. A tiny bit of Betweed, Tipple and a minimal amount of shading finished this tile.

The focus tangle for Square One on Facebook is to use Ida Lowenherz' Weben (this is on Flickr, so you might not be able to access it if you don't have an account).
And for another splash of color, a bit of Romancy, done with Copics.
Thanks for stopping by. I do love reading your comments!


  1. Terrific tiles! Love the colours used for the Diva challenge.

    1. Thank you, Deanne. I do love the way Distress Inks work with water on the Zentangle tiles.

  2. Lovely Tangles, I love the pastel look.

    1. Using the water color paper tiles with a lot of water does tend to soften the colors, Trudi. Lots of fun to play with colors!

  3. I love your diva-challenge tile. I wish i could learn to leave more natural space on my tiles instead of my internal need to fill it up!

    1. It is hard to learn to leave breathing spaces in tiles, Cyndee. You could try shading in some of the string areas as a reminder not to go there, with the option being, of course, to do so anyway if you just can't stand it, LOL!

  4. Love your Diva tile and the Romancy is great too!

    1. Thank you, Kate. I hope people will follow the link to Romancy. I don't do it justice myself, but it is a great technique to try.

  5. Nice results with beautiful pastel colours. I love your Romancy tile but also the tangles of Ina Sonnenmoser are fantastic, I'm a fan of her tangles too!

    1. Ina has some really nice tangles on her site, Ria. I spent this morning playing with these two more. There are just so many possibilities!

  6. Your tiles, Jean, are simply GREAT!! I really like your spills and tangles within the spills. Very nice work. I also really like your tile with Cubine and Footlights on top. Great idea. You really do good work.

    1. Thanks, Duane, for all those nice words! Made me smile :)

  7. Jean, you did great color on those "spill" tiles. I was going to use my tea in the morning, but completely forgot until I was rinsing out the cup. LOL. I'm going to have to try out something to do blues and purples. This was fun! I also like your Weben (yes, it does look somewhat like Cubine) with the Footlights on top - possibly maybe Skylights instead? :-) And your Romancy is great. I like your interpretation of it and the colors really add to it. Probably not one I'm going to try right away........I've got way too many others I want to use first. Have a great week! From a partly cloudy Northern California, with sunny days and 70 degree temps coming up. Woo Hoo!

    1. I have tried tea and coffee before, Melena, and didn't have enough staining happen for my taste. Once tangled, they kind of disappeared. I'll bet beet juice, grape juice, food coloring or Kool-aid would work well if you like a bit more color (as I do). We are enjoying our spring weather here. Only in the 80's or low 90's. Summer is on its way :)

  8. I do like that challenge tile Jean. It is so soft and friendly.

    1. Glad you liked it, Annemarie. The color is nice and soft. I used a gray pen to tangle keeping it even softer looking.

    2. Thanks Jean, for your more then kind words on my blog! Hugs, Annemarie

    3. Annemarie, my heart is heavy for your loss. I have always had pets. They are family members and it is always so hard to see them move on.

  9. Gorgeous work Jean! I love how the spill tile is composed and your Romancy tile is lovely;-)

  10. What a beautiful and different selection of tiles!

  11. I love your diva tile with the gray on soft pastel colours, that's such a nice effect! Also you offer lots of inspiration as you used many tangles that are new to me and look like they are worth a try.

    1. LOL, Heike! That's the teacher/enabler in me. I can't help myself :)

  12. Great variety of work and so colorful. You've illustrated some tangles I'm not familiar with and I'll have to try...btw, anyone can view flickr pages, just can't join the commentary. And yes, summer is pretty near, if 100 marks summer for us! c

    1. I didn't know that about flickr. Thanks for that info, Cheryl. I'm looking forward to it being hot enough to use the pool. That's summer to me :) We have crazy Canadian friends visiting soon and they will think the pool is warm enough for a swim. No thank you, LOL!

  13. Wonderful tiles all! Especially I like the first one ... it´s beautiful! I like the soft colours and your choice of tangles! Your Romanancy tile is lovely, too! I must try this technique!

    1. Thank you, Annette. Working with a grey pen was nice, and I may do more of it. Do follow the link for the Romancy to see how it can really look stunning :)

  14. Lovely soft colours in the Diva challenge, and beautiful flow of tangles! Thanks for sharing your technique.

    1. Thanks so much, Sue, and thanks for stopping by!

  15. Very effective spilling Jean, lovely touch with your tangles.

    1. Since I play with color as much as I do, Shelly, this way of using color almost comes naturally to me. I often use watercolors in this manner.

  16. There are so many ways to stain tiles and yours came out perfectly. I love the 2 main tiles you chose to fill the stains. I like your Romancy as well, fresh colors. Is Romancy now the official name?

    1. Very interesting question, Susie. I went backwards to see where I got that idea and it was from Margaret Bremner here:
      Then, I read the questions and answers and wound up with the Zentangle site I posted above, but they did not call it that. So, I searched further and saw, a link from the Diva herself calling it "Romanancy"
      So, no, I do not think it is "officially" a name at all.

    2. Oh Jean, I am so sorry to have been the one sending you on a wild goose chase all over the Internet, but I sleep much better now, knowing that I didn't miss the christening of our dear little no-name tangle so popular among many. Do we have a priest/priestess in the group who could make an honest tangle out of it?

    3. I actually enjoy an Internet search, Susie. I don't think it could be called a tangle, it's more of an odd shape which tangles could be added for an interesting effect. Just like dew drops are not tangles but more of an embellishment. I would think that if anyone wanted to really run with this, it might by Eni Oken. (I just emailed her about this fun technique. Maybe she will consider it.)

    4. What a great idea, Jean. If Eni accepts the bait, we are in for a huge eye opening surprise. My fingers are crossed.

    5. She has accepted, Susie. Yay!!!!

  17. I love the "flow" of your stained tiles, in every sense of the word! Your shading on the other two is wonderful. Your Romanancy is inspirational!!!
